Hey everyone! Excited to be back talking about part of the kitchen makeover today. Besides the new amazing countertops/quartz sink and the cabinet hardware which I’ve shown you all, there is something else cool to show you. And this could easily be a DIY project for you too. I just lucked out and had the guys who were doing the countertops do this too and knock it out in one shot. And I’m so thrilled we have a desk area in the kitchen now!!
Isn’t that so cool? I just love it. I love making any spot in our home functional, even if it’s just a small part of the wall. We don’t have much wall space in here because the breakfast room is all windows. And remember I used to have that little grey stand in here that I redid? Here’s a pic if you forgot.
I liked that stand (even though my lamp was too big), but as far as functional, it really wasn’t. It was a good spot to hold my chalk for the chalkboard, and then of course underneath that skirt is our internet router that I was trying to hide. But other than that, that’s about it.
When I first started the countertop job I wondered if it was possible if we could make a little desk area in that spot. And when the guys came over for the initial consult, they said sure and that it would be an easy job. I was SO excited. Excited that the kids will have a little space to work and draw on, a place for a laptop and a place where my husband can work too. Because he doesn’t really use my desk in the office. Probably because I’m always at it. :) And I am not calling this a kitchen command center because it is not that. This area is meant to stay clean and pretty and not a paper organizer.
Emma LOVES to draw and there always is paper and a journal on this desk but I cleaned it off for the photos. :) The only thing it doesn’t have is a little drawer underneath which we can always add later on if we want. But for now I just keep everything in the kitchen drawer to the left, and that works well.
When I envisioned our desk, I saw it as an extension of our countertops, like exactly what my mom has in her kitchen.
Ack sorry for all of the bluriness from her phone picture!
But anyway, I wanted our desk to drop down like hers as a little extension and built-in area.
So I just showed the guys that picture and that’s what they did, and I used the same measurements of the height of the desk as my moms too.
I was so pleased!
And this could be easily done in your home too but this is all they did. It looked really easy.
They nailed in the 2 corbels (that were custom built) and the support/brace on the back wall. Then they just nailed the wood pieces right on top.
Then all they had to do was put on the laminate just like they did the countertops and put on the special edge and that was it. And of course if you do this yourself, you’ll have to determine what support system you’ll need. If you are using granite or something heavier, naturally you will need some very heavy duty supports. And I didn’t have them build it all the way to the window. It’s actually an inch or inch and a half away from the edge of the window. Mostly so I can still hang long curtains there. Priorities y’all.
I painted the corbels the same as the wall color (SW Balanced Beige) so they blend in better instead of having white or something where it sticks out.
Now, since we do still keep our internet router down here (the wires connect up on the backsplash behind that wicker basket with the towels in it. Dumb, I know), I had them drill out a hole in the back of the desk so I could run cords and wires through easily.
The hole stays hidden from the lamp base. Sneaky.
But that does leave us with this mess still on the floor.
We are going to hang up a little shelf on the back wall underneath the desk that the router can fit it. Yes it’s annoying, but it’s a sacrifice and it’s only temporary. And luckily my big pretty chair covers it all. :)
Got that at Marshal’s for a steal and I love it! It’s SO comfy. I wanted to get one of those cute stools from Target that would slide in and out but that seating wouldn’t be tall enough for little kids.
Here are a few more pictures for you.
The chalkboard quote I found on Pinterest, but could not find a source. If you know of it let me know! But I just love our new little kitchen nook. It feels good to really use every inch of square feet in your home that you can. It’s kind of like we just added on another little mini office. Love it!
Do you have a little extra wall space where you could do something like this? I bet you can find something! I’ve always wanted something like this in our living room, but we literally only have 1 real wall in there. The other wall is windows, and the rest of the room is open. So the kitchen is the next best thing. :)
For more info on the laminate countertops read this post. And I promise guys–next week I will reveal the white kitchen!! Can’t wait. :)
Let’s Connect!

All the time I find something new to say: “I wish I had that”! What I would like to have first in my kitchen is a window. After I started my blog I thought that it would be great to have a small desk in my kitchen for my laptop so that not go up and down while I have to cook. I have to tell you that after this post I had a last glance in my kitchen and….unfortunatelly there is NO space even for a little desk like yours. Well, we can’t have everything right? Check out this post and you will understand what I am talking about: http://imagineyourhomes.wordpress.com/2013/02/16/do-you-have-window-in-your-kitchen/
I can’t wait to see the final picture of those cabinets! Your house has transformed so much since I first started reading here, it looks incredible!
