You know those jobs around your house that you know need to get done, but just never get done? You know the ones I’m talking about. Cleaning your tile grout falls into that category. It’s definitely considered a dirty job too, since I just did ours.
See our tile in the kitchen?
Doesn’t look too bad does it? Well, seeing how it’s supposed to look like this…
it is bad. Very bad. Disgusting in fact. I’ve never cleaned it, not gonna lie. And I won’t tell you how many years we’ve lived here, but I will say it’s several. ;)
I took the #BountyChallenge that Proctor & Gamble and The Home Depot contacted me about.
They wanted to challenge me to use Bounty paper towels (which is what I use anyway) and clean up a messy project with them. As much as I was not looking forward to being down on all four’s scrubbing for a long time, I knew it was the kick in the pants I needed to get our floors clean. Because yes, my baby does eat off of the floor. Hopefully she doesn’t eat off of the grout.
So I went to The Home Depot and bought a few supplies to do this.
I ended up using that white brush the whole time and didn’t use the big blue one.
But all I did was follow the directions on that grout cleaner, scrub it with the brush, and then wiped it all up with the Bounty paper towels.
If you’ve never cleaned grout like I have, you might be surprised at what all can actually live in those grout lines…See exhibit A.
See all of that funk that is just breaking loose on it’s own? That is with NO scrubbing, just the grout solution on there. I literally gagged when I saw that was happening. Barf-o-rama.
You can see in this picture which half is clean, and which is not.
Pretty amazing.
So with about 1 1/2 hours of scrubbing my grout lines were clean and I was happy.
I have a few spots to touch up too but never again will I let my grout get like that! Ack!
Here’s a video you can watch on other ways Bounty is great for clean ups.
13052 Bounty Home Hardware – 02 Paint Wipeup v7 (1)
So how would you like to win 2 rolls of Bounty Paper Towels AND a $250 gift card to The Home Depot for the #BountyChallenge??! Yea baby! To enter just leave a comment and tell us you’re excited to use some Bounty paper towels and what you like to use them for. Or if you’re brave, you can tell me when the last time you cleaned your grout was! Easy peasy! I’ll announce a winner Sunday, July 7, 2013.
Update: Giveaway now closed and the winner is #44-Kassandra Artz. Congrats!
Let’s Connect!

I’m excited to use Bounty paper towels to clean all my windows!
Bounty is the only paper towel I do use. For clean ups, wiping Grandchildren’s messy faces, I fold sheets and use in the baths for drying hands. My next project is the grout in our bathrooms. I steam clean but they need a thorough cleaning for sure–not a job I am looking forward too…..
Confession: I’ve never deep cleaned my grout either! Yours turned out great! Loving the new blog design too ;)
I totally need to do that to my floors. It is so easy to forget the grout!
Just did that a few months ago….
I would love to win some Bounty paper towel and a Home Depot gift card! Bathroom floor grout could really use a good clean…but that grosses me out even more because, well, it’s a bathroom. Eew.
Wow! My grout looks worse than your before picture. It could use a good scrubbing too!
I need to do that too.
Love Bounty and now I am going to clean my grout. It sure needs it.
I would the Bounty paper towels for the same thing. I’ve lived in my house for 2 years and never cleaned the grout. It is pretty gross!!!
I haven’t cleaned my grout in a very long time. This definitely inspires me to do it again!
I don’t have tile floors–they’re currently the old, unfinished hardwood floors that were under the peeling linoleum that we finally tore out of our kitchen a few years ago. We’re in the process of trying to decide what to do with them–I’d like to refinish them, but it will also require a patch job in the places where there had been termite damage. The only grout I have is in the tub surround, which I clean just as often as I have to…or when I remember. :P I do use paper towels frequently, though, when I clean the bathroom, or mopping up whatever has spilled on the floor. Thanks, to Bounty and Home Depot, and to you, for the opportunity to win!
Ummm, I’ve never cleaned my grout. Eek!
I think I will take your advice and use my Bounty Paper Towels to clean my grout. I know mine need cleaning but wasn’t sure what to use. I think I will do exactly what you did. Thanks!!
We moved into our house about 3 years ago and the tile needs a cleaning really bad! I have no idea when was the last time it was cleaned which scares me a bit. This giveaway would be awesome to win! ;)
Your tile looks great! That’s what we use too!
Bounty is wonderful for all household jobs! Works great on anything!
We love bounty paper towels! We use them for lots of things, including cleaning our counters and bathrooms. I’m embarrassed to say we’ve never cleaned the grout on our floors. :?
I am excited to use Bounty to clean my son’s bathroom and bedroom when he moves out and I become an empty nester.
When bought our house on short sale last year sight unseen the realtor failed to mention it was the people-on-the-street-with-big-black-hairy-dogs house. Alas. Countless hours were spent cleaning the grout (all 1200 square feet of it!) and now we are the neighbors-with-three-little-boys house and we’re ready for another go around. Crying out to you from a grouty grime house, Bounty save us!
(ps I really do love dogs :)
I need to clean my grout! We bought the house last september. But my kid is forever eating things off of all floors in the house! I would love to win! I use Bounty to clean everything! I also use them to make baby wipes and vinegar cleaning wipes. They’re the best!
I need to clean my grout as well, now I know what to use thanks to your post and it’s good to know that Bounty holds up under pressure…I was just planning a trip to Home Depot, I may wait to see if I win a gift card, that will definitely help.
With five grand children it never ends! I don’t have floor grout but I do have finger prints every where when the kids go home! I will put those rolls of Bounty Paper Towels to good use immediately wiping up doors, windows, mirrors and walls. I would love to give them a try, I usually by the cheaper brand. Thanks! ~Deb
I need to clean windows, both inside and out. My baseboards and molding all could use a good scrub. Spring got away from me before I realized it. Now my spring cleaning turned into summer smack down cleaning.
I love Bounty paper towels! I would use them to clean my walls. I swear, every time my boys come in the house their hands are black and they won’t keep their hands off the walls, ugh!
Oh man… I have a feeling you just guilted me into cleaning my grout. I know exactly how long it’s been, because I know when I put that floor in, but I can’t bring myself to tell people. Time to load up on grout cleaner, a scrub brush, and Bounty paper towels!
I like using Bounty for cleaning glass!
I am renting and don’t have any grout to clean, but would use the Bounty paper towels to clean windows, mirrors, counters, bathrooms, spills, practically everything!
I really need to clean fridge!!!
With 2 toddlers, I’m always using Bounty to wipe up spills!
I would love to clean my grout as well…we did our basement in all tile a couple of years ago and it could really use it!!
I use paper towels for everything! From washing windows and mirrors to messy kitchen clean ups to subbing as a paper plate for a quick sandwich lunch or piece of toast to eat on the go! Thanks for the giveaway! Great job on the grout!
I would use those Bounty paper towels to clean all around the baseboards in my bathroom. That’s a job I have been putting off.
Love bounty towels. Cleaning grout is the reason I chose dark brown to start with so you can’t tell how dirty it is.
I’d love to win and could use the bounty to clean up all of our kitchen remodel mess!
I use Bounty Paper Towels for EVERYTHING!
I cant wait to do this to my grout. I love Bounty paper towels.
I’m excited to use some Bounty paper towels to clean my floor boards…. Also a yucky job!!! My husband and I could definitely use the gift card to transform our apartment we lived in during college into a more mature living apace as we have just graduated (woohoo)!!!!
I am loving Bounty as I go through my house on a cleaning spree! I used to only use Viva, but Bounty has really improved, and I now prefer to use it over Bounty!
Thanks for the giveaway! I don’t have grout but I have 2 kids and always cleaning messes.
It is so dusty here in Arizona…can’t keep my windows clean. Would use the towels to clean those darn windows…ONE more time. I will be selling my house in the Fall and am actually considering calling a grout cleaning company for that particular job….this old body ain’t what it used to be!
Bounty is the only paper towel we use. After seeing this post – I will definitely be tackling the “clean grout” project. NOT looking forward to it (yuck!) by any means but I just can’t let it go anymore after what I’ve seen just now. Eek! Thanks so much for sharing the down and dirty!
I would use the paper towels to clean my husbands BBQ. It is pretty gross, maybe even the outside windows! They could always use a good cleaning!
I’m like you! Been putting off cleaning the grout in our master bath since we moved into our home….finally the other day I got the mission accomplished! Next time I will use the Bounty paper towels I always have on hand to clean up the residue instead of old soppy towels!
