To satisfy my love of all kinds of different styles and colors, I decided to do board and batten on the one big wall in our upstairs multipurpose room. :) The upstairs will have a different vibe than the downstairs, and I think that’s so fun! Probably a design rule no-no, but I don’t follow rules. :)
I know I just showed you all the other day what this room looked like, but here it is again.
And new paint and several battens later, here it is now (remember this room is not decorated yet)…
I’m singing “Isn’t She Lovely” right now. :)
This was a very easy project and went very smoothly, but I say that because I had the guys at Home Depot cut it all. Haha. I wasn’t charged for the cuts though! I took all of my measurements with me, and decided to go with the lattice strips for the battens like Thrifty Decor Chick did in her big boy’s room. One, because they are cheap, and second, because they don’t stick out from the baseboards. I’ll show you in a bit how they sit perfectly on top of the baseboards. She really is a clever gal!
BUT wait, I think I was pretty clever too because I thought to use a thick door casing that looks like nice molding instead of a plain wood board going across. Why you ask? Well, because it’s more decorative, AND because it gives me the plate ledge to display pretties on! I’ll show you that further down too. I haven’t seen anyone do this, but if you have, you are very smart. :)
The lattice I used for the battens at .66 per foot…
And the casing I used for the ledge at $1.50 p/ft.
I had each batten cut 4 1/2 ft tall. My wall is 17 ft and 1 inch long, so they cut 2 of the casing boards to get it the right length so I could just joint them together. Everything fit perfectly when I got it home. I love that!!
So all of this was only $70.00
Not bad! And no those aren’t my calves in that photo. I sure wish they were though.
I put all of the battens up with tape until I could nail them all in with a nail gun. I spaced them 12 inches apart, and used a spacer that size to make it easier.
And whenever I hit an outlet, I just simply “jumped” it like it wasn’t there. :) I know my Dad is cringing right now at my mathematical spacing skills, or lack thereof, but that’s ok because it doesn’t bother me. So yes, a few of my battens aren’t exactly 12 inches apart, but most of them are. :) A quote from my Dad, “I prefer uniform spacing, but you like the occasional random placement.” Yes Dad, you finally understand me!!
Here are the battens all up.
And with the casing on top…
See how perfectly they fit on top of the baseboards?
Then it was just a matter of caulking, painting it all out with a semi-gloss white paint, and more caulking, so here are lots of pictures. The paint for the walls is Sherwin Williams “Oyster Bay.” LOVE this color. It’s a nice blue/gray, and really love it at night. Lots of gray comes through. I almost went all gray but chickened out. My heart said blue-gray. :)
Shut me up already!!
And one more showing how the battens sit on top of the baseboards…
And that’s it folks! I hope this little tutorial was enough oomph for you if you have been wanting to try this. This was a very easy project I promise!! Did I mention I did EVERYTHING all by myself, paint and all??! My husband did help me touch up the paint all around the room thank goodness, because I was d.o.n.e. with paint. Painting ceilings is hard. Well not really hard, just a pain. He also took care of little girl so I could “get er’ done!” That was a huge help.
And no, of course this isn’t “true” board and batten, but it’s a heck of a lot cheaper and looks just fine to me!
Now comes the fun part…decorating the room! :)
*Update – This room still looks like this and it’s been almost a year now! Yikes, better get on that.*
Let’s Connect!

looking real good… Can’t wait for the finale! hugs, JENN
Thanks so much Jenn! It’s gonna be a while before the finale. Ha!
magic story very thanks little loli virgin model 863713
How would you like the money? Nn Lolita Bbs
I’m from England Nn Model Sierra
I am SO in love with this look! I’ve been thinking about doing something like this for quite awhile now. It looks so easy and turns out great!
Thanks Sherri! It really is. You can totally do it. :)
OK, you have just shown me how I’m going to do my bedroom AND hallway!! THANKS!!!!
Haha well great, I’m glad!! :)
wonderful! filing it away on my sometime soon to-do list. ;)
Thanks Ashley! Those lists can get quite long. :)
It.Looks.AMAZING!!! Fabulous job!
Thanks so much Stephanie!!
ABSOLUTELY LOVE this look. I wish that I wasn’t moving into an apartment for the next 12 years (Navy moves) because that would be too precious in a nursery!
Aww thanks Hannah! It would be nice in a nursery too! :)
Wow you did an awesome job! I love the cutting service at Home Depot, a girls gotta take advantage of that right? I think this board and batten goes with any style, it won’t look out of place with the rest of your house. Love the ledge you freely created and the paint color!
