Hope you all had a great weekend everyone. I wanted to update you all on my weight loss journey! I wrote a post at the beginning of January telling y’all I was starting an 8-week weight loss challenge, like an accountability group type of thing. I wasn’t too excited at first (because it takes me a while to really want to lose), but after the first week I was. Motivation kicked in and I never looked back.
UPDATE: Click here to see how I did in the 2nd weight loss challenge and how I lost 75 pounds.
So how did I do? Well here’s a side by side comparison. The before picture was taken just 5 days into the program, and the after was taken when the 8 weeks was up.
And oh mercy that has to be THE worst before picture ever taken on planet Earth. I really didn’t intend for it to be that bad, that’s just how I looked at the moment I told my husband I needed a before picture. And a little war paint on the face does wonders huh?! I swear I’m not as ugly as it appears. Haha.
So anyway, yes, lost 25 pounds in those 8 weeks! Technically it was 24.6lbs but who’s counting. Did I win the money pot? Well I thought I was going to there at the end but the other girl came in with a 5 pound loss right there in the last week (which really surprised me btw), so she won. I came in second place for the most percentage of weight lost. I was thrilled with my loss though! The money would have been cool but wasn’t really my goal from the beginning. It just sweetened the deal a bit. Having my fat pants be too big for me now is much more satisfying. :)
I still have 20-25 more pounds to go (30 if I’m feeling ambitious) to get back to feeling really good about myself again and true pre-pregnancy size. But when I calculate how much I have lost since the 2nd baby was born, it’s a whopping 56 pounds!!! So yes, I’ll just tell you all that I gained somewhere between 70-75 pounds the 2nd go round. I really stopped looking at the numbers there at the end with each doctor’s visit. Tipping the scale over the 200 pound mark was quite depressing. It happened with my first too so I can’t be too surprised.
Why am I telling you all this when talking about weight is NOT a fun thing to do? It’s because there is hope. If you are carrying baby weight still around or just extra weight in general, there is hope. If I can stop eating cheesecake and bags of cookies and jars of Nutella, then you can too. I PROMISE.
This was me in September 2012, a few months after having the baby and still wearing maternity pants (ugh!!).
Images stolen via Not Just a Housewife
Gosh that really makes me gag.
And then me now, as of March 5, 2013.
Not that I think I look so fabulous or something, but I am proud for finally starting to lose, and proud that I am now healthier and can cross my legs again and sit indian style comfortably. Those are really big deals y’all! And obviously I am feeling better about myself since I put on real clothes and makeup that day. I really am trying to step it up in that department so I don’t look so frumpy each day. It’s a challenge, but I’m doing better. Oh and those coral tops are from Marshall’s, and the black leggings from Ann Taylor Loft.
Now for the exercise part which I told you in my January post that I despised…I actually have not worked out much per se, but I have done things sporadically like Zumba and walking. BUT, I finally did commit to a baby boot camp class and have been to 5 classes now, and go 2 or 3 times a week. I really really like it. I was unsure at first, but now I do. I’d love to be one of those people who LOVE to go exercise, but I’m not there yet. Maybe one day. I am always glad after class that I did it and do like it when I’m sore the next day. Being sore from working out just makes you feel skinnier right?
I still track every single thing that goes into my mouth on My Fitness Pal. You must must MUST use this app to help you lose weight and count calories. If you don’t have a smart phone you can use your PC too. I stuck strictly to my 1200 caloric intake (and my milk supply has been great btw), and only had 1 cheat day in the 8 week period, and at The Melting Pot…yum! I will say though that the first week or two of the challenge, I was grumpy and bit everyone’s head off. It was probably from me coming off of sugar. The only sugar I eat now is either through fruit or tiny bits of honey. I don’t even crave sweets like I used to. You know what I crave now? Vegetables! Seriously. I’m on a big squash and okra kick right now. I mentioned before that I am pretty neurotic at these types of things and really get focused, so to give you an idea on how strict I was/am, I did things like not lick the knife after I make my daughter’s PB&J’s, eat her leftovers on her plate, and stuff like that. It all adds up.
