Once upon a time about 4 years ago, I was amazed and mesmerized by what a can of spray paint could do. Heirloom White anyone?? And since I was so new to the world of DIY, (like, never really used a drill kind of new), I went a little crazy with the spray paint and shopping at Goodwill and thrift stores. I was simply in awe about how powerful a can of spray paint was! I do still get giddy about spray paint don’t get me wrong. It’s just that I’m not spraying every surface with spray paint like I once did.
What I also haven’t done for quite a while now is go to Goodwill just “to go.” If I go, it’s because I am looking for something specific. I don’t really go there to be inspired. ;) Now granted, I might see a horrific dresser that could use a little TLC and get inspired to redo it, but I am not out buying a random $5 chair that we don’t need or a cheese dome just because they are inexpensive. Y’all remember the cheese dome cloches right?? Ahhh the good ole days.
But back in the day, I was at the thrift store several times a week. And spray painting a bunch of crap stuff. Mostly were little accessory type things that I no longer have or use, but some were big pieces! Like our hutch in the office.
And yes I used many cans of Heirloom White spray paint on that baby. And still love it! But might be time for built-in bookcases instead.
Yes spray paint is amazing. It always will be. But try and really search for the pieces you truly love and will use in your home for a good while. If it means waiting and saving for something amazing then do it! Because all of those spray painted accessories will eventually just be clutter in your home and then you will end up having a closet dedicated to accessories only, and well, that’s not good or normal. :)
Decorate with intent, not on impulse. That’s what I keep telling myself.
For giggles, I did a search on my site for “heirloom white” and these are the posts that came up. They are way down deep into the archives of my blog, so you’ve probably never seen them, or my horrible photography back then either. You’ve been warned.
Were you or have you been bitten by the spray paint and thrift store bug?
I absolutely find myself tempted to buy things at thrift stores that I want to paint, but reel myself. Sometimes those projects are great, but in moderation. It is so tempting to want every space decorated now, but to truly get what I want takes time because of time, budget, and inspiration. This post is a great reminder of that. Love it!
Thank you Corey! Sounds like you are a smart thinker. :)
I so remember Heirloom White!! I weeded out a couple years ago. I had so many pieces (SL anyone?) that we were not using. I now go by…do I NEED it, is it FUNCTIONAL, do I LOVE it! Things I am not sure about, I hold onto for 3 more months, if I haven’t used it (or seldom have and something else serves the same purpose) it is OUTAHERE!!! I am amazed how many bloggers are CONSTANTLY changes their decor. That gets so expensive and to me seems a bit wasteful. I guess I am just at that stage where I want things to have meaning and purpose and not feel tied done by the need to constantly be updating things. I find it is the trendy/in things that are the first to go to Goodwill or Consignment because they were purchased for that reason. I didn’t truly love them (or need them for that matter). Great post!!
Totally agree Lauren! I’m to that point also. Wish I could be a minimalist.
I must admit that, while I hand paint items depending upon what they are, I still believe that spray paint is the best invention since duct tape! LOL Hugs, Leena
Oh yes, it is definitely still awesome.
Man, I still get a little “goodwill crazy” as I like to say – but I too, have curbed myself. We’re young and just starting out, trying to buy a house next year so I keep telling myself not to buy stuff now because I may not love it in a new home. Unless its something we need of course.
I’m so glad you posted this! I’m kinda new to the impulse upcycling whereas before thru the years I’d find a peice that I needed n liked (structural wise) to “make my own” But lately I been gettin so mad at myself wen I buy the frivolous things tht jus junk up mostly in MY CAR(cuz I gotta hide it from my hubs) it’s like havin an affair w/junk Yes I’m confessing all!! So I’m struggling atm to find a balance ugh! It’s jus so hard to pass those cheapie prices!! Good luck to u ladies
Oh I totally relate Emily!! I was just telling my mom the other day that I feel like I’m ‘in recovery’ from getting sucked into buying things simply because they were only a few and maybe I could transform them especially if they were what was ‘in’ at the time you know? Now I can walk out of a shop without having purchased anything and it feels so freeing! No more stuff just for the sake of stuff! LOL
I can sooo relate! I moved to a new state & I’ve been spray painting spring, summer & fall! I’m sure the neighbors
Think I’m crazy? Trying very hard to curb my buying since I have been watching “Hoarders” lol
I am in that phase now. I have a few pieces of furniture in my garage that were just too good a deal to pass up. I think one is going in my kids playroom in the basement… but the other two I will re do and sell on a local buy and sale page. I know crazy. I am learning to be more purposeful, but have also done things where I put something back at a store because I don’t think I need it. Then a week later, I desperately want/need that thing I put back. Of course being Goodwill it is no longer there. Because of this I have a hard time saying no to something I like :/. Hopefully my affliction will get better. I love your home and blog, you have some amazing ideas!
You can also look up your local tax incentives to see which option pays more in the long run. Well, surely not as much as
the ones reading the news online. The parts that can be reused are sold to the dealers and the parts
that are of no use are sent to the recycling centers.