Well, the good thing about c-sections is that they are typically scheduled, unless you have an emergency one like I did the first time around. My due date all along has been July 7, same birthday as my stepson, and we had scheduled the c-section for July 6 which is next Friday. BUT, just at the last minute my husband and I changed the date to July 2 (for personal reasons). So yes, that would be this MONDAY. Monday people!! Monday we will finally meet sweet pea and I am literally terrified and ecstatic at the same time. There’s just no other words to describe what I’m feeling.
So to somewhat get my mind off of things I’ve been an organizing junkie and painting junkie. Now in our bedroom we have this in there.
And I put it together myself thankyouverymuch. And it was not fun at all. AT ALL. We had this same one with Emma too, and she NEVER used it so I don’t really anticipate this one using it much either, but I like having it for the changing table. I have a co-sleeper the baby will sleep in for a while. But at least the pack n play matches our room a little bit. That’s important. ;)
Oh and while I was at it, I took a few real life pics of our bedroom for your viewing pleasure.
I hardly ever properly make the bed, and those pillows pretty much always stay on the floor. At least my daughter has fun diving into them.
If you want to see our room in a much prettier state of mind, you can read this post. :)
So yea, that’s the latest, and a little bit of our real life for ya. I have a feeling it’s going to get even a bit more chaotic in the next few months, so I’ll be sure and snap some pictures then too. Haha.
And Monday…oh Monday. Say a prayer for me please and that everything goes well with the surgery and all and that the baby is happy and healthy. Getting sliced open typically isn’t on my to do list, but I know it will be worth it when he/she is finally here! And thanks to all of y’all for coming along with me on this 9 month journey. I have definitely enjoyed writing about this pregnancy to my online friends, even though this is a home/diy blog. :)
If you want to be one of the first to know the baby is here, be sure and like my facebook page and follow on twitter because I’ll get to those first before I think about writing a blog post. :) But you know I’ll post here when I can! Just forgive me ahead of time if my writing is a bit loony–that’ll be the meds.
I hope it goes great, I cant wait to hear all about the little sweet pea!
So happy for you! I will say a little prayer that all goes well, and I will be thinking of you on Monday–Good Luck!
July 2nd is a great day ~ it’s my brother’s birthday. :-) I know all will go well. So exciting to be able to finally meet this little one! Prayers for you and the medical team for an uneventful surgery.
July 2nd is a great day ~ it’s my brother’s birthday. :-) I know all will go well. So exciting to be able to finally meet this little one! Prayers for you and the medical team for an uneventful surgery.
P.S. Thanks for keepin’ it real too! :-)
OMGoodness!!!! So excited for you. Your little bundle of joy will be joining the family on Monday!!!
Prayers to you for the surgery. I am sure all will go perfect and everyone will be smiling and healthy.
Can’t wait for pictures :)
So excited for you… and your bedroom is still beautiful… :) Prayers for you and baby…. Monday is only a few days away!! :)
Best wishes for a very healthy, smooth c-section on Monday! Thanks for sharing your story!
That is so soon! I bet you are so excited to meet the little one. I’ll send a prayer your way that everything goes smoothly! And your bedroom is still beautiful!
Woohoo! Sounds like a very busy weekend coming up! I am so excited for you! Prayers already up as I read as I’ll be on Cape Cod for a vacation day on Monday…first in a long time! At least this way the kids won’t have to share birthdays virtually together and that can often mean a lot to a child. Look forward to seeing a FB post next week! God has it all under control :)
Oh my goodness, how exciting!! Hope you can get some rest & have some fun this weekend! :)
that’s exciting! happy monday to you! prayers for a safe delivery for you, baby and everyone.
ps- i love your curtains!
Super excited for you! You never know, sweet pea might like the pack and play. My baby did, but she’s in her crib now. I love the changing table part of it, what a lifesaver in the middle of the night! Prayers for you and your baby :)
I had 2 c-sections and the 2nd was so much easier – knowing what to expect and all. Prayers to you and the family!
