It’s true. A romper. Like in a little girl’s outfit romper/onesie thing. You can find inspiration from many things such as magazines, pillows, fabrics, and in this case, my little baby’s outfit!
Is that not the cutest thing?? The outfit. And the baby.
Why didn’t I think of this combination before? Navy+Coral? I’ve mentioned my love of aqua and coral several times and even have my laundry room those colors, but I didn’t think to do something in our home with navy & coral. I have always loved navy and white. It’s never going out of style. And to throw coral and orange with it is just lovely. And I just can’t resist little sailor outfits for my girls. They are ADORABLE. You could say I have a slight sailor fetish but that sounds terrible.
And obviously I’m not alone on this color combo because I started looking on the www (giggle) and found lots of pretty inspiration with navy and coral. Or navy and orange, whatever you want to call it. I love every single thing about this room below.
Image Via Tobi Fairley
This one is pretty great too.
Image Via Mix and Chic
I couldn’t find a source for this next one, so if you happen to know let me know so I can credit them.
Image Via Amanda Nisbit
Beautiful right? Navy makes me happy and that blue tufted chesterfield sofa would be so happy in our home. And ummm, don’t be surprised if you see this color combo pop up around here soon. Maybe it already has. ;) And I dare you to try and guess maybe where. Y’all do know I am a lunatic right? Fair warning. :)
So what do you think about navy and coral? Do you love it? Navy and white is just so clean and pretty looking. And it doesn’t have to be nautical if you don’t want a nautical feel! I’m pretty certain if I ever have a boy that he will have a blue and white nautical room. :)
Let’s Connect!

Looks like that last one is an Amanda Nisbet design and was designed for a 6,000 sq ft (dang!) house in the Hamptons. Gorgeous!! Here is the link.
oh great thanks!!
I love that color combo! Preppy chic and fun! xo Kristin
What a cutie! And those colors ARE great together!
I have all those pics pinned, our bedroom is currently navy and coral. I love it, it’s really a great pairing! I think the cutest and best inspiration pic might be the first one. ;)
I love navy and coral! Navy and lime green is pretty, too. Adorable picture of your sweet baby!
I’ve been in love with this color combo for a while and plan on doing our bedroom in these colors. I’m thinking about leaving the three tan walls and painting one wall with blue and white stripes. I found a matching comforter at Target, but think that would be too much with the striped walls & a comforter. Then I’d saw the perfect coral comforter on clearance at Target one day, but was still up in the air with the colors, so I passed it up. Last weekend I saw almost the same exact comforter at Kohl’s for over a $100 more than the clearanced one and I’m still kicking myself for not getting that one at Target. I also have an obsession with the anchors.
I just adore Diane Bergeron’s interiors. She always pulls together the most beautiful colour combinations and navy and coral is one of them!
Oh my gosh, forget the decor, your baby is simply beautiful! Love that big smile!
Thank you Lisa!!
Cutie pie baby. I like navy and coral but not navy and orange. There is no way a Crimson Tide fan could ever use navy and orange.
We recently moved and I did my 9 year old daughter’s room in navy, grey, coral/orange and mustard and I have to say it looks fabulous and it was all totally her idea! I love your inspiration rooms included in this post. Thank you!
Hi! Beautiful pictures and inspiration! I have some navy in my living room and was wondering how to change it up for Spring! I am in a cute little beach house rental and have trying to work around the yellow walls. I think I have found my answer! Coral and bright orange. Warm accent colors for my navy and cream Ikat rug and grey couch. THANK YOU! Back to decorating!! LOL
Love the Romper!! I got the onesies and white skirt…so adorable :-)