Thank you so much Stephanie! Yes, I think girls definitely have the advantage of getting free cuts. haha.
looks great and i would have made sure my top piece was broad also i love stuff and this is a great way to display it….again vn job
Thank you so much Chris! The ledge is so handy I just love it!
Looks wonderful! I am gonna have to try this myself ;o)
Thanks Susan! Yes, do it!!
Thanks for doing the tutorial. I’m working on my very first trim project with my new nail gun, and I am loving it. I think I need to try this in at least one room in my house. Yours turned out beeeautiful!! Love the blue gray. :)
Thank you Kara! Oh lucky you! Have fun with your new toy. :)
I am impressed. This looks terrific! I am scared to start something like this but you inspire me!
Thanks Carmie! Don’t be scared! I promise you can do it. And what’s the worst that could happen? Just a few nails in the wall that you can fill in. But you won’t have to do that because it will turn out great! :)
That looks amazing! I cannot wait to own my own home just so I can do this! lol And with the room on the top to place pictures….That would be my favorite room! Great job!
Thank you so much Kelley! Yea, home ownership has it’s advantages. Haha. If you mess something up, you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble! :)
I am lovin’ this look, thanks for all the details, this is what I have planned for my family room…wish me LUCK!!
Thanks Stefanie and good luck! You’ll do great. :)
Love this! Such a simple but elegant solution and it looks beautiful. The ledge for propping is just a big ol’ fat PLUS! I am thinking of doing this in my master bath, tx for the idea.
Thank you so much Ann! The ledge is my favorite part!!
This looks so good! I like the paint color too. We must have been in math class together, b/c that is my kind of math. It makes my husband cringe.
LOL, that’s funny. I HATE math!
But thank you! :)
It looks fantastic. You are very smart! ;) I love the little shelf feature. Nice!
Thank you so much Miranda!! :)
I think you’ve just shown me how my upstairs hallway will be done next summer (or maybe over Christmas break). My summer is waning to a close here and now I’m more focused on getting school decorating and crafts completed.
Looks wonderful!
Well great, I’m so glad!! :)
Thank you so much!
Would you believe that I thought of this very same thing a year ago? We moved into our new house and I ADORE craftsmen home design and wanted to do this application in my sons room. I wanted it to have a pottery barn kids feel. All I needed was for my ubby to sign off on the idea and he is very visual so I tacked some paintstick to the wall along with a piece of moulding and painted over it. That stinker wouldn’t go for it!!! GRRR!! he hated how he wall was still textured. Ugh!
This room is simply gorgeous now!! I am so jealous! You have excellect vision and I just looove everything you do! Great job!
You are a smart cookie Emily! :) Too bad he has to approve it. I’d be in big trouble if I had to clear things with my hubby. haha.
Thank you so much you are so sweet!!
Well done! I love having a ledge on top. I did that myself in out back entry at our old house. Also, in a bath but instead of a casing I used two 1x pieces a wide one flat against the wall to add hooks and then a narrow one on top for the ledge. But the casing makes it much faster!
Thanks Anita! I bet yours was lovely! And yes, I need the quickest way to get things done around here with my little girl, and the casing seemed like the perfect solution. :)
Nice work, I am such a board and batten lover! It really makes the room look amazing! :-)
Thanks so much Melissa! I love it too and want it everywhere. :)
Looks great and you cannot tell from the photos that they are not all perfectly spaced. Please tell me if you wind up sitting on the couch and the one or two that are not spaced at the perfect 12 inches end up screaming at you. I’m a perfectionist and have to sometimes get up & re-arrange things that are not perfectly spaced or angled or whatever……even on the Christmas tree. Yeah, I need help, I know.
LOL, it doesn’t bother me at all. I am a perfectionist also, to a degree, but a lazy one. :)
It’s looking fantastic! I love Board & Batten!
Thank you so much!
I love that look!! Oh, I wish I could do things like that in our apartment. For now, I’m storing up ideas for when we get back in a house! The new paint really lightens up the room too. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Thank you so much! Hopefully you’ll be in a house soon so you can start playing. :)
Very nice! Love that color on the walls!
Thank you Rosa!
Looks fantastic! Loving the “Oyster Bay” too!
Thank you! :)
looks great, and thanks for the tutorial. i love this sort of shortcut way of getting a great look!