Thanks Emily…now I HAVE to clean my grout (Ewwww). I am thinking those Bounty paper towels and the home depot gift card would point me in the right direction.
I so need to do that!!! Between a dog and kids and a husband who loves to cook, but not clean, my floors can get pretty gross.
I love bounty! Use them mainly to wipe up dirty faces and high chairs :)
I clean out my two refrigerators regularly and can never have enough paper towels!! Plus, I have a list a mile long for Home Depot products just waiting to be purchases… thanks for the chance to win!!
I have plenty of projects that could use the help of Bounty! I have a baby coming in the next month and will be doing some deep cleaning! Love me a good paper towel!
I love Bounty………….and I have a bounty of cleaning projects to do!
I use bounty paper towels everyday with 3 boys, a dog and of course a husband! I’m not sure who makes the bigger mess.. Im afraid I have some grout to tackle in my near future! My husband would go crazy with a Home Depot gift card!
Bounty paper towels are the best for everything I do in the kitchen!
I always use Bounty paper towels when I prepare chicken. All that pink juice coming off of the raw chicken is very gross. Grosser then kitchen tile grout. Bounty paper towels clean it up and even is handy when I use bleach on my counters to kill the chicken germs. Thanks Bounty for the Select-a-Size.
I think it’s been about two years and it definitely needs done again!
We actually donate Bounty towels to the local dog shelter( along with bleach). That 250 at HD would go a long way towards towels, tarps and fake grass for the shelter dogs and our homeless shelter here in town-honestly, hubby and I are fortunate enough to not really “need” anything :)
I would love to use the Bounty towels to clean my kitchen tile floor and even clean out the refrigerator
Bounty is the best! I’m inspired… grout is SO not fun, but it’s gross to think about what is there! Maybe a project for next week!
Bounty is my paper towel and I use it for EVERYTHING!! But I haven’t cleaned my grout (hangs head in shame). Next on the cleaning list, for sure!
Thanks for showing me why I don’t want to put tiles with grout ever in my house and showing me how much gunk the Bounty paper towels clean up. I will be picking some up next time I am at the store instead of using the cheap kind like usual for messes big and small from now on.
A job that I am NOT looking forward to! Needs to be done, though! Thanks for sharing, so I won’t feel so bad when I do mine!! lol
I use bounty paper towels to clean my kitchen and bathrooms!!
I love bounty paper towels, to clean my grout too. I cleaned then about a month ago. I can’t say fore sure how long it has been before then.
I have a two year old……so paper towels are used on a daily basis cleaning up his messes throughout the house.
I have 5 boys under the age of 10 so the more bounty paper towels the better! I am constantly wiping up spills of the floor, crumbs, juice, mud, etc. You name it, I’ve wiped it! I don’t see a change in this routine in the foreseeable future either!
Since its 119 degrees here in Phoenix, I guess I better grab some bounty towels and do some grout cleaning in the a/c! The things we do to stay cool!
okay now you got me wanting/needing to clean my grout – I’m readed to HD to get the Zep and Bounty…
I would use Bounty to clean my windows. Luckily, they are the tilt-in kind! Believe it or not, there is no grout in our house; we have hardwood floors and a claw foot tub, so no tile there, either!
That’s why we went with a dark, gray brown for our grout color. It hides grime pretty well. But now you’ve shamed me into needing to clean mine, even if you can’t tell it’s dirty! I’d love to use some Bounty to do the job!
Yep, I should probably get on cleaning my grout, too! You did a great job!
I have never cleaned my grout, new tile/grout last year, but will use the Bounty towels when I do need too now!
I only use Bounty. Great for cleaning the bathroom, then just throw it away. Wonderful for windows, inside and out. And a couple will clean the oven with ease. Way too go Bounty!
Wow, that is an amazing difference! I think I’ll clean my bathroom grout with some Bounty!
I use Bounty everyday but I especially love it for a quick, sanitary way to wipe down the bathroom. In a house with 6 pairs of hands getting washed throughout the day, the sink in our bath gets lots of splash. A Bounty towel and a quick squirt of spray and my bath is ready for unexpected guests!
I love bounty paper towels! The select-a-size are my favorite I use them for Everything!
Your grout looks amazing!
I’ve tried to buy other brands, but I always come back to Bounty. I need Bounty to wash my windows!
I’m excited to use bounty paper towels to clean my windows…which I may have refused to clean in the last year we’ve lived in our house :).
We love Bounty. Grout cleaning sounds so painful! Our grout is pretty dark and was cleaned about a couple of years ago.
I would use the Bounty paper towels to clean my kitchen and bathroom countertops!
Me, me, me! I would use the paper towels for the same thing you did! I cleaned my grout about 2 months ago, but never quite finish. The space is big and it gets exhausting! But my grout lines are a hot mess! Would love to win the gift card, it would be amazing and could do some awesome things with it. Please pick me!
I vow to never have tiled floors or walls in my house just because I HATE grout lines!!
I’m so excited for paper towels and a Home Depot gift card!!
I’ve never cleaned our grout.
Eeek…my countertops are tiled. I suppose I should clean them!
What do I scrub with Bounty Paper Towels? We-elll…. my dogs’ bowls, the cup holders in my car, any “spills” around the toilets, bathroom sinks with stuck-on toothpaste, puppy accidents, the track of coffee dribbled from the coffee pot out the back door, and anything else that is so undesirable that I don’t want to save the germs in a cloth that I would have to launder. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to clean up a filthy mess and throw away the germs. It makes me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.
My grout could use a good cleaning too!
The grout looks great! If you seal it now it will stay that way for a long time. Not surprised the Bounty worked so well – I never buy any other brand and I use it for Everything!
We have lived in our home for almost 2 years and I have never cleaned the grout. I think I would like to use this in the bathrooms as well…I can’t wait to see the difference. Your Kitchen looks great!
I just cleaned most of my grout after a few years too! Gross! I would use Bounty for the remaining hallway that’s left.
OMG! The floors look so much better. I need to clean our grout too. I don’t think its ever been done. All I can say is super ew. Not looking forward to it at all…
I could use a bunch of Bounty to clean my windows!
I’m excited to use some Bounty paper towels on my nasty fridge. Oh and I clean up cat vomit too :)
I’ve got some dirty highchairs from my one a two year olds that could use a good scrubbing!
With two kids and two dogs, I could sure use a whole mess of Bounty paper towels and $250 to clean my many many windows!
Thanks for the opportunity, your grout looks fantastic!
I’m excited to use some Bounty paper towels for everything – from keeping them in a holder on the counter for drying hands to cleaning our bbq.
Yikes! You mean you are supposed to clean your grout once in a while? I just use my steam mop and hope I’m killing some of the nasties that live between the tiles! I’ll have to head to my Home Depot for the Zep grout cleaner – it looks like it really works! I think the most enjoyable job I have on my list that takes good strong Bounty paper towel is painting our sunroom. I use paper towel when I paint because it works so much better than rags and doesn’t make a lot of lint to mar the smooth finish. I’m a messy painter so I could certainly use more rolls! I actually hate painting but love the end results!
I have 40+ year old tile (you know, the funky colored kinds) in both my bathrooms. I have lived here 10 years and have never cleaned it! Yikes! Maybe I need to use some of that stuff you used. I’m assuming it would work on the grout in the showers, too? I’ve gotta get some! I’d use the Bounty paper towels to help wipe up the gunk that the cleaner gets off, just like you did!
I have hosted Bunco every September for the last 15 years. That is my motivation to scrub the grout after Labor Day every year. It makes such a difference when the grout is clean. Someone always asks if I got a new floor! I hate doing it but I love how it looks after and yes, Bounty is always there to help me.
No grout at all in my house. But I would use bounty to get my nasty, old baseboards in my bathroom clean after we finally replace the carpet I there with proper bathroom floor treatments. :)
I would use my bounty towels to clean my grout in my bathroom, floor and my tub
Yuck, guess I should clean my grout too! I love Bounty Paper Towels to clean all of our messes from spilled milk to bigger jobs like the bathrooms. I would love to use the Bounty Paper Towels and the Home Depot Gift Card to help us clean and re-finish our basement. We just moved into our home in September, but had to rip up all the carpets after a flood. Now, we just need to re-do everything!
