Well I’ll just get right to it, so if you haven’t heard yet, we had a GIRL!!! We welcomed Ellie Marie into this world on Sunday, July 1 at 1:09 p.m.
And she couldn’t be any more perfect. She weighed in at 7lbs 6oz, a full pound more than Emma, so all of those late nights of eating ice cream paid off. :)
The name Ellie means “noble, exalted, sun ray, and shining light.” Love that.
I have to say that waiting to find out the gender was one of the best things we’ve ever done. It really was the surprise of a lifetime, especially since everyone thought we were having a boy! I secretly wanted another girl, but now I also want a boy. haha.
I have to tell you a funny labor story though and then I’ll show some more pictures. And if it’s TMI I’m sorry–I think it’s hilarious so I’m gonna share. I told you all the c-section date was changed to Monday, July 2, so that’s the day we were expecting to have her. But on Sunday, Ellie had different plans. I woke up in the morning and noticed my pajamas and undies were a little wet when I went to the bathroom. But I thought it was just sweat because I had been previously sweating a lot at night. My husband was at church and I told him on the phone too, and he agreed with me that it was no big deal. So I went about my day like usual and at different times noticed my undies were getting a little wet whenever I’d stand up and walk around. This happened about 4 times and the 4th time, it was very wet. I seriously thought I was just leaking pee! So I kept changing underwear. Then finally I think to myself that something isn’t right and so I called my mom. I told her what was happening and the brilliant person she is said “you’re water broke!” I was still in denial and didn’t think so because I thought when your water broke it all comes gushing out like it does in the movies. Nope, not the case. I didn’t have any contractions or pains or anything either, maybe just a little back pain. Then I called the doc and they tell me I need to go to the hospital and then the rest is history. But July 1st was my Pawpaw’s birthday, so it was a good day for her to come. :)
The nurse made a bow hat and I thought it was so cute.
Here’s Emma meeting her little sister for the first time.
What’s really cool is that she has blonde highlights!
I think she’s gonna be a blondie like Emma is but we’ll see. I love her hair though!
And here is a pic of Emma the day she was born in case you want to compare.
I thought they looked alike but now I’m not so sure. Ellie definitely has more hair than Emma did when she was born. Emma just had blonde peach fuzz. :)
We came home on the 4th of July and Emma loves her new sister.
Having 2 kids is definitely different! That will probably be a different post one day. :)
And here’s me, my husband and Ellie.
She’s just so sweet. Now I’m gonna go snuggle with her. :) Oh, and thank you all so much for the Facebook messages, tweets, texts etc. about our new little one. I appreciate it and love you all!!
Congrats!! She is just precious. Our Elie, told me she saw pics on your FB account…so I knew it ended up being a girl. She has a head of hair, and such a pretty color. Enjoy the first few weeks!!
Congratulations, she is just beautiful. I have three grown sons, no daughters so I am very, very jealous. Enjoy her because it goes too fast!
She is adorable and you make a beautiful family with your 2 girls! (My water broke in a parking lot – gush! Filled my shoes!) I can laugh now, 33 years later!
So nice to meet you, Ellie! You are beautiful! Emma & Ellie’s baby pics share many similarities! Congrats, Mom, Dad & Big Sister! Oh! If I were still young enough to do it again!
she is beautiful…..congrats!!
She’s precious! congrats to you all and enjoy this sweet and fleeting time!
She is the picture perfect baby! Just as sweet as can be. And her hair is great!! I had two peach fuzz babies. And my water broke both times even with a scheduled c-section. The first time – the huge gush. The second time it leaked like yours so I had NO clue. Also, I was only 35 weeks. I felt like a moron but who knew it could go both ways??
She is just precious! Congrats again!
Congratulations! Ellie is beautiful!
Oh Emily, she is so precious. I can’t wait to see her again. Emma looks so happy. And did u see the look on Alie’s face in those pics I got? Ellie has our girls wrapped around her sweet lil finger already! And I have to brag….still so excited that we were the first to meet Ellie!!!
Beautiful!! And what a pretty head of hair! Congratulations! =)
~ Mara
I saw the photos on facebook, but congrats again. She is darling, and I love that hair! Such a cute little family you have! :)
Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing! With my second pregnancy the same thing happened with my water breaking, I also thought I was sweating a lot and then maybe leeking pee. Congratulations and enjoy snuggling that sweet bundle!
Congrats on your beautiful new daughter! What a precious little girl! Your little family is beautiful! Enjoy!
Your new little Sweet Pea Ellie is just as beautiful as she is precious. You are very blessed!! I wish you, your husband, Emma and Ellie all the best!!!!
I love your baby story! Congratulations and thank you for
sharing your precious pictures of your family. Baby Ellie shares a birthday with my hubby and son! Enjoy your precious angels!
Congratulations again! She is beautiful!
The same thing happened to me with my water. I went for a walk and on the water my water started to break. I leaked for a few hours without pain or contractions and when I finally went to the hospital it officially broke and I did have that gush of water like in the movies!