And while I do love me a good casserole and have some awesome recipes, I haven’t made one in 2 months. Why? Well, even though I know I could eat them and still come in under my calorie goal for the day and it wasn’t considered junk food, I just didn’t because of all of the cheese. And I don’t do fat free or processed stuff really. I knew that if I ate stuff like that for my dinners, that the weight wouldn’t come off. I wouldn’t have gained more than likely, but in my head I just had it set that I’d be better off without it. So instead I would go for the meats and vegetables. And same for pasta. I only made spaghetti maybe twice during those 2 months for the family, and I just left the pasta out for me. I set aside a portion of the meat sauce and just ate that (and likely with a tostada shell). I ate/eat a lot of tacos/tostadas. I could eat tacos every day. And for lunches, I still drink my protein shakes and usually carrots on the side.
My food journals still look the same pretty much every day. Something like this. And if it wasn’t a banana for breakfast it was oatmeal with 1/2 cup fruit, or bacon and eggs.
See, I’m boring. I did sign up to do the challenge for the next 8 weeks too and we are into the 2nd week now. I feel like I have control of myself so that’s a good feeling. I just don’t buy the bad stuff or the sweets anymore so my whole family is suffering with me. Haha. Not really, they still find a way to get their treats. My husband has lost a lot of weight too!
Sorry I don’t want this post to get any more wordy than it already is. But my few tips to take away from the past 8 weeks are this:
- Join My Fitness Pal and start tracking everything you eat. You’ll be amazed how quickly that slice of cheese adds up. (oh, and I pretty much quit eating cheese except for my Laughing Cow which I eat sometimes. The calories from real cheese just aren’t worth it to me and I’d rather have something else like PB in it’s place)
- Find a group or make a group with some ladies to hold you accountable
- Don’t eat after 9pm (that was tough for me at first but now it’s easy peasy)
- Eat 2 servings of fruit, and 3 servings of veggies per day (1/2 cup each serving)
- If you will be eating out, try and choose Chick Fil A, Subway, or Mexican restaurants. Those are the only 3 I think I ate at. And I would get a grilled chicken sandwich, grilled nuggets, and a fruit cup at C-F-A, and at Subway I’d get Turkey on flatbread with mustard (no cheese), and then they’d load it up with ALL veggies. And lots of spinach. I’d get their apples instead of chips as well. Then at mexican restaurants, I’d order chicken/beef fajitas with grilled vegetables. I would order corn tortillas instead of flour and only eat one tortilla, then the rest meat. I know other places have good healthy options but these are what worked for me.
- Start weaning yourself off of sugar. Try little things like when you make oatmeal use water, not milk and that will save you 120 calories. Simple things like finding alternatives for the usual will save you lots of calories. Normally I’d put a pat of butter in my oatmeal, but I stopped doing that completely too. Sure it tastes good, but it tastes good plain jane with fruit and honey too!
- Drink LOTS of water. I drink about 80 oz each day I think. That’s the average for me.
- Go all or nothing and be hardcore about losing weight.
- Exercise. Do what you can. I know my body responds way better when I do work out so that’s what’s keeping me going with it.
Gosh I could probably keep talking but I am waaaaay over my word count limit here. Yikers. The moral of this post:
Is that it is possible. Don’t give up. If you have 100 or 200 pounds to lose, it doesn’t matter. You can do it. I don’t have a fast metabolism or anything to speed up this losing process. Just a little determination.
I’ll keep you posted on how the next 8 weeks go!
PS-I know I should have worn the same outfit for my after pic as my before pic, but I totally did not think to do that at the time. Plus this outfit is more cute. Hate me. I have to say though that grey shirt is loose on me now and definitely not fitted like it is in the before pic. :) And special thanks to my bud Myra for kicking my rear in gear in January and having me join. It’s been fun actually!
Are you struggling to get some pounds off? I’m not an expert or anything but I have done this a few times and know what works for me at least. Let’s talk! What have you been doing?