I hate to admit it but I have two bathrooms that have tile with dirty grout. One of them has REALLY nasty grout! I always use Bounty for my tough clean ups (and my every day spills too)! How nice it would be to win two free rolls plus a gift certificate to Home Depot! We are needing to remodel our kitchen and that would be a great way to start!
Love your blog!
Crafts, crafts, and crafts!!
Just today I was noticing how much my windows need to be cleaned so the Bounty towels would come in mighty handy! Thanks for the chance to win.
Just like you, I’ve never clean my grout. It’s disgusting and I hate it but I just never ended up doing it. I hope to one day after seeing this post. :-)
I use Bounty paper towels everyday. Thankfully at the moment, I don’t have grout, but will once we redo our floors. Not looking forward to cleaning that! :)
I use Bounty Paper Towels like it is my job. I am never without a stockpile in my pantry.
We love Bounty paper towels; It is the only thing we use! We clean up the kid’s messes and I even wash the dishes with them. That is probably wasteful, but they are just so handy. We usually buy them in the largest pack possible, I should just make a necklace to wear a roll around the house. With two kids under 3.5, messes usually follow.
P.S. Our grout is nasty because we are about to tear out the 30 year old tile and put down our new Home Depot tile. We drive past four hardware stores to get to Home Depot because we like it better!
my next messy project is going to be removing the paper backing off the cement floors after ripping up the vinyl floor sure could use some BOUNTY to help and the Home Depot card would help in buying new tile for my DYI husband to put down
I would use Bounty towels to clean the garage! It’s so gross!! Let’s see the last time I deep cleaned my grout……..I haven’t yet! We moved in to a brand new house 2 years ago and I haven’t needed to clean it yet. You did a great job!
I love bounty Paper towels. I have tried using other brands but I keep coming back to these. Esp the one with beautiful design and tears into smaller rectangles.
OMG I have NEVER, EVER cleaned my grout.. but seeing your pictures is sure giving me a kick in the butt to do so..Your tiles look great!
$250 would be sooo Ah-maaaazing.. we have just moved into a new home that needs just a little bit of finishing touches..
Thanks Emily!
I would use it to help me clean up the mess we have in our dining room. I removed wallpaper and found the wall to be slightly textured underneath. We are now skimcoating and sanding. Icky, gag gag! I hate sanding!
Bounty paper towels is all we ever use for cleaning and could not do without them. Cleaned the grout in master bath yesterday and it was not a fun day!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Bounty is the ONLY paperwork my husband will use. We recently experienced a milky haze on our hardwoods. We were told to use running alcohol on the floors and they look new again thanks to the alcohol and bounty and LOTS of hard work.
I have never cleaned my grout. But we’ve only lived in our house for a year. BUT our house is 30 years old. Time to get right on that.
I don’t have any grout to clean but If I won $250 I would put in a backsplash in my kitchen and I would have grout then. I love bounty. Only paper towels I buy. Its is what I use for everything. Love Decorechick blog too :)
I’ve never cleaned the grout in my house either! I did just move in yesterday, though :) and I use paper towels for everything! :)
I wish I had grout to clean, I would trade it for my linoleum any day!
I am in the process of cleaning my grout now! We’ve lived in our house for 7 years and it has never been cleaned, it is nasty! I would love to use the Bounty paper towels for the same purpose. I’m going to run to Home Depot and buy some of the Zap as well. I made my own cleaning solution and it doesn’t seem to work as hard as I am :)
I’d use Bounty to clean out my pantry. It is uber-ugly-dirty! I would be beyond thrilled to win!!!!!!! and wait, you’re supposed to CLEAN group?????!!
Of course, I meant grout!
I’ve never cleaned my grout… since I have only lived in my house a few months.
Wow, your floors look much better :) I’d keep the towels on hand to clean up my little’s messes & spills. Or a quick wipe to clean up dirty little handprints on the walls!
You never can tell how dirty something really is til you clean it with a white paper towel…then you can see the filth that you never realized was there.
I actually just cleaned some of my shower grout earlier today because we are moving in a month and I figured I’d get a head start! Mine was actually worse than your kitchen and I’m not looking forward to tackling the rest of it! Definitely could use some Bounty towels to help with the clean-up. The ones I used were worthless.
I would use it to clean the windows and the fridge drawers!
I have a 1 year old and a dog. You better believe we use a lot of paper towels. Typically, it’s Bounty. I clean my grout every time the pup has an accident. But that just means I pour bleach on the floor and scrub it after an appropriate amount of time has passed.
I don’t have grout, but I’d use the Bounty paper towels to clean the filth off of the window tracks from house construction! I’ve been staring at it for 2 months now…this is a kick in the pants!
I’m excited to use Bounty Paper Towels to clean my bathrooms.
I’m about to move into a place with tile, and I’m guessing the grout has never been cleaned. I’d love to use towels, especially if I can get it as clean as yours!
Our house is a fixer upper, so we always have projects and big messes. We’re actually in the middle of doing our bathroom floors, so I can honestly say I don’t have any grout that needs cleaned.
Ummm… Never. Do you have to reseal after doing this or are you good to go? Great giveaway!!
Oh my I have many different cleaning projects I could use them for!!!
I use Bounty for practically everything, from windows, to floors, to tubs, shower doors…the only thing I haven’t used them for was the car!
I live on Kauai, and most houses don’t have air conditioning here because we have the beautiful trade winds. Unfortunately, those trade winds bring lots of dirt and dust with them. I love to use Bounty Paper Towels to clean our windows, window sills, counter tops and anything else that gets dirty (which is pretty much everything.) Your grout looks awesome!!! :-)
I love Bounty paper towels. We use them by the roll. However, I have not found any grout cleaners that I love. We have an artic entryway in our log home in Alaska that has grout and I basically gave up. I will try the brand you used and see what happens and of course I will be using my favorite paper towels, Bounty. So I hope I win the gift card.
Great example to use for bounty challenge:). Tile grout grosses me out too, we have wood floors but always had tile I have to say carpet grosses me out too lol, I only have rugs I can clean and take out to shake or pat out dust. Amazing how dirty that grout gets. I have an amazing cleaner we got years ago have to look up name but I use in my shower twice a week and bathroom tile, works great. Love your blog :).
I love shiney appliances… So i would use bounty towels to clean my ss appliances
I love Bounty towels for everything, especially windows. I have to say that I have never cleaned my grout. Maybe I will now.
I do like bounty paper towels, and over here we go through them like crazy with 4 kids!!! I don’t know how I would survive without paper towels truthfully!
We only use Bounty Paper towels, and we use them to clean up kid, dog, baby, and grown-up messes!
It’s been wayyyyy to long since I scrubbed the grout on our tile floors! Putting it on my to do list! Would live to tackle the messy job of tiling our back splash. Bounty products and Home Depot would definitely help!
I’m excited to use Bounty paper towels to clean the cabinets in my kids’ bathroom to prep them for painting!
I use Bounty for absolutely everything. Of course there is a roll in the kitchen for the quick wipe ups. Then each bathroom has a roll. It comes in very handy when the cats don’t quite use the litter boxes. Then I must have a roll in the garage where I do all of my craft and painting projects. I grab a Bounty instead of a rag for what ever I may be doing. And I just love the Fun Prints with the cat or dog designs.
I am so excited to use Bounty paper towels to clea my windows and mirrors!
I am afraid I am like you – have not cleaned my grout in many years – you are inspiring me. I will use the towels on this grout job.
This great post has given me the impetus to get going and clean my grout lines! Long overdue!! It looks like the products you used did a great job, including the Bounty. thanks Emily!!
love to use Bounty for cleaning my windows and screen porch…
That is a job a definetly need to tackle too! Good Work!
I love Bounty paper towels! I really need to clean the tracks of my sliders and windows. Definitely a dirty job!
I use Bounty paper towels exclusively to clean up after my husband says
he will clean something up. :)
I’m excited to use Bounty paper towels to clean my patio
I use bounty paper towels whenever I clean my bathroom or kitchen.
Windows need it bad! Thanks for a chance to win!
Man…hate to admit it but I would have to use the Bounty on the grout too!
I am excited to use some Bounty paper towels for our BEACH PARTY PHOTO BOOTH project.
Sad…I’ve lived here 3 years & never cleaned the grout. Even worse…I’m referring to the grout in the bathroom. Double ICKKKK!!! I use Bounty for everything from cleaning to just being “napkins” for dinner. :)
I tried that once with floor cleaner and it was a nightmare! That’s for the tips, this is going to be my new summer project.