Thanks so much Rebecca! My taste has changed a lot too since I first started blogging. Crazy!
I’ve seen brackets that attach to the underside of a desk to hold routers, etc. I wonder if that would work or would you hit it with your knee when you sit at the desk?
Yes that should work. The desk is very deep so no it shouldn’t be an issue with hitting it or anything. Yay!
I love it! What a fun and functional use of that small space.
Thank you Kari!
Wow I love that little desk! It would get a lot of use at our house! We have a window right next to the end of the counter though. Boo!
I also love the countertops. I honestly thought they were some sort of stone.
Thank you Lori! I’m glad they fool you. :)
You know… We have that, too. We have our cabinets end and a splotch of wall between that and the french doors. I wish they had put more cabinets and counter in that spot. You can never have too many cabinets or too much counter, right? I love what you did and I have to keep convincing myself it’s not marble.
Thanks so much Tammi! :)
Emily, I love the built-in desk and I really love that chair. I see you went with the all white kitchen. From what I see, it’s beautiful! Can’t wait to see the entire reveal!
Thank you Lori! Yes all white and so happy with it! :)
I love it!! Have you had your chair from Marshall’s for Awhile? I spotted one at my Marshall’s (southern ca) and went home to think about it, even took a pic of it, went back to get it and it was gone!! Total furniture heartbreak! Lol…and now I see it in your home!! Hahah I love everything in your kitchen!
Ha! I guess I’ve had it about a month now. I do love it. Maybe you can find one again. Try TJ Maxx too. I recently saw one very similar at Homegoods too. :)
I LOVE IT!!!! So functional and so very cute. You’ve got my wheels turning….
what a great little space. such a wonderful idea! it all looks so lovely!
That is awesome. We built a deck into our kitchen when we built our house and I love it too! (when it’s clean that is!) :)
Are the corbels big enough for support? My kids lean on EVERYTHING so I was just wondering how strong it is.
Can’t wait to see it all.
Your kitchen make-over turned out really nice. I like the handles you chose for the cupboards and the countertops and backsplash are perfect!
That’s a cute desk.
Your kitchen looks amazing, I love everything you’ve done! I also love the saying you wrote on your chalkboard, it is so true! It helps me remember my blessings!
Everyone is right. You can’t tell that the countertop isn’t granite or marble. It looks very nice.
I was thinking about your cord/router issue.
A very thin little cabinet (like a medicine cabinet size) would work under there.
Small holes in the top would allow cords and plugs to go up through to the desk area. The door would hide the shelf with the router, the excess cords, and the outlet. It would be easy to open when you need to get to the outlet or router but could be made to blend right in with the wall.
I love this post, and it came at the perfect time. We are ready to replace our countertops too, hopefully within the next couple of weeks. I also live in the Houston area and tried to call Craftmasters to set up a consultation. I couldn’t get a hold of them earlier today, and their listed phone # won’t allow me to leave a message. Since you’ve been working with them, do you have a good # for them that I can call?
Much appreciated!
Hey Christen, sometimes their phone is weird and may take a few tries. I don’t know why though! If you still can’t get hold of them let me know and I’ll call. Is this the number you are calling? Craftmasters
(713) 779-8677
Yep, that’s the number I tried. But, I’ll try it again today. Thanks!
I was going to suggest to you to put a little book rack on the side of the cabinet for your daughters books but not sure it will work if the chair is very big. I love it. Good job!
I love your desk and so can’t wait to see the whole kitchen, the suspense is killing me!!
Emily! That looks great and so functional! Great idea to use your mom’s as a reference.
I can’t believe you did that! Amazing!! I’m so impressed!
We LOVE this – it is perfect for our space. Can you give me the exact demisions of the counter please? Thanks much!
Do you know the brand of chair? I absolutely love it! Thanks
I don’t know…it was at Homegoods.
I am so thankful that you posted a picture of your desk space. I have a space about the same size and I wanted a desk space…my husband said it was to small. Now I get to show him your beautiful and functional space. Mini desk space is happening soon at my house. Thanks again.