UPDATE: Click here to see how I did in the 2nd weight loss challenge and how I lost 75 pounds.
Let’s Connect!

You look amazing! Good for you. I so need to get my rear in gear. After turning 40 (4 years ago) the weight just starting piling on, despite my efforts. I will have to gett that app!
Yes Lauren it’s great! And thank you! :)
You look amazing!! You do look fabulous. Own it and be proud. Great job!!!
Thanks so much Chris!
Wow, you look fabulous. Good for you. I struggle with 20 some pounds… From baby #3 …. She is 5. My body just never went back. I just don’t feel good about myself. So sad. I had started running in the summer and felt terrific. I stopped in nov because it got really cold…. And these are bad excuses. You are an inspiration. I am going to look into the app you suggested. I can do this. And by the way, your outfit is adorable.
Amy they aren’t bad excuses. It’s so hard for me to get back in the swing of working out once I take “a break.” But once I do I always feel good. And just remember that exercise alone won’t give you the results you are looking for. It’s really important to start a healthy eating lifestyle so they work well together. You can do it!!!
You look great! This is so inspiring. :) Maybe it’s time for me to use that app… but I really love cheese! :( lol
Ha, you can still eat cheese, just a little! You’d be surprised what they consider a serving size. I’d probably eat triple the serving size before. If I’m going to eat it, I just really make sure I eat the small portion.
Wow! You are such an inspiration! It’s always great to hear from “normal” people who lose weight without obsessing over a diet/exercise plan. I only dream of making this much progress over 8 weeks, but I will always strive for similar results! Keep up the good work!
Thank you Jennifer! Yes I am totally normal with big hips a big butt, and even cellulite. Ugh!! But glad they are all getting smaller. Ha!
You do look fabulous! That is amazingly hard work and you did it! Be very proud of yourself!!
Ok if you insist. hehe
Congratulations! You look fantastic, you stuck to it and it paid off, your an inspiration!
Thank you Dria!
Wow, you look awesome! And your before pic isn’t as bad as you say; you’re very cute!
You’ve done a great job…congrats!
Ha not really, but thank you Nancy! :)
Awesome Awesome Awesome!! Good for you!! Your outlook and your perspective is awesome!!
Thank you Meegan!!
You look fantastic!! I just want to thank you. I wasn’t a part of this challenage but you have been so encouraging for me and got me to start myfitnesspal, maybe 5 days after you. I love seeing you on there and watching your pounds drop. I have lost about 13 pounds so far. I didn’t drop any this week but you know what, I’m not discouraged. I see it coming off, my husband notices it and even he has lost weight. So it’s all good. Slow is ok with me. It’s not a diet, it’s how I want to eat from now on. I FEEL better! So thanks Emily!
Anita I am SO happy for you!! I was thrilled for you when I saw you’ve lost 13 pounds that’s amazing! I’m so glad you feel better too. You are doing awesome.
Congratulations! Good job! I know how good it feels! I played a game…the Game On diet…with some church friends and lost 18 lbs. I still have about 40 lbs to go…but no longer play the game. I have started reading and following 2 blogs…Food Babe and 100 Days of Real Food…and these are changing my perspective. I am trying to incorporate REAL food only into my life. It’s not so hard to do at home…but sometimes my lifestyle requires eating out and there in lies the challenge. :) I am determined to overcome, however!
Please let me know what “diet” challenge you are participating in and any special things you have discovered &/or learned! Thanks for posting about this in your blog!
You are on the right track and doing great Stephanie. I’m not really sure where all of our guidelines came from. We just have to do certain things each day to get our points in. I’ll try and find out where it came from.
You look fantastic!!! Congrats and continued success. It is great to feel healthy and have energy! That’s what I’m working on. I have yo-yoed for the last 4 yrs. Almost 2 yrs ago I lost 40 lbs, gained back 20, now I’ve lost 10 of that 20. My goal is to lose 25 more lbs. You are an inspiration.Thank you for sharing your experience and being honest with all you felt and what works for you. Looking forward to seeing your next “after” pic!
