Oh mercy. I’m keeping this short and sweet y’all. I promised you all I would show you the outcome of the LED bulbs I wrote about the other day in the form of a video. And let’s just say that “vlogging” is not in my blogging future, and there is a 99.9% chance you will never see a vlog from me again. You will soon understand why, and you will thank me. It’s so awful it’s hilarious and I hope it gives you a good laugh. You have to watch all the way through the end for the bloopers. Yes, there are bloopers.
If for some reason you can’t see the video on the screen, here is the You Tube Link.
So I should stick with my day job right? ;)
Let’s Connect!

This was awesome. First, it’s cool to see an LED lightbulb in action – but also it’s fun to see that I’m not the only one who dissolves into giggles when the camera is on me. :)
I do that every time!! I get so nervous. :)
I LOVE it! You did great and I do think you should make more videos, it is real life, and I think people love that because they can relate!!! Keep it up! :)
Aww thank you Kelly!!
This video is awesome…It’s not the least bit rehearsed which demonstrates that you are 100% authentic in all you post! I love the LED bulb and will likely be sending the hubby off to home depot to get some for me =) I think you should post more “vlogs” and maybe even a tour of your gorgeous home, pin pointing all the awesome projects you have accomplished! Great job :)
Hey Heather! I might do a video of our home if you like someday. At least I could just be behind the camera talking instead of talking “to” you. ;)
I have never had so much fun watching someone try to change a light bulb! Your cute giggle is contagious and just has me smiling! What a great way to start off my morning. :)
Haha thank you Kara I’m glad!!
That is hilarious…I love when people can’t stop laughing! It makes me laugh just as hard. And it makes me feel better because I do it all the time. My family just goes, ‘Oh geez…there she goes.’ And they just stare at me until it’s over. Your husband is a sweetie to stay so patient!
Oh, and thanks for the lightbulb tip! ;)
Haha so funny. Have you ever watched those laughing videos on YouTube of people? Oh gosh. Hee-lar-e-us.
Great! Can these bulbs be used in any fixture? I just switched over to fluorescent bulbs, and I am still trying to get used to those! Light bulbs are getting so confusing these days!
Yes Lauren, as far as I know any fixture is good. And gosh I know. I still get confused about the CFL’s and light bulbs in general. The LED light though was nice.
This was super informative AND made me laugh, in a good way! I think more vlogs are in your future! :)
Haha well, I don’t know about that…;)
OMG!! that was so much fun! keep them coming! :)
Noooooo! :)
Too, too funny! You sound just like me in speech class. All I could do was laugh and the funny part? I passed that class with flying/laughing colors.
Now to the bulbs. I think I just might give these a try. Thanks for trying them out and showing us what they looked like at work. At least you didn’t have to wear night vision goggles to see before they lit fully. ;)
Jake’s a Girl
ha true! And you know what? I dropped out of speech class THREE times in college. 3 times!! I just couldn’t do it. It was awful!
I LOVE IT! working thru lunch and took a minute to check in on you…you helped me get rid of stress/anger and no one at work got hurt. I love love love the bloopers. Contagious laughter…THANK YOU!! and i am not telling you how to find my video recipes…
Haha I’m glad Betty! I’m so going to look for your videos now.
I thought your “VLOG” was fantastic. It was quite infomative. I have been hesitant to change over to the “NEW” lightbulbs. Your “VLOG” has given me a chance to actually see what the “NEW” bulbs look like when in a lamp. You did a great job keep on Vloging!!
So nice Lori thank you!!
Great video! I loved all the giggling at the end! Reminds me of me; I was cracking up watching! Oh, and I think I will have to check out that light blub! :)
Great video, I really was amazed at the amount of light the bulb put out, beautiful Christmas tree in the background.
Hugs, Lori m
Bless your heart. So cute. And nice light bulb.
This was the most enjoyable, informative video I have seen in years! Your blog is Great but your vlog was a fantastic addition! Keep it up….I’m still rolling around laughing. Thank You!
so cute… love it, and I’ll have to try the new bulb!
I could’nt stop laughing, I had tears I was laughing so hard …..
You are too cute!!! Don’t retire the video camera yet, you had my in tears with laughter by the end!!! Maybe you can get into improv comedy instead ;) lol xxx
Please don’t stop, you’re delightful and authentic. Thanks so much for sharing a piece of you!