I’ve been using essential oils now for about 9 months. You all know I love them in more ways I can express. So I thought it would be fun to show you all my collection! I know I’m always curious about what people’s homes look like, so maybe you are curious what my oil collection looks like? :)
Are you in suspense yet?
Keep in mind these are only oils, and I didn’t photograph all of the other personal care products and supplements etc that I also use from Young Living.Which are also awesome.
So, here you go, the unveiled photo!
Aren’t they beautiful? They make me incredibly happy.
Now let me break it down and show you all what is what as I have it laid out in groups.
The only set missing out of that above pic is the new Exotic Oils collection kit that I picked up at convention.
Love them!
So want to talk more about these crazy oils? Well this is the mothership. The creme de la creme. My prized possession, the Young Living Aroma Complete kit.
There are 122 oils in that baby. And if you are a YL member, you can buy it for $2,000. OR, the better option is to achieve the rank of silver within 6 months and get it for FREE. Such a huge blessing and I still can’t believe it’s all mine!
Next up are the oils that are always on our kitchen counter, that we use all the time and need easy access to. We use many every day whether it be diffusing, applying, making concoctions, etc.
These oils usually stay on my nightstand, but these are always changing out too. For instance, Dream Catcher isn’t pictured because it was in my aroma complete set, but that’s always there too now.
Now can we be adults here for a second? See that Sensation oil? Umm, well the name says it all. It’s that “special” oil for those fris-kay nights, and well, bottom line? You all need this in your collection too. Trust me. #nuffsaid
Goodness, I guess I’m not even an adult if I can’t say frisky on my blog. Ok I’m stopping now.
Moving on.
But really, GET THAT OIL! :)
And now, one of the most exciting kits I am so thrilled that is out now, is the new KidScents Collection!
These oils are already diluted and ready to be applied on the little ones. They are wonderful. And their names are adorable. My kids LOVE their oils. Watch out in a few weeks when they come in stock as they are sure to sell out fast!
And that’s about it y’all. I know you might be thinking how in the world will she ever use all of these?! Well, I’ll tell you what. I will. No, of course I don’t use 100+ oils every day, but there’s an amazing peace I have with such a great collection so far.
Did y’all like that? What kind of collection do you have so far? Remember, I started out with just the premium starter kit too. Famous last words right? ;)
Want to learn more about essential oils? Visit my essential oils page for more information. If you ever want to chat about the business side of Young Living and how you can get your own Aroma Complete set for free, email me! You can also read my day in the life of how I use my oils on a daily basis in this post.
Happy oiling!
This is great. I hope to start using oils soon. Thank you for sharing!
I love it, besides my Aroma Kit coming in August, I have quite a supply and I too feel empowered to know that I can combat just about anything that is thrown our way! Also thanks for sharing, you are the one that got me started on this natural path and I am truly grateful!
Fantastic!!! And Congrats!
I’ve finally found a mix that is helping with the contact allergy on my hands. I’m mixing Dr. Bonner’s Tea Tree Oil Castile soap with water then drops of Frankincense, Myrrh, and a touch of Thieves *got to get those germs you know*. Tried other foaming soaps but then was reading about the tea tree EO and found the DBTTOCsoap at
Target. So I said to myself…Why not. And lo & behold it is working. I mix the soap, water, 5-drops of each oil in an old foaming soap bottle. I use nothing else to wash my hands throughout the day. My hands are better. Thank you Lord! It has been years since they’ve been this clear. Yes. I still have an occasional bumpy place pop up but it is amazing the difference in just having one bumpy place compared to the backs of my hands covered.
My allergist is so happy. Not using the steroid treatment every night has made me so happy.
Now to find the mix that helps with my eyelids…Onward and Upward! Oh and was around my hairy grands *pups* during the 4th. and no horrible breakout!!!
Hubby is still having the best results with the EO’s we are using on him.
Thank You! Miss Em for bringing the oils to our attention. Blessings!
What do you use Myrrh for? I have been using Frankincense with my moisturizing cream, but can’t seem to figure out what to do with Myrrh.