Sounds like you’re doing great Casey!! It’s such a process.
Congrats on all your hard work! I’ve been working on shaping up but I’m not as disciplined as you when it comes to eating. I like to exercise since it makes me feel so much better. I came across this site that has wonderful, fun and challenging workouts. This girl is super fun and encouraging too! You should check it out bc as a mom it’s easy to get one of her 10 minute workouts in. It’s called Blogilates!
Fun Kristen I will check it out!
You look awesome! You must be so proud. I am in the same boat as you, gaining way more weight during baby number two, and feeling like a blob. Thank you for your inspiration! I’m so ready to make some changes!! :)
What is it with baby #2? I really can’t believe I gained that much. I was huge.
That’s some awesome progress Emily! Just the motivation I need to really work on losing the weight I’ve gained since having 2 kids! I’ve got about 50lbs I could stand to lose….20-30 to get to pre-kids weight!
You can do it Jessica!
Will be getting that App ASAP. Did your accountability group all follow the same plan or was that just more about supporting whatever each individual was doing? You look beautiful! Congrats on your success, and good luck with the continuing battle for more loss!
Thank you so much Deb so sweet! And each person followed their calorie goal whatever My Fitness Pal said theirs would be. Most ended up being around 1200 calories. We had guidelines to follow, such as eating the right amount of veggies and fruit per day, no food after 9pm, no junk food, exercise, etc. and if we did all of those things we got a certain amount of points. So it makes you want to get all of your points possible for the day so you have a chance at winning the point portion of the contest. Hope that makes sense!
Girl, you rock! You look fabulous and your family must be so, so proud! Way to go!
Thank you Megan!
Emily!!!! You look fantastic! Congratulations on your weight loss. I’m also on a weight/ fat loss journey. Here is a few things I’ve learned #1 don’t drink your calories and # 2 don’t skip meals. I was really bad with sweets too. I had to have something sweet after my lunch or dinner. Now I snack on ” Dark Chocolate Roasted Almonds” ..Blue Diamond brand whenever I get a sweet craving. And I really don’t crave sweets as much anymore. Can’t wait to hear in 8 weeks how much more you’ve lost. Yay!!!!
Thank you Claudia! Yes you are so right. Good thing I’m not a big soda drinker anyway. I’ll have to try out those roasted almonds sounds delish! And yes I always wanted something to eat at night before bed, like cereal. BAD idea. :)
Great job! I can’t believe the difference 25 lbs makes………….I have lost 39 and still have about 40-45 to go. I used the fitness pal app and loved it. I need to get back on the horse ~ lol You look great right now, and can’t believe you have that much left to lose. Keep us posted!
Wow congrats to you Karen that’s amazing!!
You look fabulous and beautiful! Congrats
Aw thank you Kristin! Been praying for your sweet boy. :)
Wow!! I needed this inspiration today! Thanks so much sharing your story.
My pleasure!
You look FANTASTIC! You have to be so proud. Losing weight is hard!
Big Congrats!
Thank you so much Jake’s a Girl! :)
Awesome job! I should have really taken a before picture of myself. I’m around 6 weeks in and have lost around 10 pounds. I love myfitnesspal.com but haven’t been as strict as you. I tend to let myself go over little bit especially on weekends, so instead of losing 2 lbs per week it is usually more like 1. Good luck!
Yay congratulations Kala that’s awesome! We are allowed 1 junk day a week, but that kind of felt like defeating the purpose for me. But it is good to indulge every now and then. Once I get to my happy spot I will definitely allow myself to cheat more since I know I can maintain it. :)
You look great! Congrats!
Sugar is my nemisis!
Thank you Andrea! It is the devil, I know.