Bounty Paper Towels on grill cleaning………..they stand up to the gritty challenge and the last time I cleaned my grout..yikes, well, almost never, oh maybe here and there and maybe a few spots over here and over there, cant tell a lie, thank you, Love & Blessings to you/yours…
I also need to clean my grout and would love to win Bounty towels and the giftcard to get me started on this dreaded job!!!
I am so excited to use Bounty to clean my ceiling fans! Bounty is so tough that one wet sheet can clear away all of that fuzzy dusty ick, while another sheet with some window cleaner can clean off all of the glass light shades! Makes a no fun job much easier! Hugs, Leena
I need to clean my back covered porch furniture then add some pretty pillows and a rug. Perfect for summer!
I use Bounty for everything! Love them.
I don’t have tile so no nasty grout but I use bounty towels every day to clean tough messes and the other little chores. I love Bounty paper towels they are the only paper towels I’ve used for years. I love the select a size then I don’t waste them and they last for long time.
I am excited to use some Bounty paper towels to clean up the mess my kids and pets make everyday!
I’m excited to use the towels to clean all of my dirty windows!
Oh goodness….We’ve been in our house 2 1/2 years and never cleaned the grout :( Looks like I’ll add it to my list!
I am excited to use Bounty on washing my laminate flooring
Last time I cleaned my grout was 6 months ago but of course I have the pros do it but it’ll never look the same! I need some home improvement skills to happen to me!
My deck furniture is in need of a deep cleaning! And my grout needs cleaning, but how overwhelming! Thanks for a chance at winning a great giveaway!
My house is entirely tile…guess I need to get started!
I too am a faithful Bounty Paper Towel user. From the minute I start anything in the kitchen the Bounty comes out. I have rolls stuck all over the house on both floors for those odd jobs in the bath or to clean a mirror and especially for those clumsy accidents that happen all the time. Right now though, I am excited because it’s tomato season and I am starved for fried green tomatoes. I would never use any other paper towel as none of the others are as absorbent and hold up as well! :)
Actually, I think I’ll try the Bounty paper towels to clean my grout, too – it hasn’t been cleaned since we’ve moved in almost 3 years ago… I’m nervous!
GROSS!! I guess it is time that i clean my grout with bounty too!!
We’re supposed to clean the grout??? LOL. I sooo need to do this too. I would also use them to clean the inside of my van. Love Bounty, thanks for the opportunity!
It’s time to clean my grout again! I’ve been putting it off. I cleaned it when we moved into this house just over a year ago, but it already needs it desperately! So that’s what I could clean, for sure!
I haven”t cleaned my grout in two years! I love Bounty though, it’s the only paper towels I buy. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to have clean grout?
Wow, my whole main level is grout, We tore out carpet years ago. I have little doggies and did not want carpet. Even with mopping daily after seeing your review, it looks like I have some work to do!!! Would love to win this & yes Bounty is my favorite brand. I use it for draining lettuce, putting bacon on to absorb grease, clean windows & tubs & pickup after doggie accidents. The Home depot card would be a great bonus to pick up some of that grout cleaner & brushes & love the Behr paint they sell. Thanks for offering this drawing & sharing all your updates!!
We had a new floor put down a couple of years ago. Shame to say it, but I’ve never “scrubbed the grout”. I assumed mopping the floor was all that was required! Thanks for the tutorial and for listing what product you used.
I’d love to use Bounty Paper towels to clean my grout, too! The last time I cleaned my grout, I used a bath product that left a blue residue in the grout. LOL!
I had tile placed in my guest bedrooms about a month ago and always wonder how I would clean them. Thanks so much for the cleaning solution advice.
Ann Neal
I would use Bounty to help me get my classroom ready! I’m a first year teacher, but there is ten years of grime on the desks in my room! I’ve spent a small fortune on setting up me room and still need more storage and the desks – well I’ve saved them for last – out of dread! Bounty to the rescue!
im excited to use bounty to clean my mirrors and windows
i cleaned my grout actually about 3 weeks ago thank goodness i did i found a pesky scoripion and my son could have gotton stung
We just moved into our house so I am thinking I should probably do that grout job. After all, who knows how longs its been since its been cleaned. :/
I’ve never cleaned it. And I even got an estimate from a cleaner and they told me to regrout. It’s bad. ;)
love bounty & home depot and i gotta go clean my grout now
Great job! I also decorate cakes & I like to use Bounty paper towels to add a unique design when I smooth the icing out, &clean up of course.
I admit, I am like you and have never cleaned my grout. :0 AKKK! I guess I better head to home depot and get me some supplies! Including bounty paper towels!
I think you read my mind today!! When we walked in the door this morning I commented to my husband that our grout was disgusting in the kitchen! We have never cleaned it, horrible to admit! I would love to use my bounty paper towels to do this too!!!
I’m excited to win Bounty paper towels so i can clean the kitchen! Really it is a big mess!
I use Bounty for everything! Cleaning windows for sure! Also use on bottom of microwave in case of boil over.
As gross as it is, isn’t it rewarding to do a cleaning job with such dramatic results? I’d be excited to win Bounty towels to help me clean up the drywall joint compound I am getting all over the place trying to fix my walls after removing wallpaper. What a mess!
It’s window and sill cleaning time! I would use my Bounty towels for that task. Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!
You’ve totally inspired me to clean my grout, eeewwwww!!!! 1 and 1/2 hours you say… My new job during my toddlers nap time tomorrow. (After a trip to Home Depot for some cleaner. Already have the brush and bounty paper towels! Ooh that gift card would be nice ;)
I use them to clean EVERYTHING!!
I love Bounty. I can’t believe I used to buy the el cheapo ones. I just had to use twice as many as Bounty so there was no savings!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Yikes! I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned my grout either…feeling a project coming on for this week! I love to use Bounty when cleaning up daily spills, and also when working on crafts with my son. I like to get messy and have fun with him – Bounty makes clean up so easy!
I would love to use them on the bbq – I haven’t used it, EVER, and it was a re-gift to me from my parents when they moved. I would assume they NEVER cleaned it… so I need so heavy duty, ready-to-rock paper towels to help me out. ;)
I’d use them to clean up my office!
I haven’t cleaned my grout in 2 years! Guess I need to get on it!
I must admit, I have never tried Bounty paper towels- but i have enough cleaning jobs around the house that i could put them to good use! I am in my “nesting” mode right now, getting ready for baby #3 and trying to deep clean everything before i get too big to bend over. i am sure every surface in the house could be wiped down with some cleaning solution and a bounty paper towel :)
I am using Bounty paper towels to clean up puppy pea from Lily, my daughter and son-in-law’s Bassett Hound, who loves to come to visit at Nona’s house. Lily’s excitement cannot be contained; hence, the paper towels!
I love Bounty! Especially the select-a-size ones. I have a one year old, so sometimes a little towel does the trick, other times I need more :) But, with Bounty I can clean up faster, and with fewer towels.
Bounty is all I ever use…I don’t have tile in my house except my bathroom counter and I will have to try the grout cleaner!!
I’d use Bounty to clean my windows. They are awful looking! I don’t have grout,that I’m aware off ;)
House training my puppy :) and cleaning in general. Love them!
I use paper towels for cleaning everything and hubby and I are at HD almost weekly! Would love to win this giveaway!
We just bought our house a year ago and I still haven’t scrubbed the grout like I should. I was planning on tearing all of the tile up and replacing it, but with the 15 million other projects we have, not to mention 2 toddlers, that got pushed aside. So, I should probably get on that! I ONLY use Bounty because they really are so much better than the generic brands. We go through about a roll each day! Hey, 2 little ones make a lot of messes and those Bounty paper towels come in handy.
I use Bounty paper towels on EVERYTHING!!! Cleaning, when I paint, I use them as placemats for my kids lol!! I use them to dry my cat when he comes in wet, he’s a little guy so they are the right size. Basically. I need to have extra Bounty paper towels and toilet paper on hand in the garage and I am good to go!
My windows and mirrors could definitely use some cleaning, and Bounty would be perfect for such tasks. If I have any energy after those, I should probably try tackling my grout in the bathrooms too.
I think I just inspired to get the grout in my restroom & I will make sure to use Bounty paper towels.
Well you have inspired me to clean out grout. Arg. There’s so much of it though! Bounty will be just the paper towel I need.
