I had to try and come up with some clever title, and that’s all I got. Everyone else took my “Ohhhh Snap” post title and rightfully so because it makes the most sense. :) Anyway….yes, SNAP! Like, as in, SNAP! the Conference! You may have heard about it? Just kidding–of course you’ve heard of it from like all of your favorite bloggers by now!
It’s going to be an awesome conference in Salt Lake City, Utah (next weekend, yikes!!), and I am SO excited to be a part of it! OH yea, I am speaking in one of the sessions! Hold me tight please. It’s going to be a blast though, especially with the other awesome ladies I’ll be with during my session. You can check out the schedule here, and the session I’m speaking in will be Saturday morning. Woohoo!!
Also, guess what else?? Apartment Guide is sponsoring my trip to the SNAP! Conference! I will be representing Apartment Guide and talking about ways bloggers can partner with them on lifestyle-themed challenges and engage with them on their social media pages. Oh my gosh could this get any more awesome? I don’t think it can. I feel so incredibly blessed to get opportunities like this, and never in a million years would I have thought this type of thing could happen to me. Anyway, you can sign up here on Apartment Guide’s Facebook page for more updates about this and how they work with bloggers. And I’d love to talk to you more about it as well if you’ll be attending SNAP?!
Be sure and follow Apartment Guide on all of the social media outlets so you can stay up to date with what they have going on too. “Like” Apartment Guide on Facebook at Facebook.com/apartmentguide, follow them on Twitter @AptGuideand “circle” them on Google+for real-time tips and updates on making the most of your space.
So now I want to know if you will be at SNAP?! I would love love love to meet you!! The conference is going to be amazing!! I won’t be hard to miss. Just look for the big pregnant girl waddling around and possibly wearing her not very stylish but oh so comfy Crocs. :)
I’ll see you there! I’ll be waddling, but only because I’m chubby, not because I’m preggers. ;)
Yay Jill! Can’t wait to see you!
Emily! SOOOO excited to meet you and hear you speak at SNAP! It’s kinda funny, but when we first started our blog back in Sept. I was getting all sad and discouraged because no one ever commented on our first posts. It was to the point where I was making my husband make fake comments just to see if the comment thing was working! Ha! Anyway, then I entered my first challenge, the CSI Project, and you were the guest judge and you picked my baby girl’s closet makeover as the #1 project. I remember getting a really sweet email from you and I was freaking out! I was so happy that someone appreciated my project and actually told me so :) And, not to mention, one of my FAVORITE bloggers! You really gave me a boost and made my entire week. Thanks for taking the time to do things like that… Anyway, Nat (my sister) and I will both be at SNAP and we can’t wait to say hi! And find out more about Apartment Therapy :) See you next week!
Awww I remember that Holly!! I am SO excited to meet y’all!!!
I am so excited for you!!! And can I just say, Apartment Guide totally rocks for sponsoring you! You deserve it!! And I’m claiming it now….I’m going WITH YOU next year!! :) :) :)
Amen sista!!
That is seriously amazing. I am so proud of you. Very well deserved. Wish I could be there. Good luck and enjoy such a fun conference!
I won’t be there, but my company, We HAND Made This will be there (in the gift bags). Maybe next year I will be able to break away to attend.
Have a great conference!
Emily, I seriously cannot wait to meet you in person!!! Thanks so very much for coming to be a part of our fun weekend!
It shall be a grand old time meeting you.