Congrats! And.. cheese, you gave up cheese. I am so jealous! Anyways, I’m always on the weight loss roller coaster… I’m not extremely over weight, but enough to feel blah! It’s funny you mentioned My Fitness Pal, I actually got it out today and started using it again. I am a pretty healthy eater, but even the healthy stuff adds up. So.. here I am trying to lose the bulge again. What a motivational post – I wish I had a group of ladies I could do this with! Thanks for the inspiration and reassurance that it will come off – I too have a really slow metabolism… makes it harder sometimes. But I’m going to do it!
Yes the healthy stuff definitely adds up! It was ridiculous how much PB and cheese I would eat. Definitely more than a recommended serving. And a TB really is not much. I’d probably eat 4 tablespoons of PB or something! And I will still eat a little cheese, but like if I make tacos or something, I’ll just skip it because the extra 100 calories I’d rather have somewhere else ya know?
Good for you! I know that I need to get moving, and seeing how well you did might actually motivate me! I don’t lose very easily, though.
Keep up the good work
Good luck to you Maggie. :)
You look great! That is fantastic and I bet you feel so much better. I just can’t figure out how that food fills you up! It didn’t seem like much food at all. I still have baby weight and would love to lose it so I hope this post motivates me :) I’m still in maternity pants…um…5 months after the birth. Well done!
Don’t give up! Once you get used to 1200 calories, it’s more than enough. Especially with all the water I drink it does fill me up. And eating small snacks throughout the day really does wonders.
Wow! That is awesome! I just started a weight loss journey myself. I hate to exercise but I’m going to try my fitness pal. I need to lose 30 lbs. Keep up the good work. I am addicted to sweet tea and am trying to wean myself off sugar too. Wish me luck!
Good luck Mary Beth!! You can do it. :)
Very inspirational! You look fantastic and you are proof that motivation and self control is the ticket!
Thanks so much SJ!
You look absolutely wonderful , congrats and keep up the good ways of eating right. I really need to start a new eating plan. I have lost about 15 pounds, but I am older than you and the older you get the harder it is to lose. However, I just got a new puppy and I am making it my mission to walk her 2 miles a day. It’s good for her and me. Hopefully, it will help start up that metabolism.
Again, congratulations, you look amazing.
You look wonderful! Congrats!
Congratulations! You look great! I had stalled in my weight loss after baby #3 because of unexpected surgery( I actually gained some weight) but I am officially below prebaby 3 weight almost ( 1lb yay!) at pre baby 2 weight, which is lower than baby 1. Being able to exercise again definitely helps! Yay to yummy healthy food and yay to you!
You look wonderful, Emily! Congratulations! Thank you for the boost to my motivation. I started last Spring with a modified low-carb and have lost 30 lbs as of two weeks ago. Have had a difficult time exercising through the winter months, but finding ways to accommodate exercise to get the next 30 off a bit quicker – and I’m 58 & 5’3″!
How awesome for you!! You look fabulous and so happy! I did pretty well for the past two years and was pretty pleased with how much I had lost, and then the unthinkable happened… I bought a bakery. Gah, aside from the stress and non-stop schedule, I am constantly taste-testing new recipes and have managed to gain 30 lbs. in 6 months! What the what??!! Really unbelievable! So I’m going to try to grab some of your motivation and get my butt in gear!
Congratulations! You really do look fabulous! You look great in that coral top, thanks for sharing your weight loss journey, it’s very encouraging!
You look GREAT! I can really tell in your face – you are so pretty! I loved reading about your motivation. I can’t seem to find mine but maybe if I jump in like you, I will find it too! I have 15 pounds of baby weight to lose…and my baby is 6! Oops.
Wtg, you are looking great! I’m using a “Lose It” app on my phone, and can also sign in to their website. You can make friends and participate in monthly challenges which makes it fun. I”m down 14 lbs since the last week of January, so 6 wks and I’m walking/jogging 4 times each week working towards a 5k in July :) so excited!