My bathroom grout is in need of a cleaning!
I have three young boys… so that’s my on going project! Paper towels are a must!
Wow, your floors look GREAT! I used Bounty all of the time for spills in the kitchen…though my bathroom grout could probably use a scrub!
Ummm. I guess I better use Bounty to clean my grout. I only use Bounty paper towels!
The tracks on my windows could use a good scrubbing with some Bounty towels!
Instead of using a dish drainer, I just use Bounty to sit my dishes on after they are washed. They get the job done and I don’t have an unsightly dish drainer on my counter top!
I would probably use the paper towels to do the same thing, but in our bathroom! We live in an apartment that is like 50 years old and I don’t know if the grout in there has EVER been cleaned!
2 year olds require lots of paper towels!! Would love to win, and don’t want to think about the last time the grout was cleaned!!
I am getting ready to move in to a new-to-us home and will using tons of Bounty for the pre-move clean; Windows, bathrooms, and all sorts of unknown territory. ..yuck! Plus, we were going to get a great deal at Home Depot, buying a washer and dryer for the house!
I use paper towels for just about everything, especially spills!!
You’re supposed to clean your grout?……kidding. But, I have never cleaned mine; shame on me…..Well, some Bounty Towels and a gift certificate would certainly give me some inspiration to do that!!
I keep a roll of Bounty Paper towels in every bathroom for quick cleanups. Thanks for the chance to win!
Loooove Bounty! Every time I try something else I go running right back. I like it for cleaning the stuff that I just want gone and not dumped into my washing machine on a rag :)
My kitchen get very messy. I could use some paper towels to help me with the mess. Great giveaway!
Cleaning grout is no fun!! I’d definitely use the paper towels to clean my windows. I hate doing it but they are looking pretty bad after the kids discovered markers you can color on windows with lol
I use paper towels to clean up the really gross stuff. And I REALLY need to clean the grout in the bathroom. Especially around the toilet. Now that’s a gross job!
Love Bounty…..I have a roll everywhere that I will need one, kitchen, baths, sewing room, car, truck, garden shed, my painting room and it goes on and on……
You are my inspiration. Bounty and Home Depot are two names our household is very familiar with. Now I must clean my grout! I never thought about the yuck in those little lines.
I’m excited to use the products to clean my windows and grout!
Well, I’d use some to clean my grout in my entry. And for spill clean-ups in the kitchen. And hubby often needs paper towels for something or other! Some Bounty would be great! :)
I would keept the kitty cat nose prints cleaned off my french doors and use them for my art projects. Paper towels are very necessary for every home….Bounty is the “cadillac” paper towel!
I’m impressed. You’ve inspired me to clean the grout in the master bathroom (I’m too embarrassed to admit how long it’s been!). Bounty would be perfect to wipe it all up with!!!
We just bought a new house so I’d be using them in just about every room in the house. Unfortunately, the people who lived here before us were not as clean as I care to be. :)
How about my car! Need to give it a good spring…errrr…summer cleaning…pre vacation type of thing! Bounty paper towels will sure come in handy to make it sparkly clean!
I would use Bounty to clean my bathrooms
Bounty paper towels ate the best! Bought some today as a matter of fact. I tried to clean my grout with something I found on Pinterest, but it didn’t work so well for me.
I Steamed mine not long back, after gong through toilet training with a new puppy. The smell was horrible. However this makes me want to do it all over again a different way.
I am excited to use Bounty paper towels to clean all of my windows. I have been undergoing a big grout cleaning project this week. I have been scrubbing a new room each day, but it has been months since I have done this and I really need supplies. Your grout cleaning supplies caught my eye!
I love Bounty paper towels I use them to clean up after my two toddlers all day long. I would love to win this giveaway! And doesn’t it feel so good after you clean something like that. I cleaned my kitchen grout in Jan with comet and a toothbrush it took hours to clean.
I’m with you. Definitely need to head to HD and get some of that grout cleaner. Thanks for the giveaway.
I just cleaned my grout with carpet cleaner! Worked great. I used my Bounty towels for it!
I se bounty towels for everything!
I am excited to use some Bounty paper towels and would use them to clean my dogs paws!
I’m excited to use bounty paper towels to clean all the windows in our brand new house that we just moved into a week ago. there is a bird’s nest under our deck and most of our windows are covered with their droppings! big cleaning project ahead of us
I use Bounty for all my cleaning jobs like countertops,windows,dusting, and even to clean my car!
I’m excited to you Bounty paper towels to clean up my canvas paint projects….
OMG!!!!! This is AMAZING! My dream come true! I haven’t done my grout in 13 years and was wonder what to use. Bounty paper towels, Zep, gloves, brush and a BOUNTY-full lemonade chaser and I’m good to go. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I always use Bounty paper towels in the kitchen and bathrooms. I’m excited that they make cleaning easier.
So thankful I don’t have grout like that! I use bounty paper towels when I cook bacon in the micro. It’s great to soak up all the grease off the bacon, yuck!
We just bought a house so Bounty paper towels or the Home Depot gift card would be amazing! :)
Would love to win it !!!! Definitely need to clean more :)
Excited to use Bounty paper towels for all of my cleaning messes! Love bounty because they are so strong.
I am going to have to give this a try!
Never! I’ve never deep cleaned my grout!!
I ALWAYS use bounty! Why waste money on cheaper brands when you have to use double or triple the amount of bounty sheets.
I clean dirty little faces, hands and high chair trays! spills to window sills …. you name it and bounty is there in my house!!
I need those Bounty towels for a major kitchen clean-up!
I use Bounty to clean the bathrooms and kitchen. They are just so strong.
Yes I can remember the last time I cleaned the grout, only because I had a terrible contractor make a total mess of my house and it took me months to clean it properly. Yes I said months, of 8 hours a day cleaning. The grout in the kitchen was horrible, and I used Clorex outdoors, but need to try the Zep because you cleaned the floor in less time than I did and your floor looks great.
I am super excited and I would use them for EVERTHING! I have 3 kids under 5 and they are MESSY!! apple juice, orange juice, spilled milk, leaky bottles, cereal, dinner. everything your an think of.
I always use Bounty and I love them. I like to use bounty to clean my appliances, windows and mirrors! Thanks for the chance. Your floor looks fantastic!
We only use Bounty Paper Towels in our house. Bounty Paper Towels are the best to clean everything from windows, to counters in the kitchen and bathroom. Spills and messy crafty projects clean up quickly with Bounty. We purchased our house 2 years ago and I think after seeing your blog…it now is the time to clean the grout in the bathroom. Thank you for the tips on using the grout cleaner and the perfect brush to clean the grout. Now for a trip to Home Depot to purchase the cleaner to get this job done. Would love to win the Bounty Paper Towels and the Home Depot Gift Card.
I use bounty towels for just about everything.
Oh my, that grout funk has me thinking about my grout funk…. the last time I cleaned my grout was never, and we have lived here for 2 years. Who knows how long it has been. I use my Bounty paper towels everyday for all of my messes. We use at least 2 rolls a week.
Cleaning out the tracks of the windows–one of my least favorite jobs!
I use bounty to clean my kids’ messy faces! :)
The tracks on my windows need some cleaning!
I am excited to use Bounty towels on my windows and window frames/tracks. They do an awesome job. Plus, I LOVE Home Depot!!
Nice job!
I’m excited to use Bounty Towels on our walls and cabinets! I don’t clean them often and they really, really need it.
Mixing baking soda and hot water together makes a fabulous grout cleaner too. To make it last, seal the grout and it will stay looking its original, clean color. Great job on the floors!!!!
I really need to clean my grout too! Thanks for the opportunity!
I have tile counters and have cleaned them with stuff like 409 but I need to get the stuff you used!
You’re supposed to clean your grout? Just kidding. Haven’t cleaned it and was just telling my hubby that I really need to do that. So would you the Bounty paper towels for that for sure!
I’m excited to use Bounty Paper Towels to clean our windows and doors…well, it will make me get that job done ;) xo Kristin
WOW…I REALLY need to clean the grout in my bathroom – I don’t even want to imagine what it’s going to look like when I do – EWWW but you’ve inspired me by making me realize that while I’ve cleaned the bathroom regularly – I’ve never cleaned the grout since we moved in a year and a half ago!!! So I definitely need Bounty to the rescue!!!
Oh maybe this will be my motivation to clean the grout in my shower!!! Yuck!!!
