We did something different this year and bought a real flocked Christmas tree!! And when I mentioned that on Facebook some of you haven’t heard of a flocked tree! You know, the ones that look like snow is on them? Maybe that’s a Southern thing since we don’t get snow? Anyway, I love it, and didn’t want to decorate it because it was already beautiful.
I kept the tree all white and silver. I used my white ornaments that I paid $3 for at a yard sale last year. It was the score of the season.
Here’s the tree in the day without any lights.
It looks pretty realistic to me. The “snow”, that is. And that’s of course the mantel peeking through on the left.
For the topper I improvised on an old topper my cousin made for me a few years back (the same cousin that did my non-wreath), and cut out all of the red that was in it, and kept the gold part of it then stuck in a few pieces of silver swag so it matched the tree. So easy!
And of course Christmas trees are most magical at night with the lights all glowy.
It’s one of my favorite trees yet. But…I’m not sure how good our tree is going to look come actual Christmas. The bottom branches are already pretty droopy and touching the floor and I have to keep trimming them. I guess that’s from the weight of the flocking on the branches maybe? Not sure. But I’m still glad we got one. Next year I just won’t get it as early as we did this year.
For some bokeh shots I did of our tree be sure and check out this post. So fun!
Have you ever heard of a flocked tree? Do you like them? My mom told me she heard they were “in” this year and I had no clue. I just woke up one morning and decided I wanted a flocked tree this year so we went and got one. I guess that makes me in the cool club if they are in this year…?
I can’t believe Christmas is so close! Sharing this post at Sarah’s Christmas Tree party.
Let’s Connect!

Thank you!
Gorgeous! I am so jealous of your real flocked tree! It looks perfect with your simple white ornaments!
Thanks so much Trisha!
So amazingly elegant… looks like an ANGEL tree! I can never get my ribbons to look like that! Mine always look like my tree is lamely trying to play dress up… I just want to stare at your tree all day long… ahhhh
Hahaha! That made me laugh. Just mess around with that mesh stuff. You can’t mess it up. :)
Beautiful! I must be older than you bc “flocked” trees were very popular in the 70s, when I was growing up. Of course, they were always artificial in our house and didn’t look nearly as fabulous as yours! Hope it stops drooping and makes it to Christmas for you.
Ha thank you Terri!
that’s beautiful! I’ve always loved those trees but never bought one. yours looks great.
Thanks so much Andrea :)
That is a beautiful tree!! I love everything about it, and love that deco mesh. I used that on my tree this year too, only like garland. I think I have an addiction to the stuff!
The mesh is so cool isn’t it? I used to be intimidated by it because I thought I would mess it up, but that’s the great thing about it is that you really can’t mess it up. :)
LOVE your tree! I have an artificial flocked tree and just love love love the way they look every year all dressed up. Yours is phenomenal! Definitely glad I follow you!
So sweet Kimberly thank you! I’d love to have a flocked artificial one too.
I am in LOVE with flocked trees!!! Yours is STUNNING. I especially like the ribbon or mesh that your used. I like how it’s vertical on the tree, and not horizontal.
Aw thanks Wendy! Yes that’s the mesh stuff. I really like how easy it is to work with.
Beautiful tree! Remember to give it lots of water to keep it happy!
Thanks Leanne!
Wow… that is just stunning. I love how you did the garland! This is one of the most beautiful trees I have ever seen.
You’re so sweet thank you Kris!!
We flock our trees each year. We make the flocking mixture with Ivory soap flakes and water; beating it with a hand mixer. Then we take it by the handful and spread it on the tips of the branches with the other hand under the branch. It always turns out beautifully!
Oh wow I’d love to try that sometime!
Maybe it’s because I’m from WAY down South, but I definitely know all about the flocked tree. It’s more than likely the only way us poor Southerners will ever have a white Christmas, lol. Your tree is stunning, to say the least! I love the design, and especially how you used the mesh and topped with that beautiful piece (from your cousin). This cousin must be one crafty lady too. It’s beautiful and I hope you and your family get a whole lot of enjoyment from it this season.
Thank you so much Trinity! Yay for Southerners. :) Love your name btw!
The most stunning tree ever, it’s gorgeous. I’ve seen them here the past few years in New York but all artificial.
Simply stunning!
Hugs, Lori m
Aww thank you Lori!! So fun to know you are from NY now. I LOVE New York. :)
How Beautiful!! I’ve been wanting a flocked tree for a couple years now..or just an all white artificial one, either way! It looks gorgeous great job!
Thank you Nora! I’m going to see if I can find a good deal on a white artificial one after Christmas. :)
Thanks Angie!
That is absolutely gorgeous, Emily! One of the prettiest trees I’ve ever seen!
We are getting a real tree tomorrow. Where do you get flocked trees? I’ve never seen them around?
Thanks Traci! Usually your local nurseries will have them, but they are more expensive there. We got ours at one of those tree lots just set up on the side of the road. Do y’all have those in KY? They are just mom and pop owned and have good prices. If you don’t see a flocked one you like that they’ve already done, you can pick out your tree and they can flock how you like it. At least that’s how it is at mine. Good luck! :)
It’s just stunning Emily!!! It looks like powdered sugar and magic :)
Yes! Powdered fairy dust. :)
GORGEOUS! I have never heard of a flocked tree until now. I’d seen them but didn’t know what they were called. Most certainly didn’t know they were REAL! I LOVE it! And the simple decor really sets it off. Great job!
Beautiful tree!!!
I am from Louisiana and I loved getting the flocked tree’s. I now live in Oklahoma and they do not have flocked tree’s here so my husband and I take the snow cans that you spray on the windows and we spray our tree with that. It looks like it was flocked, but I miss the real thing.
Beautiful!!! How many mesh did you use?
Northern Illinois folks know what a flocked tree is.Live in Ok now and I haven’t seen one! LOVE them!
Question: I have always loved the way flocked trees look, and in California they are much more expensive than plain trees. Was it messy? The flocking? And did it last as long as a regular tree? Thanks!
yes the flocking does last long, but did get very messy at the end. Especially when you try and take lights off! And yes they are a lot more expensive than regular green trees. But the tree lasted the season!
I saw flocked trees being sold the other night on one of the shopping channels….QVC I think. They were saying they were made a lot better than before and hardly lose any of the flocking when you put them up. They really looked good!!!
Dear Emily,
We absolutely love your tree and we are trying to duplicate it somewhat this year!! We are in Central Texas and flocked trees are something we have used for as long as I know of, LOL. I have a question about the mesh. I am wondering how you managed to get it to pouf out the way you did. It looks so lovely, and we are trying to get ours to do that, but it is not cooperating very well. Advice would be greatly appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and I know that you will with the gorgeous tree and ornaments you have in your home. I am sure your family and friends will enjoy all the beautiful decorating you have done for them!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God Bless You and Your Family,
Really — some people didn’t know what a live flocked three was? Holy Hathor! I’m not into live trees (too messy and inconvenient for a single person with no car) but I HAVE been thinking about doing something next year to my now 7 or 8 year old artificial tree. I’ve seen lots of tutorials on how to make “fake snow” flocking but I’m actually thinking about just using the old-fashioned spray on stuff and take the lazy woman’s way. Well, I don’t even know if it is made anymore. I remember it as a kid (and I’m 62 now, so there ya go). Regardless, your tree is gorgeous. Where does one find a whole tree’s worth of ornaments for $3? Really? Obviously I’m living wrong!