You do look fabulous, and you should be proud! Way to go my friend! :)
Wow! Very inspirational! Last year I lost 25 pounds and was on a roll, then we moved to a different state, new job, holidays….anyway, I’ve gained back 9 pounds. It’s been so frustrating because it took me 9 months to lose 25 punds and only 3 to gain 9 back!! Anyway, thanks so much for posting, I’ve GOT to get back on track! Your tips are very helpful.
You look amazing! Congrats on the weight loss!!! I agree with you I love My Fitness Pal – it’s a great reminder of what you have consumed throughout the day. I’ve been doing it for 2 months and have lost 10 lbs. Seems like the older you get the harder it is to lose but I’m determined to lose 25 more lbs!
Congrats on your weight loss and for giving me hope that there is a realistic way to drop some weight!
Wow! You look great! Wish I was that motivated. : ) By the way, I loved your kitchen re-do too! Love, love, love those counter tops!
You look great!! Yes the weight is gone, but most of the difference is in your smile and face! Glowing! I recently went Paleo/Primal, and I’m LOVING it. Like you said, the sugar is really the kicker. In addition to eating no processed sugar or foods, I cut out all cereal grains, legumes, and most dairy as well. I have some awesome recipes I’ve been pinning on Pinterest, if you’re interested. What you’re eating seems very similar to what I’m doing. Would love to swap!! So happy for you and your success!
Outstanding!! I don’t think you looked bad before but I do understand how you feel when you’re carrying around extra…like I am. You are doing this in a healthy fashion and it will stay off. We all need more fruits and veggies I think.
That is amazing and totally inspirational! Congratulations on your accomplishment!
I am thrilled after finding MyFitnessPal too. After only 2 weeks I have already lost 7 lbs! I am also attending 1 hour Zumba classes once a week. I have about 35 lbs left to go and am determined to lose it – and KEEP it off! I can hardly wait till summer (right now we still have a foot of snow on the ground) so I can get outside and run. Here’s to an active lifestyle and being able to sit cross-legged on the floor again!
Wow you are doing awesome Mona!! Keep it up!
Congrats on your weight loss! I just want to encourage people that are new to myfitnesspal to make sure they pick an accurate activity/calorie level. Stay at home moms are very active at minimum. 1200 hundred calories for anyone is actually very low. It will come off quick if you have weight to lose but scale loses will eventually stall out. You may also be losing precious muscle on low calories. Many women don’t realize how much they can eat and still lose weight.
I am going to join myfitness pal and be truly accountable for 8 weeks. I will step right in there with you for the next 6 weeks of your current 8 week journey. You look FANTASTIC, Decorchick! I am so inspired by your determination and RESULTS. I love tacos and Mexican food as well. But, like you said, it is always possible to make substitutions and still feel satisfied. Thank you for sharing, this has really encouraged me to take the necessary steps. It seems like just the other day you were talking about needing to lose weight and now look at you…wowza! Congrats are in order and keep up the good work!!
Hey Heather thank you so much!! Hopefully these next 6 weeks I can really step it up because we know it gets harder to lose once your closer to your goal weight. I hope ou love MFP too! It really helps. :)
Thank you. I have been trying to lose the baby weight for a year. But when your starting weight with the third pregnancy is what your ending weight was for your first I knew something had to be done. I signed up for that app and love it. It’s amazing how quickly everything adds up. I’ve lost a few pounds already. Thank you
Congratulations Abigail!! Proud of you.
You look beautiful! Hope you’re doing great :)
Thanks so much Emily so sweet!
If you don’t mind me asking, how often do you nurse? That’s where my struggle is. My daughter is 7 months old and nurses 5x/day. I fear cutting calories because I don’t want my supply to go down, so I thought it interesting that you did a 1200 calorie diet and didn’t see a supply dip! You look great!
Hi Megan! I guess I nurse about 5-6 times a day too. Just be sure and drink lots of water! And eat oatmeal. :)If you feel your supply is dropping, you could always take some fenugreek too. But she is still nursing at 9 mos old and no problem!