We just bought a foreclosure, and the pipes had frozen up in the winter. It left behind a tub so full of rust and iron that it is literally dark orange brown. If Bounty can help salvage THAT, let’s just say they’ll be able to print the words “Miracle Worker” on their label!
I’m excited to use some Bounty Paper towels for lining the trays of my strawberries. I recently learned that the best way to store them is spread out on a paper towel in the fridge so I line a baking sheet w paper towels and put the berries on them. The juices will soak through the paper towels at times so I need a durable one like bounty!
I’m excited to use bounty because my son loves to use them with me and he helps me clean up all his little messes
Love Bounty! I use them to clean up messes in my kitchen (like the one tonight from the watermelon that exploded all over my floor after dropping it!)
I use Bounty all the time since I’m housebreaking a new puppy!! My only regret is that I didn’t buy stock in the company!!
I like to used Bounty towels to clean the windows and to absorb grease in my kitchen when cooking
I will use the Bounty Paper like I always do, to clean the outside of my kitchen cabinets with the orange Home Depot degreaser.
I would use bounty paper towels to clean all the dog nose art off of my front windows!!!
I do use Bounty paper towels all the time and love them! Would love to win the Home Depot gift card!! When we moved into our place 5 years ago we could not afford to replace the kitchen floor, had bad, ugly linoleum. We painted it! Would love to get wood flooring!! Will keep my fingers crossed… lol!
I will use the Bounty to clean my front porch posts and window trim.
Thanks for the opportunity :-)
God Bless You :-)
That looks like the exact same tile I have in my kitchen and all path ways. And I mean the before grout lines too lol. You’re inspiring me to tackle that job that I have been putting off. Will be planning to use the supplies you used including Bounty to clean er up.
I need paper towels! I have 3 kids. No further comment required.
I’m going very traditional here: I would use the Bounty for washing the windows which really need a good cleaning. The money would go for new kitchen hardware. There’s a nice selections at HD. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music
I like Bounty best for mirrors and glass…..doesn’t leave fuzzies behind! I use a steamer on my grout….no chemicals and it dissolves all the yucky stuff which then can be easily wiped away.
LOVE Bounty paper towels. Use them all the time. Best on windows and mirrors – no streaking.
Thankfully, I don’t have tiles on my floor!! But I do have hardwood which collects lots of stuff too. And the best way to get that out is with paper towels and elbow grease. So I’d use the Bounty towels on my floor.
I could use some Bounty paper towels to clean my grout! I have some white floor grout that isn’t so white any more (except along the walls where no one walks!).
The last time I had my grout cleaned was never. Eek! Also, I have two young children. I’m always cleaning up something.
My windows need cleaning !
My grill needs cleaning from a long long time….
With four kids I would use the Bounty to clean up their everyday messes. Thank you for the chance to win!!
My shower grout is in desperate need of cleaning, I just keep my eyes shut in the shower. I may add that project to my list… I LOVE Bounty towels. Use them daily.
I have the same floor AND the same nasty grout you have! Can’t wait to try this.
I would use the gift card towards a new dishwasher! Bounty is doing a fine job of helping me do the dishes but would rather have them for bigger messes…like the grout project!
I love Bounty! I recently did the grout at my house in preparation for moving. It was so GROSS! Bounty helped me out so much!
Yikes! I definitely need to tackle my grout! Bounty is the only paper towel I buy and now I am even more impressed! I would use the gift card to buy hardware for my kitchen cupboards. After two years in the house, we still don’t have knobs or handles on the cabinets!
With two kids, we use Bounty on a daily basis! Spills, messes, and to clean w disinfectant. (Ps. Our grout was cleaned 1.5 yrs ago…eek!)
I’m always up for a good cleaning challenge! I think we should scrub the grills seeing as how we haven’t. Ever, I think my hubby thins it all adds to that great outdoor flavor! Ha! I had the same trouble with the grout in my kitchen and I chose to re-stain it darker instead. For us, it was a losing battle. I went through a LOT of paper towels, though…
I’ll be going through tons of bounty paper towels myself this week as we are preparing for my twins’ first birthday party! Lots of windows and tables and chairs to prep!
I already buy the Bounty 12 pack we use them so much, but I’d love to win more!
I’m excited to try Bounty paper towels during the process of cleaning the tile in my upstairs shower…I am going to resurface the tile since it’s in good shape (just UGLY). The prep involved requires intense cleaning/scrubbing/sanding and Bounty is the best for cleanup!
I hate to say it, but in a 5 years I’ve lived in my house- I have never cleaned the grout like that. I’ve cleaned it with other things, but never actually scrubbed! I could really use this “kit”! Thanks for the great giveaway…and the motivation to get scrubbing!
No grout in my kitchen as we are currently in a house that hasn’t been renovated since the 80s. So, I need to clean my peeling linoleum like nobody’s business. We moved here (to Michigan) a few months ago and I’m still looking for work so my house has definitely to the wayside. I would use the Bounty Towels to clean my dirty house! Thank you for the contest. Fingers crossed!
I only have tile in bathrooms. I cleaned part of it once – I need to seal the grout, which I was going to do as soon as we moved in to our brand new house, but I have not done it yet. I think you are supposed to reseal it every year? Oops.
I use Bounty for everything. Dog peed? Grab the quicker-picker-upper! Spill? Keep a roll in the dining room all the time! Washing windows, anything I need to be lint-free. I also use them when I’m putting in my contacts. No germs in a paper towel, right? I carry a few in a Ziploc in the car and when we travel for contacts. I also keep a roll in the van.
We buy only Bounty paper towels and love them!
If I won free packages of Bounty and free money at Home Depot, I would probably be legitimately excited to clean about anything in our home!! :)
Moving to a new house this summer with a tile kitchen floor – NEED this!
we have a lot of glass tops in our condo and so I love using those paper towels and windex to clean them on a weekly basis
I’d probably use it for the kitchen grout too. Mine is so funky! Bleh.
I use paper towels for everything!
I have to admit, I’ve never scrubbed my grout. I’ve bleached and cleaned my floors/tiles, however never have done the grout. Ugh! I am now motivated to do just that and I tried just last week paper towels and a spray carpet cleaner on a test spot on the grout at church and it worked like a charm, no scrubbing necessary. So sign me up and I’ll get to work :)
I have been working on cleaning my grout recently, too! (one bathroom down, one to go…sometime!) Not fun, but not terrible, and well worth it afterwards…just love that ‘new’ look! Someone told me I should re-seal the grout after cleaning with grout sealer to maintain that nice look longer, so I did. Just passing along that tip…haven’t tested it, but does make sense. I love Bounty paper towels and use them for LOTS of jobs around the house!
Bounty is the only paper towel that I buy! It is, by far, the strongest, best paper towel. I can always use more! and would love to shop at Home Depot with the extra $$$. Thanks for the chance to win this :)
Bounty would be the perfect paper towel for helping me clean out the kitchen cabinets of a new townhouse we’re moving into at the end of July. And, if I get brave…for cleaning the tile grout, of course! We’re hoping to do some kitchen renovations as well (read: knocking down a wall to open up the space, and installing more cabinets/new counter top on the new island), so Home Depot will certainly be our go-to store during that process!!
I’d love to use them to clean my grout (have not done it since we’ve moved into the house over a year ago), it really needs it!
I’m ready to take the Bounty/Grout challenge! My floors certainly need it.
I would love to use Bounty to clean my garage….lots of dust, dirt and cobwebs! – thanks for the giveaway!
With two little kiddos, we use Bounty paper towels everyday to wipe up their messes! As for the grout in the bathroom…never been done. Sick I know! Time to clean!
I use them to wipe off counters, tables, sinks, etc. because dish rags make me gag.
Bounty is my go-to paper towel! Use it all the time. When I saw your post in my email I almost didn’t want to open, I knew where it going and I knew I was going to have to do the same. My grout is DISGUSTING and now that you’ve shown how easy it is to clean I think I’m going to have to do the same. Moved into our house 6.5 years ago and never cleaned the grout, and it was nasty then. Ugh I’m so ashamed lol.
I love tile but hate how the grout gets so dirty. After the last time I cleaned our grout we sealed our tile and grout with a topical sealer so I wouldn’t have to do it again :)
I always prefer Bounty. I am way too messy a cook to be without it!! Off to dream about what I can do with $250 in Home Depot gift cards….
