Well little Ellie turned 3 months old this past Monday so I wanted to give a brief update.
She’s just so dang sweet and cute and scrumptious. I’m so thankful for her. And thankful for her easy going ways. She still is such a chilled and happy baby.
She loves laying on her little jungle gym mat thing and is almost rolling over. Yikes! This week I put her in the bumbo chair and she loved it.
And I can’t get enough of her little grin.
That actually looks more like a smirk. :)
And here is a side by side of her at 3 months (on the left), and 2 months old (on the right) to compare.
She’s obviously filled out more everywhere, especially in her face, and she looks a little older, to me at least. I’m thinking she looks more like Daddy for sure at this point. It’s so fun comparing the months to see how much they change. They sure grow up too fast.
She’s just a cutie-patootie! Ok, I’ll shut up now. Hope y’all have a great weekend! :)
She is SO precious! Enjoy every minute, it goes too fast!
She is such a sweet darling baby. Ughh. You must just melt.
Oh my gosh she is just darling! Those cheeks are just begging to be squeezed. :)
Sweet girl! I can’t wait until our sweet girl gets here! Only 3 more months to go! :) How is your daughter liking being a big sister? Our 5 year old son is pretty excited about being a big brother!
She just makes me smile!
Oh girl….you did good!!! So darn cute!
Hey! She is so cute!!
OH!! She is just so precious! She totally looks like Randy in the “smirking” picture! :)
She is just so pretty! I love her little eyelashes. :-)
She is beautiful! She looks very content and so happy. Yes, the time does fly by. Enjoy every moment ~