Some Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
Not to be confused with chalk board paint, because they are both very different things. :) I’ve never used it before, but decided to buy some from a local distributor the other day and try it out. Hey, if what it claims is true about no priming necessary, no sanding, and sticks to basically any surface, then sign me up! I’m all about no prep work that’s for sure.
But I do have to say that I am definitely more of a spray paint gal instead of the paint with a brush method. Spray paint is fast, doesn’t leave brush strokes, and doesn’t hurt my hand. And holding a paintbrush hurts me. See, I’m already complaining. But the main reason I’m giving this a go is because the furniture I need to paint is upstairs, and it’s too heavy (and I’m too lazy) to move it down into the garage to spray. Heck, who am I kidding? We don’t even have room in the garage to paint right now.
So before I continue to complain more that I have to paint some furniture the real way (like, with a brush), have you tried any of the chalk paint yet? How do you like it and was your experience good I hope? I know a lot of people who just rave about this stuff, so here’s hoping I have something awesome to show you next week! Or maybe the week after that because I’m a slow painter when I use a brush. :)
P.S.-I loooooved all of y’alls comments on the housekeeper post too–y’all are so awesome and encouraging that I decided to have the housekeeper just come and live with us for a while. Hardy har har–kidding. But seriously, thank you!!
I love ASCP!! I kept reading about it and had to try it. When I do projects I want them done quickly so sanding and priming are not friends of mine. I had a piece of furniture that was to heavy to move so I just slid it out from the wall and went to town. Didn’t even tell my husband I was going to paint it. It was finished by the time he came home from work. I pushed it back into place and accessorized it again to see if he’d even notice. He was totally surprised that I was able to change a piece of furniture that quickly. He even asked me to spruce up some old furniture in his study! Good luck….it really is easy!
Your post about the housekeeper sounded just like me! I feel guilty every time she is here as I too do not work and could be doing it but I HATE to clean and she does an awesome job! Much better than I can do!
That’s so awesome about your husband! I’m glad you love the chalk paint too. The no prep is awesome.
Ahh glad you have a housekeeper! It is kind of awkward while they are here cleaning isn’t it? But you’re right–they do a great job instead of a half-hearted job like I would do. :)
I love ASCP too. The great thing about it is how quick it can change a piece. I hate prep work, so no sanding or priming makes it aces in my book. I love the finish it gives too. It will be rough when you first paint it, but with just a little light sanding it will be as smooth as a babies bottom. Tip..Don’t worry about the brush strokes while you are painting, it will all even out and be beautiful when you are finished. (It drove me nuts the first time I used it until I sanded.)
Great Gloria, thanks so much for the sanding tip!!
I’m just getting ready to use ASCP on my first piece of furniture! I’ve never refinished anything and of course I went for a gigantic table. The top will be dark walnut and the bottom the Old White in ASCP. If anyone knows where you can get sample pots from please let me know! I’ve been told I don’t need a whole quart for the small area I am doing.
Hey Lisa, I think you can order the sample pots online now? I bought a few samples from the place I bought it from, and she didn’t have the actual real pots yet, but they just poured them into some small plastic containers.
I gave in and bought some this week. Finished my first piece. LOVE that it has no prep, but like you…hate the brushing. It does have some brush strokes and my wrist is aching. However, it sands sooo easily & the brush strokes do sand off fairly easily. I’m on the fence- no prep=awesome but not sure if the $$$ justifies it, and my aging body can’t take the brushing. ;)
Good luck!
LOL I know right? I definitely won’t be going into the furniture refinishing business any time soon. I don’t know how others do it all the time!
You are cracking me up!! :) Can’t wait to see how it turns out!
Also I made your pumpkin bread the other day and I only made 1/2 the recipe “just in case”..well that was a mistake!! haha :) The 1st loaf was gone in about 2hrs, I have 3 boys and my husband that claims he “doesn’t like” pumpkin! I about fell over when I saw how many pieces he devoured!! Needless to say I made another 2 loaves the next day and we’re already almost done with those also! So THANK YOU..well my thighs aren’t boys are! haha :)
HAHAHA that is awesome!!! I think I’ll make some this weekend. Tis the season! :)
I’ve heard such good things about this stuff. Loved your last post… Now you just need to have everyone leave names, numbers, where they clean, and prices so we can all help each other out and get our own cleaning crew
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the Chalk Paint – I’ve been researching it this week, and trying to decide if it’s worth the drive I’ll have to make to get it!
I’m anxious to see how it turns out! I am considering chalk paint on a couple of pieces but I’m definitely not a refinishing expert… hoping it is as easy as everyone says. :)
You’ll LOVE it!!! It is practically perfect in every way. (Sorry-I’m a sucker for movie references.) :D
I’ve actually written three posts about my experience with it:
Good luck and I can’t wait to see the finished product!
You know, it’s funny, I’m probably the only commenter who wasn’t “crazy” about Annie Sloan’s. It didn’t stick the way I would have liked it. It’s great for distressing, but it definitely scratched off easily. I think I just like the aspect of sanding and having that clean surface. No matter how time consuming it is.
I can’t wait to see what the Pure White looks like! I’ve been waiting for someone to use it. I can’t decide between the Pure and the Old for my hutch. I have the color chart but I need to see a piece done in it! Are you finished, lol??
I have a question for any experienced chalk painter out there, what method is best to make the dark wax appear more of an even cloudy look rather then streaky and uneven?