So exciting! Praying for a safe delivery for both mom and baby!! Can’t wait to find out if I am right ;-)
Good luck and God bless!!! Oooo, I’m so excited for you. So fun to have a new being in the world with such terrific folks as parents!
Such an exciting time! I’ll be thinking of you and the little one on Monday. God Bless.
Praying for you and sweet pea! :) good luck!!!
♥ “real-life” pics of bedrooms: bed all comfy-messy, pillows in one corner, baby stuff in the other…
Blessings on the birth scheduled for Monday. I pray safety for you & your baby.
I am happy for you and pray you will have a safe and quick c-section. Enjoy your last weekend free. : )
Praying for a safe and joyful delivery. And thank you for making your room look more like mine- I know you did that just to make me feel better. :)
I said a prayer for you. :) Hope all goes well.
I know my request is outside the objectives of your website, but I would love for you to write about how you prepared for your little one without knowing the gender. My husband doesn’t want to know when we decide to have a baby, and my type-A self is a little freaked by that.
Hey Rachel, there really wasn’t much prepping involved with this one. Haha. When we had our first daughter, we did find out the gender, and all of the big expensive items I bought in neutral colors. Like the carseat, stroller, pack in play, jumper etc. Everything wasn’t pink. I did that so I could reuse everything for our 2nd baby in case it were a boy. So there wasn’t much to buy of course since I had everything already, but if you did not want to find out the gender of your first baby, I’d recommend just buying everything neutral…Reds, greens, tans etc, and a few outfits for a boy or a girl and you’ll be good to go! You can always go shopping afterwards. And as far as decorating a nursery, I would wait on that too unless they will really be using that room immediately. (mine weren’t).
It was and wasn’t hard for me to not find out the gender (because I do like to decorate and shop). Of course I wanted to know, but am so glad we waited. There’s nothing like hearing it for the first time at delivery. And there’s probably not another surprise you’ll experience like that in your lifetime, and not knowing how many kids we will have, I wanted to make sure I get the surprise of a lifetime. :)
Good luck and I say wait!! :)
Ya know we have been abd will continue to pray. So excited for Monday!!! Can’t wait!!!
Congratulations! You will be so happy on Monday when it is all over. Get your rest now and enjoy it!
God bless you an yours. xoxoxo
My prayers are with you and your family. I’ve had four C-sections. Two were emergency. Only one was planned. I know you can’t wait to hold your precious baby and we can’t wait to see photos.
A little 4th of July fireworks baby! I love it : ) You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers on Monday. Enjoy your time with your new little bean… can’t wait to see pictures!! xoxo
I’m so excited for you all. I can’t wait to see pictures of the newest little “chick”. Best of luck to you and I’ll be thinking about you on Monday.
Great luck! We have a July baby-born 2 days after our Anniversary. It does make for a busy week!
Congratulations and best wishes!
That reminds me so much of the time when I was waiting for my C- section…
I know how scared and excited you feel now….
I am sure you will be in good hands and that everything goes well…
Make sure to post some pictures of the ” sweat pea” soon…. :-)
Goddess bless you and the soon to be delivered new addition to your beautiful family. I like your photos of real life. Dump the excess of pillows unless you plan on hiring a maid in the near future. Your bedroom is beautiful without all of them and with a newborn to care for along with the rest of your family you aren’t going to have time to go around putting pillows back on the bed every morning let alone fluffling them up and getting them arranged “just so.”! LOL! I have visited your blog before but never commented. You have moved me to do so.
yay! congratulations! cant wait to see pics! Have a safe delivery!
Congratulations Emily, she’s adorable.
Oh, my! So many congratulations to you! I saw the photo on Facebook and she is just beautiful! :-)
Congrats Emily on the adorable pink bundle!!
The bedroom looks lovely, I love the white bed and the splash of pinkcolour added from your duvee…