Remember when I showed you all the patio makeover? Well that was at the end of June, and I had those plants that are in the photos a few weeks before I posted it. Here is another pic to refresh your memory…
I have the rubber plant on the left end, 2 Coleus by the other 2 columns, and the blue daze plant on the right.
And to my amazement, check out what the plants look like today.
Well first off, I can’t believe everything is still ALIVE, but alive AND flourishing! All of the plants have gotten so tall and are really filling out. If you look in that first photo from back in June at the red coleus in front of the middle column, you can really tell how tall it’s gotten. And the rubber plant has gotten much taller as well.
What I didn’t show you in the makeover post though, was something else I had planted in the bed in the back yard.
Another Coleus and some Vincas. And they are doing great too! This Coleus in particular has really doubled in size.
Oh, I also didn’t show you our front door back then either.
More blue daze…I love them!
I took all of these photos just a few days ago too. I am pretty proud about my plants and flowers, especially since they’ve all been alive and doing well for almost 2 months now. I haven’t done anything special to them. I just have to water And I can’t believe I’ve actually even been doing that because I’m lazy, but Emma loves to help me water so at least I try and make it a “fun” chore.
Do I dare try and start a vegetable garden next year?? Would I have the same good luck? That would be so awesome.
Nice!! I’ve had the same epiphany this summer about watering daily… my vincas have gotten so big I may have to cut them back. Spring for container vegetable gardening next year– you can totally do it!
Looking good! The heat here is getting to everything as well. But, we did get some rain the other day and are expecting more this week. So that should help!
I forgot what rain looked and sounded like…
Good job! I too have a brown thumb, er maybe I am not consistent about watering. So I get it! Kudos!!! They look great! I think about your front door almost daily. I just HAVE to do that!
Yay! They look great!
I started a vegetable garden this year. It has been fun, but hardly anything has produced veggies due to the heat. Hopefully next year will be more “fruitful.” <—-You see what I did there?! ;)
Ha, hopefully so!
They look awesome! Blue daze & coleus are one of my faves! Have you tried the potato vine? You’ll be hooked- its the best chartreuse green ever!
Oh yes, I LOVE the potato vines too and have been wanting to get one for a while now. I love the green and the purple. :)
Your plants are beautiful! FYI if you would like your coleus to be more “bushy” than “leggy”, pinch off the flower stem that comes out on top. Another BEAUTIFUL plant for sunny areas is Sweet Potatoe Vine, they are available at Lowe’s and come in a vibrant green and deep purple, they are FULL and hang beautifully!
Thanks for the tip Michelle! Yes, I must get me some potato vines next. :)
I love the Welcome thing on your door! Is that vinyl or paint?
It’s vinyl that I had printed at a local sign shop.
How do you apply the vinyl sign once you have it printed? It looks charming! Btw, your plants look great.
It comes with transfer paper attached so you stick that to the door, rub it, and then gently peel it off and your vinyl will stick on the door.
They look awesome! I wish we could keep plants alive. How is it that we both live in the Houston area and your beauties are flourishing while mine are crumbly and brown? Hmmm….
Hmm, are you watering? ;)
Your plants look great! I used to garden (flowers) when I lived in NY. I’m in south Texas now and can’t seem to get a handle on the heat and the clay soil. I have given up on outdoor plants for now. It’s just not in me to water 2x a day.
I’m a fairly new reader (new to blogs in general) and have really enjoyed reading yours. :)
Thanks so much for reading Karen! The heat is quite awful…bleh.
They look beautiful…and if I were you I’d certainly aim for a veggie garden next year…you have done great w/your flowers and plants, so why not! = ) Besides, you have a great little helper! Great job again. Thanks for always teaching and sharing!
Well I think you may have just convinced me. :)
Adorable patio! Looks like your plants are doing very well!