Congratulations, Emily! She is BEYOND perfect! :) Give her a hug and kiss from me.
Congratulations!! She’s beautiful!
Congratulations to you and your family! Ellie is adorable :)
Congrats!! She is adorable!!! My husband and I are expecting our first baby (a girl) in September and can’t wait!! :-)
Congratulations on your beautiful new daughter! You have a beautiful family. You are blessed! Now go get some sleep :) ~Linda
Congratulations and lots of love to your new baby girl!
She is absolutely precious!!! Congratulations! :)
Wow! She is so gorgeous! So many congratulations to you and your family! :-)
Congrats on your new addition! Two girls, wow!
Congratulations. She is just lovely!
Congrats Emily! She’s beautiful, and i love her name. So pretty. Hope you and your family are resting well & enjoying life!
Congratulations, she is beautiful! And natural highlights, how cool is that?!
So glad to hear everything went smoothly! My water did about the same thing! It just looked like I was peeing in the toilet, but I wasn’t! I didn’t have any pain either! When I got to the hospital, I was having contractions but couldn’t feel them…..yet! haha Please write a post about having two children and what it’s like! (when you feel up to it, of course!) I am pregnant with my 2nd (due January 5!) and I would love to know how your adjustment is going!
God bless!
Awe- beautiful baby! Congratulations!
She is beautiful! Congratulations!!
Congratulations! My little girl has the same color hair but when you get in the sunlight, there is a lot of red. Enjoy your time with your little sweet pea! Babies are the best :)
Congratulations on your sweet, new baby girl!!
Oh my goodness…she IS a sweet little pea!! Congratulations!
What a sweet baby girl, she is just precious!!! Your birth story was funny, I also thought that when someone’s water breaks, it just gushes out, but I guess everyone is different. Congrats to you and your family, and enjoy your babies, they grow too fast.
She is absolutely gorgeous, as is her sister! She looks so sweet and content. She does have a lot of pretty hair. The meaning of her name is as beautiful as she is! May God bless you and your family!
She is so beautiful! You are really blessed with such a wonderful little family. I’m glad Emma loves her. Take care ~
I love the pictures of Emma and Ellie- so sweet! Sisters!!!
Congrats & awesome name!
Two beautiful girls!!! Congrats!!
Sooooo, CUTE! Congrats!
Congratulations! I knew you were having a girl! She is just beautiful. I love the photos of Emma with her-too precious. Enjoy having 2 girls-you’re gonna love it
She is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations to you! I think I remember saying I would go on record you were having a girl at SNAP. :) You’ve corroborated my horrible allergies/having a girl connection! Get lots of rest and enjoy those sweet snuggles. :)
conrats on your little budndle of joy. Visiting from your SIL’s blog, Alililly!
Congratulations on the new baby! She’s adorable!
Congratulations! You have a beautiful little family!
What a great looking family, congrads!
Awwww…congratulations to you and your sweet family! She is beautiful.
Congrats!! She is beautiful! And she has the most beautiful name ;)
xo ellie
Yay! Congratulations, Decorchick (beacuse that is your name to me ;))
I am so happy for the arrival of your little one–she is perfect! What a beautifully blessed family!
She is beautiful and so precious. Congratulations!
Congratulations! She is so beautiful. I have 4 daughters & 1 son. My girls are grown and are the best of friends. I’m sure Emma & Ellie will be as well. By the way, I only knew with 2 of mine the sex & am convinced it makes labor easier when you don’t know because you are so excited to find out. My daughter didn’t find out either & she said the same thing. I was so surprised though at the reaction people had to her not finding out. Some people were even rude about it. I was so excited to see you waited!
She is just precious and looks just like a little doll! So sweet!
Congratulations, she is so beautiful!
I can honestly say that I LOVE her name! Why can I say that? Because that is the exact same name that I gave my daughter when she was born on January 31st!!! God bless the Ellie Marie’s:)
Congrats, she is gorgeous!! Beautiful name too!
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
Blessings to your family and your new beautiful daughter. I have enjoyed your blog as a nameless visitor for some time. Your story about your labor and water breaking reminded me of what happened to one of my sisters – oh, a long time ago — the daughter she had is now grown up and a mom of three sons herself and now in her 30s! We none of us live in that Fairy Tale Land some of us may prefer, and I appreciate people who “keep it real” as the current saying goes :) Personally, I think we need more reality and less “la la land” perfection out there in Blog Land! I now look forward to seeing piles of dirty diapers and laundry everyday! LOL!
Such a beautiful baby! Congratulations on your new little sweet pea.
Emily. . . oh my goodness. She is so precious. I love the name Ellie and just want to squeeze her. Enjoy this very special time with your family. Hugs.
Tired to leave a message earlier but it didn’t go through. Just wanted to say congratulations on your beautiful new addition ! Praying GOd’s blessings on your family.