This is why I prefer to not have tile floors. I have plenty of other messes to worry about. I use Bounty to make throw away pads (swifter style) for cleaning floors in the bathrooms and kitchen. Select a size is perfect for this.
Gulp… i have never… cleaned the grout. I think this has just been added to my list…
I always use Bounty, and when select a size came out, I thought it was the most ingenious idea ever. I replaced linoleum with tile in both my bathrooms recently, so I know I’ll be doing grout duty before long. What to use a $250 gift card at Home Depot on,…hmmm.
Ugh, the grout in my inherited 1950s bathroom has been taunting me. Thanks for adding this to my never ending list, Emily.
I’m super excited to use Bounty paper towels to clean my windows!
We have lived in our home for 3 years now and the caulking around the shower area could uses a good scrub. It is starting to look a little grubby! Plus, I am FINALLY getting my husband to build a back deck for me (this 4th of July weekend!!) and could really use a $250 Home Depot card to add some finishing touches!
Bounty is the only paper towel allowed into my house! Sadly, I have not had the opportunity to clean grout because my home came with nasty linoleum and I haven’t swapped it out for the real deal. However, with a $250 Home Depot card, I could get groutin’ and put that Bounty to the test!
I’m excited to use Bounty Paper towels all of the time, for everything! It’s the only paper towels we ever buy, because they hold up so well to all kinds of household jobs. Then we like the fact we are helping to save a bit of the environment as well as saving money, by using the half sheets for the not so messy jobs!
Well if it even counts we just put a glass tile backsplash in our kitchen, and I know we used lots of paper towels! Thanks for the giveaway!
You mean you have to clean the grout??!! LOL worst job in the house in my opinion! Love Bounty and Home Depot!
Once, when I was young and dumb, I mixed bleach and ammonia to scrub the grout. I’m lucky I didn’t kill myself! I’ve since learned how dumb that was, but I’ve never seen nifty grout cleaning products like the one you used! Recently I’ve been using only vinegar and baking soda…some bounty and a trip to the Home Depot would be nice!
I love using them for cleaning the mess my cat makes when she eats.
I am excited to use Bounty for general cleaning and spills that occur all the time
I use regular Bounty all the time, so these would be nice for heavier jobs…like maybe cleaning inside my car! I don’t have any tile so no grout to worry about….yet!!
I love Bounty. I especially like using it to clean my refrigerator–using a rag tracks in any germs that might reside in the rag. I know when I use Bounty paper towels that I am not spreading anything bad around. So I love using it in the bathroom and the kitchen. And now I’m gonna have to try it on the grout…
Bounty is great for the daily cleaning chores
Wow! That gets me motivated too. I want to win those Bounty paper towels (and that Home Depot card) to clean my own grout. I confess – I had them professionally cleaned and sealed but that was – ack! – 6 years ago. My advice is to never pick pale gray tiles with pale gray grout. They look fantastic but boy do they get dirty and show it!
Bounty is great for quick wipe of a spill on the floor, soaking up oil from the sausages/bacon I just browned, and wiping the boy’s toilet seat after a I sprayed it with cleaner (daily!).
I’m excited to use some Bounty paper towels as napkins for the very late lunch I am about to go eat!
*Weird, I never buy napkins. Just use the paper towels.
You just reminded me I need to clean our grout! Love Bounty – the only kind of paper towels I allow into my home. They simply sop up messes the best and I will definitely be using them when I do get to the grout in our house.
I would use bounty to clean my windows.
I hated cleaning grout in our previous home. I love our vinyl, easy to clean kitchen floor. But I have a sliding glass door that is constantly filthy and could use some Bounty. :)
Just added “Clean grout” to the to do list! The Bounty paper towels would certainly help! I love the Zep shower cleaner,; didn’t know they made a grout cleaner. thanks for the tip
Wellwell well last time i cleaned the grout… has to be 2+ year SOOOOOO Gros, and after seeing your pic that will be my weekend job! I love me some Bounty and use it for everything from napkins to cleaning my daughters mess after her mac n cheese!
Bounty really is the best paper towels. My kitchen counters are black and white tiled. I usually clean them once a month, and I’m always wiping them daily. I have a shelf counter in my bathroom that I did a mosaic tile to, and I have to admit….it ‘s time to clean it! I’ve got some major projects that need to be done in my home, and a $250 gift certificate would help so much. Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Awww, tile grout! So found of that task it is the one designated for the kids for payback. Yes, the lesson of consequences: if they forget something and I have to make any emergency delivery to school, then it’s payback time. Yes, I love ’em and am happy to help out, but they need to pay me back the 20 minutes I had to spend on their “emergency”. So they always know an old toothbrush, cleanser and bounty towels will be waiting for them. Consequences, baby, consequences.
I would love to try Bounty’s paper towels on some grout that badly needs cleaning!
Luckily, I don’t have grout….but I love to use Bounty towels for everything else, like windows and mirrors…they are so strong!
I use Bounty everyday for cleaning everything, especially the kitchen counters and bathroom! They are strong and absorbent and make things shine! They are Bountyful! Love them.
My grout is in definite need of cleaning. I have old ceramic tile counters and the grout lines are nasty. Would love to try out the cleaner.
When we lived in RI, I did try cleaning the grout – after 1/2 hour it wasn’t working for me. I always have problems with grout…bleaching doesn’t help either.
I will use bounty paper towels to clean up dirt from my tiles..We just purchased a house with tiles in the living room and kitchen and they look like they never been cleaned…I’m ready to work so please pick me:)
I cleaned and re-sealed my grout last fall. I often use house-brand products, but not when it comes to paper towels. No thin, fall apart towels for me.
I plan on painting my kitchen cabinets, Bounty would come in handy
My grout really needs to be cleaned! I would really like to win this giveaway and use the bounty towels to clean my bathroom mirrors!
Quicker Picker Upper, bounty.. That catchy slogan really describes it perfectly. Would love to have a 250 giftcard, and we use bounty to clean dishes, since our dishwasher is broken.. So we can never have enough Bounty Towels
OK. I’m convinced! I’ve gotta clean my grout now too! :)
I would do the same thing! But it would probably take so much more time! It never comes clean! I don’t know how many times I have tried to get my grout clean! Grrrrrrrr
We are preparing our home to sell so I guess I should clean the grout! I have to admit, that wasn’t on my list :-)
So, the Bounty and the gift card would be a huge blessing! Good luck everyone!
Oh, my grout was cleaned a few years ago when we had some tile work done so I didn’t actually do it.
I am a bit behind on my “spring” window cleaning and would love to win some Bounty to help me out!! The gift card from HD would be awesome too!
I have just started my Spring Cleaning, I was sick all of Spring, and now I am really getting down deep and cleaning.
Some Bounty Paper towels sure could help me out as mine are almost gone a gift card would
be fabulous from Home Depot so I can replace some of things really bad light fixtures.
Well guess who is going to home depot to buy some grout cleaner? That would be me. And hubby blew it last night by buying the wrong paper towels(a HUGE pack) I prefer the plain white and he bought the ones with designs on them that totally do not match my kitchen, so using these will be perfect for a big project, and hopefully I will use them all :). And we ONLY buy bounty!
I would love to win paper towels considering I go through them every couple days do to small children in my home lol. I never knew you had to clean the grout in the tiles, I guess i need some serious cleaning 101 tips!
I clean my grout every Saturday
Wow – so glad you posted about cleaning the grout! We have two pets inside and various other neighborhood pets that visit with their “parents” too. I think I know what I will be doing while off for a long fourth of July weekend! Hope you have a wonderful holiday – and don’t forget to thank a vet! My hubbie served almost fifteen years before being medically discharged and our son (our only child) is currently serving – sometimes I use Bounty towels to wipe the tears from missing him. Seriously. Love your blog! Have a blessed day!
OBTW – I am the anonymous poster above #372- lol forgot to post my info. lol
i use bounty everyday!!! there is always something to clean!
Bounty is the only paper towel that gets the job done right. All the others leave lint and are not strong enough for me.
When it comes to grout cleaning, I haven’t been able to find the right formula. It never looks clean enough to me. I’ll definitely try Zep since it worked so well for you. As for Bounty, it is my favorite. I use it every day.