Thank you! Yes, I’m all about shortcuts. :)
I’ve been planning on doing this in my main room for a while now. But I have this awful baseboard that doesn’t have a nice flat top. So first I have to replace all of that! UGH! I’d love it if you stopped by Topsy Turvy Tuesdays!
Thank you Ashlee! What a bummer about your baseboards. :(
I’ll stop by tomorrow! :)
During the remodeling almost all of the baseboards got ripped off SOOOO I get NEW baseboards and now I think I’ll be able to do it! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday’s!
A true Board & Batten beauty! What great tips… I’m “hoping” to do our family room with board & batten… I’ll have to check out the supplies next time I’m at HD. I had to cut the bottoms of all the slats when I did the bathroom… not a huge deal, but my family room is much bigger than the bathroom. Enjoy your lovely room… can’t wait to see it all finished!
Apparently I wasn’t signed in… it was from me! :) A true Board & Batten beauty! What great tips… I’m “hoping” to do our family room with board & batten… I’ll have to check out the supplies next time I’m at HD. I had to cut the bottoms of all the slats when I did the bathroom… not a huge deal, but my family room is much bigger than the bathroom. Enjoy your lovely room… can’t wait to see it all finished!
Thank you so much Maryann! Oh I hope you get to do it in your family room too. That will be amazing! :)
That looks sooo goooood! Aren’t you smart to use the door casing?! It looks GREAT! Thanks for tutorial, just in case I ever get around to doing a little bit of this myself.
Aww thank you so much!! I hope you get to try it out! :)
i had to put this in my post today!!
You’re too sweet. Thank you so much!
It look sooo good! I really want this in my 1/2 bath…I need to just go for it. I can’t wait to see the completed room! P.S. I don’t like rules either ;)
Thank you so much. Yes, just go for it! You can do it! :)
Wowie, Emily!! Your multipurpose room is coming along beautifully! LOVE LOVE LOVE that board and batten! It looks absolutely amazing! I’m planning my own B&B installation – and seeing yours makes me want to start this second! Love that color blue, too. Perfect job, as always!! :)
Aww Amanda you’re so sweet. Thank you so much!! I think you and I might be related…we seem to be doing the same stuff around the same time. haha. But your stuff is way cooler. :)
It really looks wonderful – you did a great job. And smart. :)
Thank you so much Kim, you’re so sweet!!
Okay, I need to stop reading your blog because you just keep giving me more projects I want to do! Well, and that you do them so fast that I only think of how much I am not doing. The room looks great! I love your color choice! I didn’t notice that color when I was at SW. I picked out all my colors at SW but didn’t get that one. How do you paint? I’ve just been using a roller and brush but I have read about a roller that feeds the paint through so you don’t have to keep going to the pan. It just seems to take me forever to paint. I bought a spray painter but after reading reviews online might return it. I’m loving all your projects and paint color choices, looks great!
LOL, I have to do everything fast with a little one around. But thank you so much! This color is actually the swatch right next to the rainwashed one if you have a SW color swatch book. It has more gray in it.
I just use an old fashioned roller and pan too. Nothing elaborate. It does take a while to paint, you’re not alone. :) A thing I do use that is VERY handy is the Shur-Line Edger. I use that to cut in all the walls and it gets very straight lines, no taping required, then I roll on the paint with the roller. Then I touch up with a brush where necessary.
Beautiful job!!! What a great start to your room! Loved your “jumping the outlets” part : ) Totally sounds like something I would do and would make my contractor husband cringe for sure. I think it looks artistic that way ; ) Way to go.
Haha thank you! Yes, artsy is a great way to describe it! :) It’s more “custom” that way. :)
It looks amazing!!! Totally outstanding!
Thank you so much Brandy!!
Looks great…you’ve inspired me to do this when I do my living room redo soon!!!
Thank you Lynn! Yours will turn out great!!
She IS lovely! I’m really impressed with your project! And I love the blue-grey, it’s a lovely shade:) Looking forward to seeing how you decorate it.
Thank you so much Megan! :) The decorating part will be a while.
Your board and batten looks great. I love the color you’ve chosen! Your room is looking a lot like my master bedroom makeover and I love it! I cann’t wait to see your room all decorated!
Thank you Joy! Yes, our paint colors are very similar. :)
Love this! It looked so complicated… until your broke it down tutorial style as to how you accomplished it. It looks doable, like something I could actually do. Inspiring!
Thank you Jeralee! It is very doable I promise. Let me know if you have any questions. It was probably so easy because I didn’t have to cut anything myself. That helped tremendously. :)
Thanks for linking up to the Mad Skills party this week!
