Well, I’m sad to say that the Celebration of Service events are coming to a close this month. I’ve loved being a part of this life-changing event with The Home Depot Foundation because we have helped so many people across this country. My last Celebration of Service event was actually near my hometown, and it was a house visit to my local veteran family that was chosen for me.
This event was very casual and I took my family with me so that was pretty cool. I will use the name J & R as the military family name to protect their privacy, but when we arrived at their home, we were welcomed with open arms by their little boy. He was SO precious. He took Emma, my oldest, upstairs immediately to play and watch tv and their oldest daughter was there helping supervising the littles. :)
I recently wrote about Operation Homefront, and gave you some background information on them, but a representative from OH was there too, as well as 4 other Home Depot employees from local stores. My military family is in the Homes on the Homefront program that Operation Homefront has, and it’s such a wonderful program getting veterans into home ownership. There is a process that takes place, and eventually the home will be deeded over to the family once the requirements of the program have been satisfied. Since I hadn’t learned of OH until my home visit, it was fascinating to me how this non-profit organization changes veterans lives, and for the better. There are many programs available, and I am so glad The Home Depot Foundation partnered up with them this year.
It was just a relaxing visit and J & my husband hit it off (gamers and technology enthusiasts) and his wife (R) was adorable and funny! I enjoyed talking with them about all of the places they have lived and learned more about military lives in general. I am just SO thankful there are organizations out there there help military families like J & R because no one deserves anything more than veterans. They put their lives on the line for us every single day, and I don’t know anything else that is more selfless. Our veterans deserve the best and deserve the help and assistance. The Home Depot Foundation sent me with a Christmas tree and holiday decor items to take to them as well.
OH! J & R made the MOST delicious treats and snacks for us. How sweet was that??! There was fruit and cheese, brownies, cookies, these awesome bacon and cheese pinwheel things and other deliciousness. And she even sent us home with homemade hot chocolate and marshmallows! SOOOOOOO sweet. Thank you J & R!!
Here is a group shot of all of us together.
R was holding Ellie for me too which was awesome. :)
I am glad I had the opportunity to meet everyone and am thankful for the new friends we met. I know we will continue to be friends too. :)
Be sure and thank our Veterans when you see them out and about. There is no greater gift than the act of service, and their service is like no other.
Thank you Veterans, and thank you J & R for welcoming us into you beautiful home. :)
To learn more you can visit Operation Homefront and The Home Depot Foundation website, follow The Home Depot Foundation on Twitter, and like them on Facebook.
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