You are looking wonderful! I read every word you wrote and you are such an encouragement to me. I am post menopausal and the weight I carry, about 40 extra pounds now is stubborn. The tips you have shared are wonderful. I am wanting to wean myself from sugar and plan on starting April 1. If I can loose 25 lbs in 8 weeks I will be thrilled. I’ll be back to let you know and to see how you are doing. You are truly a beautiful person inside & out….never forget that! Our weight does not decide who we are but being healthier is important to me as I …..um….age….:0)
Thank YOU for being honest!
You are SO sweet Pamela thank you so much!! Good luck to you. I’ll be looking for your praise report. :)
Congrats on the weight loss!! That’s very exciting and inspiring. I’ve been trying to lose weight too and it’s finally starting to very slowly come off, but I need to get more serious about it. I’ve been using my fitness pal to track what I eat, and it’s definitely helpful to see the calories and be accountable of every bite I take. Good luck on the rest of your journey!
Thanks so much Tara! Good luck to you you can do it!
Emily congratulations, you look stunningly beautiful. My niece is trying to loose weight and your inspiration is exactly what she needs.
Hi Ann! Thank you SO much! I will be calling you soon to order a cake! :)
Just came across your blog amazing, powerful, thank you
Did you follow a calorie count each day? If so, how did you decide how many calories? I have A LOT more than that to lose…like 150lbs. I had 4 kids in 27 months, and was overweight before then. BUt, the youngest 2 will be 9 in July, so it’s been wayyyy too long.
Hi you look awesome, way to go. I actually discovered your blog from Pinterest on the curtains from curtainworks which I can’t find the color on there site? Found your link for curtain but no mocha? But anyways my husband comes home tonight and has me download my fitness pal than I see it on your amazing weight loss story as well, funny right? So I guess it’s a sign for me to follow your lead. Wish me luck I need to loose 30 lbs! Can’t wait to read your next weight loss success post! Jessica
Hey Jessica I think they are out of those curtains or something. Apparently they’ve been really popular! But I’m so glad you found my blog and yes that’s funny about MFP. I really love it and it will help you tremendously! We are in our last week now of the 2nd 8 week challenge so I’ll be doing an update soon. :) Good luck to you you can do it!!
OMG! I have been struggling (NO REALLY…….STRUGGLING!!) to get my butt into gear. I desperately need to lose weight. I need to lose 50-60 pounds, which I know might not sound like a ton of weight to some people, but at only 5’4″ it is literally weighing me down. I did the fitness pal and did good for about 2 weeks, I lost 12 pounds, and then fell off. The weight took no time to creep back on. Your motivation and dedication is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story.
You can do it Sarah don’t give up! Just start using MFP again and I bet the pounds will come right off. :)
Can you give a breakdown of points, guidelines, etc from your accountability group? I’ve been using MFP for about 4 days and already lost 3 pounds! I’m thinking about starring a group like yours but interested in the details!!
Let me try and find what she went off of and I’ll get back to you…it was from another website I think.
So inspiring! What protein shake did you use? There are so many! Thanks Emily!
It’s called Secure by Andrew Lessman. I love the vanilla. :)
Please keep on posting such top quality stories as this is an
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YOU LOOK GREAT, CONGRATULATIONS! how much did you weight in the before picture? and how much do you weight now?
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hi emily, i wish you were my neighbor and i could just share your meals and head out to exercise with you! ;) its so hard when im all alone with my darling 2 year old. i have about 100 pounds to lose, of weight i actually gained AFTER birth! Im gonna give it a go, tho, maybe i will become more social if i lose some weight and i know i need to do it for health! love your blog, thanks, Daisy.
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Hello All,
I have been trying to lose weight for almost a year since my son was born and have lost maybe 5 pounds in the last 10 months. I tried Surely Slim and felt great immediately. More Energy, less snacks in between meals.. Thanks Surely Slim
Thanks Victor, I checked their online site (bio-paranta.com). The science behind it is easy to understand. I think it is cool. I am going to give it a try and I purchased last night 3 bottles that will be enough for 3 months. Hey if I dont loose weight I will be knocking on your door!
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