My pleasure! Thanks for the party. :)
You did a great job. I love it!
Thank you so much Pam!
It looks sooooo awesome! I love how it looks in that room. (And the Sherwin Williams paint is great!!) You made this project look so easy, but I’d be afraid to try. You did such a good job!
Thank you so much Nancy!! It really was easy I swear. And don’t be scared to try it if you wanted to. It was so easy because I didn’t have to cut anything myself. Just get some good measurements and take them to HD. :)
Wow Em, great job! Can’t wait to see how your going to decorate the room and I’m just loving that color. :)
Thank you so much Claudia! I’m really diggin’ it too. :)
I love what you did with the walls.
I find normal walls kind of boring. When I did my baby’s room I had my husband put a chair rail around the room and painted the rail and wall below white and a different colour above.
Thanks Livy! Haha, yea, normal walls are boring aren’t they? I bet your boy’s room is amazing! I like the 2-toned look too. :)
Your pictures and easy tutorial has made me want to give this a try.
Oh good Kathy! I hope you try it out! :)
It looks great and I LOVE the wall color!
Thank you Ali!!
Love it all, another job well done! Can you please give me a lesson about caulking? What type did you use and how did you get it to look so smooth? Do you paint over it, or do it after? Thanks Friend!
Thank you so much Becky!
For this room I used the caulking in a tube. If you look at my “fake wainscoting” post, there is a picture posted of what I used. It’s easier to work with than a caulking gun. Just depends on the project. I just squirt a thin line, then take my finger and smooth it out. Once you try it you’ll understand better what I’m talking about. Keep plenty of damp paper towels handy so you can keep a clean finger. You can also smooth it out with the damp paper towel also. Then you let the caulking dry, and paint over it. So yes, caulk and fill in everything first, then paint.
Let me know if you have any other questions! :)
This looks great! Love it! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!
And link up all you want for more chances to win 30 days FREE ad space!
Thank you so much Ginger!!
I am so glad you posted this. We are relocating and will be purchasing a new home, and it will need some great architectural details on the cheap. Thank you for the inspiration.
Oh good Chris, I’m so glad! Have fun decorating your new place. :)
It looks PERFECT! Beautiful paint color too. How exciting.
Thank you so much Lisa!!
It looks fabulous! I was thinking how lucky you were that you’re outlets happened to be in the right places. Now I know that they weren’t ;-). I couldn’t tell from the pics that you just jumped. Great job. thanks for sharing.
LOL thank you! Glad you can’t tell. :)
Beautiful! We’re about to start making over our basement and I’ve been wondering how it would look to do just one B&B wall instead of all of them. Guess you answered my question – looks great! Thanks for the tips on exactly what lumber to use too.
Oh well great! I’m glad I answered your question. The walls in that room are kind of wonky so I just decided to do the one big wall. Can’t wait to see your basement!
awesome…something I’ve always wanted to do….but I seem to stick with green…I do LOVE the blue though. Yall did a great job! :)
Thank you Aubrey!!
That looks amazing! I need to stay away from YOUR and all of the other DIYers sites out there because I’m ready to re-do my entire freaking house. Not good. Not good at all. You’re good. Not me. Not my desire to re-do things. Keep it up. You suck for making me want to re-do things.
LOL, thanks Megan, I think? Haha. Yes blogs are dangerous. I should stay away from them too! Wait, or am I one of “them” now? haha
This is fantastic! I didn’t even realize that it was just paint between the batten’s! Awesome job!
Ah well good, I’m glad I fooled you! ;) Thank you so much!
It looks super!! Your tutorial is the easiest for me to understand. I’ve read over some others and felt like I’d still need my husband to help, but the way you put it, I really think this is something I could tackle while he’s at work. Thanks so much for sharing it!
That looks amazing! I love the blue gray, and using door casing was genius.
I’m going to have to bite the bullet and do this.
I have been wanting to try this in my office / craft room, but wasn’t sure how it would turn out as the walls have a light texture like yours. Your room looks fabulous though! The room I want to do it in already has a chair rail, so I would only need the vertical strips of wood. I do not have a nail gun though, I wonder how long it would take to nail those up by hand?
Awesome, thanks for the tutorial and for sharing. I really want to do this in my bathroom and dining room.
I could not love that color more!! Oyster Bay…making mental note ;)
Thanks for linking at gettin’ crafty on hump day! :)
I *heart* this!! Thanks for the great tutorial. Rebecca
I am so happy that I came across this tonight…my hubby and I are getting ready to do the same treatment to our master bedroom. I can’t wait and it is definitely getting me even more inspired to get off my duff and get it done!
