You all seemed to enjoy last week’s post on this topic, so I’m here to do it again. I loved reading all of your comments and emails saying how you could relate somehow. Made me smile. :)
So here’s how my week went down. It actually was more exciting than than last!
- Emma is becoming quite the dancer. Had a great dance class, has mastered the plie, and I’m pretty sure she is the teacher’s favorite. That’s my girl. :)
- Had Taco Tuesday again. My husband makes the best fried tortilla shells and chips, and he even surprised us all by frying up some other Mexican dessert. Tuesdays are our healthy day around here.
- Went to Target again but did not buy any more cookie dough. Hallelujah. I did buy a few Jillian Michael’s workout DVD’s though.
- I finished what cookie dough was left in the fridge, then I did my first workout. No lie.
- Had a nice surprise of some mailbox money come in. Just unexpected blessings is what it was.
- My birthday was Thursday! Tried to have lunch with my husband at his work but that was a fail. He made up for it with dinner though and an ice cream cake!
- Oh yea, let’s not forget my birthday gift!
- I went shopping at H&M (we just got one a few months ago) and got lots of cute clothes for the girls. They have the cutest stuff and are great prices!
- I tried to clothes shop for me again, but like last week, it was another mistake. I have to come to the realization my body won’t change in a week’s time. And yes I know, it probably won’t change either if I keep eating fried taco shells once a week. Blah.
- I looked around in Sephora dreaming of new makeup. I love that place. And makeup.
- We took all the kiddos to the beach and it was so fun. The ocean really is mesmerizing to a young child and it’s so sweet.
- I started working on a little project.
- I tried working out again to Jillian Michaels but barely could. I have a bad knee, I think from my tennis days. Yes I was a tennis star back in the day. :)
- I still dreamt of a nice beach vacation with turquoise water. Galveston Island did NOT satisfy my dream.
- I still didn’t get to watch a TV show last week–maybe just a little bit of Nancy Grace.
- I don’t think I even cooked last week which was a change from last week. All I remember is Taco Tuesday which my husband did.
- I blew my hair dry and put on makeup. But only because we went to my mom’s yesterday for my late birthday party.
- And you know how this ends right? With more cake. So last week’s issue seemed to be cake instead of cookie dough. I wonder what this week will bring….
So see, things were a little better right? How was your week?
I totally understand your pain about Galveston…hubby and I hail from Galveston, him being born there. He refers to it as The Rock (an Alcatraz reference). It’s a safe bet we won’t ever visit there for the beach…I had to make do with Port A this year. But I DO dream of beaches more like you find in the actual tropics…
Hahaha, Alcatraz….
I feel your (knee) pain. I’m not sure which Jillian Michaels’ DVD you have, but I have the one where she makes you do “surrenders” – it gets my knees every time (ex-volleyball player and ex-runner) Happy Belated Birthday!
Oh wow, I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of the surrenders yet. Sounds fun. ;) And thank you Jessica!
HAHA… I was born and raised in Galveston County and also had to comment on Galveston NOT being your place to dream about beautiful beaches and blue waters!! I could never (and still don’t) understand people coming there for ocean fun. I always felt sorry for people who saw the ocean or beaches for the first time in their life and were seeing them in Galveston! Kind of why I moved to New Braunfels near the rivers!! :>)
HAHAHA this cracked me up Mary. And yea, Galveston is kind of like toilet water–especially after having been to Hawaii’s beaches. lol
Awesome on you new little dancer. Eat the cake enjoy it’s your Birthday week ,next week start the exercise video.
Enjoy your new IPad! Hug, Lori m
I’m knew here and love your site. I had a baby 3 months ago. My husband bought me an elliptical machine for my birthday and I just used it the first time today and I barely could, but not because of a bad knee just being out of shape. I’ve also made the mistake of going clothes shopping for myself, Ugggh, such an awful experience. I feel confident eventually we’ll both be able to work out and have a pleasant shopping experience :)
Happy Belated Birthday! Life is short…have those desserts. Look what happened to the ladies on the Titanic. :/
I spent some time in Sephora this past week…fun, fun! It’s great that Emma is doing well in dancing.
Dear Decorchick,
I think we need a lot more of this, not less. There are so many of us now on the blogosphere, if we can find a way to connect and reach common ground, I think that could only be a good thing. It saddens me today to see how divided we as a country (USA) have become. Red doesn’t listen to blue, blue doesn’t listen to red, and purple is ignored because she’s a minority. That is so silly-stupid! Letting us know a little bit about who you are and your family shows all of us that you are more like us than not. Let’s all of us try for more of this, not less. I, for one, find it much more interesting to learn about the person behind the blog! Goddess bless you all.