ABSOLUTELY beautiful!! I love it, and the color is amazing! My first board & batten attempt was a disaster! Thanks for showing the lattice, I will definitely look for that!
You make it look so easy – I know it’s not hard, but it is time consuming! Well worth it – it’s fantastic!
I’m a big fan! It looks great. I’ve been debating whether or not to go with tall board and batten in my dining room or box wainscoting. Your post has me leaning towards the former!
What hard work.. It looks amazing..
I am dying to do this in my bedroom and living room and had a carpentry come give me an estimate of him doing it-around $400! that is way too much for a little extra “eye candy”. i’d rather save that for something needed like re-doing our outdated bathroom. but anyways-i have a few questions cuz you really gave me inspiration and courage to try this-or at least with my husbands help.:) i couldn’t tell if you put up new baseboards or not? my baseboards seem like they are not as thick depth wise. did you try different sizes for the batten?thanks for your help. i love your room! i am in love with beadboard and board and batten-i think if i can do this in one room it might be the start of a very long project doing all other rooms in our house.:)
thanks again!
I LOVED your tutorial. We were talking about doing a Beadboard finish in one of our bathrooms, but I think this might be EASIER, CHEAPER AND BETTER! Thanks so much for your post and your excellent tutorial, too.
I love that look–might use it in my basement rec. room, looks very easy too!
Great job and the finished product is so very charming. Good for you for taking on the challenge and running away with it!!
Susan and Bentley
I love your new room, it looks great! Can you tell me what paint color you used?
Well-thought-out and brilliant! It lifts the whole room.
wow! i love that look! you did a great job! i think you just motivated me to try this in one of my rooms! (all of the other ways i’ve seen this were just too pricey!)
This is Lovely :-) I am hosting a jewelry giveaway on my blog. Would love for you to visit.
Beautiful! Great Idea I may try it myself now! thank you
I love the wainscoting and the color you chose for your wall rocks!!
Wow, looks great! Unfortunately I have dinky little baseboards that nothing can sit on top of…but I will just keep admiring yours!
Beautiful! I want to do this too, but our baseboard trim is super thin. I’m not sure what is up with it, but I don’t think any piece of board would be thin enough to line up.
Beautiful! I love the color for the walls, Oyster Bay, I will have to check that color out! I need to find a place to put some board and batten in my house! It looks great, thanks for the tutorial!!!
Looove it, your room looks awesome! Thanks for sharing and the tutorial, it was fun to see each step! You did a wonderful job! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
I love it! The color you chose for the wall really sets it off and the wainscoting looks so pretty! It looks great!
Very nice! We’ve been wanting to do this to our den for a while. Hopefully we can get to it this fall. I love the idea of having the ledge to display photos and artwork! Great job!
$70??!!?? All that fabulousness for $70?? I’m so inspired!! I love it!
It’s perfect! I LOVE THE COLOR! And to be able to use it as a little ledge? You did SUCH a fabulous job on this! It’s going to make me want to try it…. thanks so much for linking this up to my party! -shaunna :)
Great tutorial! I just did a post about some of the inspiration out there. Love how you used the thin strips to fit on the base. Beautiful!
Love Love Love your board & batten. Can’t wait til the sun comes up…….I’m headed to Home Depot! Thanks for your inspiration.
What a beautiful job! I started taking measurement for my front room last night. I went to the Depot and they want to charge $.50 a cut after the first 2!!!!! I’m wondering if this is an individual store policy or if I should try a different location or even Lowes? That’s an outrageous amount of money when you add up all the cuts! How did you get yours cut for free? Thanks!
I featured you because you’re awesome!
Feel free to grab a button if you want. :)
Thank you so much for this. Your site has been a wealth of information for projects that have been rumbling around in my head for a while. And I’ve found we’ve had some similar ideas, so it’s nice to meet someone on the same wavelength–along with all other linked ladies!
The House of Healy
I love it! IT looks so good I think I will do it in my bedroom and the color is fantastic!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! We’ve been trying to figure out a wainscotting solution for our front hallway…but I want CHEAP! Lol. AND our house is old so nothing is square. This would work PERFECTLY! Thank you.
Hmmm, not sure if I like this or not. Would it be alright if I showed up on your doorstep with my suitcase and stayed a few weeks in this room? I’m very indecisive…lol.
Just kidding…it’s MARVELOUS!!!!!! Aren’t nailguns….just the coolest?
I have been wanting to faux board and batten since I saw it in a model home. I like your method! A question for you, what was your thinking on the ends of the wall? I have a big main room with a really long plain (so far) wall. Because the room blends into living/dining/kitchen with no clear stopping points, I wanted to do just to the long wall only. I was wondering if I should put boards right in the edge/corner of the wall, or leave some space for plain wall before a board. Your thoughts? It was hard to see how you did it.
Hi Rebecca, since I just did that one big wall too, I would not put it right next to the edge. That’s just my opinion though. I left a little space. Hope that helps! There really is no right or wrong..just hold up a piece of your batten and see what you like the look of better. Good luck! :)
This is perfect for me, I’ve been wanting to do this but was hesitant! Thanks for posting this?
I noticed wooden yardsticks are 61 cents each at Home Depot. i wonder if they can be used for lattice and just cut down if needed since they are 36 inches.
Its me again! Just letting you know I am featuring this project on somewhatsimple tomorrow (Monday.) I love this- please come do it for me in my house! :)
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I love this site….can’t wait to get home from work and see what diy project to take on next!…lol
I’m visiting from A to Z and your idea about the door casing is genius!!! I am so going to try this! The wall color is beautiful too. Thank you so much for sharing!
Loved your tutorial. It made the most sense for my baseboards as they aren’t that deep. I just bought all of my supplies at Home Depot (though they are a little more expensive here) and plan to finish it within a week. I ended up getting real wood that is 1/4 inch thick and 2.5 inches wide for the battens, but got the exact same trim for the top! Thanks so much!! You can see where it will go if you go to my blog and look up my laundry room. is my TOP3 website!
[url=]iphone 5[/url]
FAB! I am doing this with pieces of lathe for 39 cents each. They are a little rough so the look is not as clean but I am going for farmhouse chic so it works.
Love what you did! I’ve been wanting to do something similar in my bedroom but had no idea where to start. Thanks for the fabulous pix and descriptions! You GO girl.
This is SUCH a great idea! I have a long dining/living room wall and have been torn with what to do with it. This will surely be the fix! Love the paint color also.
Love this project! Dumb question – where did you do the caulking?
I love this!! Thank you so much for the tutorial. I have been wanting to do something like this in my dining room – with the same blue-gray paint and everything! This will be a fun project! :)
This is Natalie from Ontario Canada! I just love all your projects and especially this one. I want to do it in my living room and family room. I have a question and would love your home is pretty much open concept. the Living room is a separate and has a door opening to the kitchen prep area….from there you look to the eating area and to the left of the eating area is the Family room. Do you think it would look good if I did this board and batten in my living room and family room but not include the kitchen and eating area? I am also planning on putting it on my staircase wall. Will that be too much? I just love it and would put it everywhere LOL..thanks for your advice..much appreciated Natalie!
I have a question I love the look that you have created instead of using bead board. I want to do my grandaughters whole bedroom with this look. Should I do the whole room or just a main wall behind the bed?
Thank you so much for this tutorial! I found you via Young House Love’s link up the other day for board & batten. I’ve long loved this style but thought it would look odd since my walls have a texture to them but I was glad to see your walls up close. I can see it still looks great!
I love the bead board look also but it’s far more expensive to buy those sheets than to create this look here. :)
Looks great! I want to do this in my bathroom, but I don’t get what you are nailing into? Will nails hold in the drywall when you’re not going into a stud? I always wondered about this.
well since those battens are so light and thin, they will hold in the wall if I don’t hit a stud. Especially after you caulk everything too.
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What size nails did you use?
just regular finishing nails
I have been wanting to put up wainscoting in my family room and this is exactly what I am going to do. I love this! My only questions is, where exactly did you do the caulking?
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I love your room! I’m about to start this project in our home but cannot find those strips. Can you tell me what the are exactly? My local Home Depot doesn’t seem to have them. I’m in Toronto, canada…maybe that’s why?
Very inspiring!!
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Thank you for posting this! I just bought a house and wanted to make the living room (which is actually a converted sun porch) more cozy. The downside I was brinking on broke because we closing is expensive. Your tip
To use the lattice strips saved me almost $100! The final product is amazing!! I am so happy with it! Thank you
Yay I’m so glad!!
Love this! You mentioned that you did caulking. Where did you do it and why? Thank you! :)
On all of the edges, that touch the wall. You do this so you don’t see any gaps between the wood and the wall.
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