Oh. My. Goodness. I must deep clean my grout! I would definitely do that first with my Bounty paper towels. Then I’d use them for the typical stuff…wiping up messes, wiping faces and drying hands:)
I am so excited to use Bounty paper towels! We just moved to our first home last week, and we have tile in our kitchen and both bathrooms. It looks like ours could use a good cleaning, and I would love to try it out the same way you did. Thank you for the chance to win! A Home Depot gift card would be wonderful to help update our new home!
I have been putting off cleaning fans and light fixtures. I have to pull out the ladder and the bounty and get busy.
we just moved into a house a few months ago and im dreading dealing with the grout! lol
Closing on our first house next week! I love using bounty to clean so this would be great in getting the house clean and wiping up all the little messes my cute boy makes everyday!
I love Bounty, they are my brand of choice, I love the select a size, it seems so much less wasteful and sometimes I am still amazed at how big the job is and how little it takes to do it. I think I need to clean my grout!!
I like to use them for cleaning my windows!
I love Bounty paper towels. Probably because I always sing the “quicker picker upper” jingle when using them. :) I’d definitely clean my huge sliding glass windows with them. They need some paper towel and cleaner action something fierce!
Bounty keeps our household running! From cleaning spills to wiping down the bath toys, I use Bounty for every mess in our home!
I would attempt to use the Bounty paper towels to clean the outside of my windows, they are filthy.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
My husband and I just bought our first house. Everything in it could use a good wipe down with some bounty paper towels!
Bounty paper towels are great for window cleaning, which I need to do now! Thanks for the chance.
The Grout Is Suppose To Be Cleaned????
We moved into our house 4 years ago and have tile almost exclusively throughout our home and I have never cleaned the grout. Now I feel all guilty and need to go buy some cleaning stuff and bounty paper towels at Home Depot and clean my floors!
Lisa K.
I’d love to win! I’d use the Bounty paper towels to give our deck furniture a good scrubbing.
I use Bounty paper towels for virtually everything, spills, cat vomit, cleaning glass/mirrors, counter top and Home Depot is like my second home. Just moved into a new house and the grout is new so at this time I don’t need to clean it.
It took me almost 2 years to clean the grout after we moved in. I did about 1/3 of the kitchen/laundry/pantry area when we moved in (like under the fridge and washer/dryer etc where I wouldn’t be able to access later), the bathrooms and entryway on another occasion, then another 1/3 of the kitchen probably a year later, and I just did the last 1/3 a couple months ago! Our white grout was dark brown (and will never be lighter than off-white going forward b/c it is so stained) and probably wasn’t cleaned once or ever sealed since the house was built in 1997. It was gross and so unenjoyable that I just “had” to split it up over that much time lol. Anyway, now I use lots of paper towels to try to keep the grout/tile clean around the cats’ litter box =P
shhh…I tell everyone we had the contractor use Gray Grout. :)
I would love to win some Bounty towels – I use them non-stop in my stained glass studio.
I love Bounty. I have 3 little boys who aren’t very good at aiming in the bathroom…enough said.
I’m excited to use Bounty in my master bath!
Eek! well now that you mentioned it i would use the bounty towels to clean up my grout!
I like to use them on my kitchen counters.
We use Bounty for everything…its the only paper towel that gets the job done!
I actually just cleaned my grout about a month ago. It was a dirty job!!!
I use paper towels for just about everything!!! But, if I had a 250 to spend @ home depot…I’d probably use the towels to clean up the mess after I finished repainting my living room walls…the muddy green color has got to go!
I have not gotten on the ground and cleaned my grout for at least a year
No grout! But oooh, I could tell you stories about cleaning my oven! Love Bounty towels!
I’ve sadly never cleaned my grout. Have been moved into the new place for nearly a year and it never occurred to me! :( Ewww. I know what my plans for this weekend are!
I need to do the same. I cleaned my grout in the kitchen about 4 years ago but this space is huge and desperately needs it again with three kids! It is an all day event but with this gift card it would push me to get it done!!!
I am excited to use Bounty to paint my kitchen.
The Bounty would be put to good use cleaning my kitchen. It never seems to stay clean. And the gift card would supply some much needed blinds in the bedrooms.
Love bounty… use them all over the house :)
We cleaned our grout last summer and it took hours!!! But it made such a huge difference!
I use them to clean our master bathroom!
I’d use the Bounty paper towels to clean up dirty faces and hands this summer!
I use Bounty paper towels when my puppy decides not to behave :-)
We cleaned the grout at our last house right before we listed it for sale. UGH! We’d bleached it years before, but the last time we used Magic Erasers & tried a variety of cleaners to get it clean. I imagine your grout cleaner & Bounty would have been worlds easier!
You’re supposed to clean your grout? Haha. Maybe I will if I win! :)
Woohooo! Inspired me to do our grout!! That’s what I would use the bounty paper towels for!
I’d use the Bounty paper towels to clean up spills from soda, dog’s water bowl, etc.
i want to buy and repaint a head board
I’d use the paper towels to clean countertops
Bounty is all I buy!
I’m excited to use Bounty paper towels to help with a staining project I need to do!
I’d love to try Bounty Towels! They’re be perfect for this geometric wall pattern project I’ve been wanting to do.
I am excited to use Bounty paper towels to clean all our windows and let the sun shine in! Thanks for the chance.
I believe in recycling everything. Been saving a bag of dried Bounty paper towels that we use to dry our hands with. Cleaning my grout will be the project I’ll use them on! Thanks! Just moved, so a gift card would come in handy for the small, numerous projects that I have to do! :)
I’m excited to use it to clean up my stove. My fiance and I are bad at buying paper towels so we keep using napkins.
I use bounty paper towels for everything. And I am not confessing when I last cleaned the grout….
I would use the paper towels to clean up after my 2 boys. The gift card would be put towards installing heat in our basement. The last time I cleaned up grout was when I helped my husband install granite tile counter tops in our kitchen 3 years ago, what a mess!
I use Bounty paper towels for making art journals :) Combined with gesso they’re great for patching holes and dimensional work.
I use them all of the time when I do any painting.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I use Bounty paper towels for all of my cooking and baking messes as well as for cleaning!
I use Bounty all around the house, I have nine kids at home during summer and there is always use for paper towels, Specially after frozen treats are served. I also find them very helpful when I’m cleaning my kitchen and If I win this prize pack I’m planning on painting my kids room so they will come in handy as well.
I have been putting off cleaning all of my windows so these would come in handy!
I love to use Bounty when I clean my windows and base boards. I feel like it helps get all the grime off the window without having to go through a million cleaning rags.
I’m excited to use Bounty paper towels and I would use them to clean windows.
im excited and would use them to re-do the bathroom!
I[‘m excited to use Bounty Paper towels for my donut making! Does that count even if it’s not cleaning? It’s much funner than cleaning grout.
I use Bounty to clean all kitchen messes.
I love Bounty paper towels! I use them for everything around the house, especially for cleaning up messes.
we go through paper towels like crazy in our house. we use them all the time for cleaning up spills. we have tile countertops which we tend to use wet wipes to clean them up… never tried the grout cleaner, though it looks like we should start!
I’m excited to use Bounty paper towels for all my kitchen messes.
I would use it to repaint my son’s room and clean up!
I am excited to use those paper towels to clean the apartment I just moved into. Last people even left hair dye on the walls.
I would love to win this! With 5 boys, a dog, myself and my hubby our house, needless to say, can get some dirt and germs! I would love to use the BOunty paper towels to clean all the windows in our home and sliding glass door! Also all the fingerprints on all the doors and door frames!
i would love the bounty to clean my windows.
Hanging head in shame…I’ve never deep cleaned my grout.
Oh my we use Bounty towels for everything from the house, garage, and car. There is no other towel like a Bounty.
I haven’t cleaned grout in a long time. I tried once in the house I’m currently in and thought nothing would work. I’d use the paper towels to clean all my dog and cats “nose art” off my windows!
I LOVE having Bounty around for cleaning my toddler after meals ( who knew applesauce dries to an adhesive?), bathroom and kitchen routine cleaning, and they are essential when my kids get sick all over or when my oldest swallows pool water, throws up all over the bathroom and forgets to tell anyone about it and I discover it hours later -so gross!
Love Bounty towels! They are perfect for clean up of all my trash to treasure projects.
I love bounty paper towels for the hard to handle kids messes. I reallly have never cleaned my Thanks for the giveaway
I cleaned my grout 6 months ago, and it looks amazing! Crazy how it can get so dirty so fast!
OH MY!!! I have never seen a grout cleaner like that! Will definitely have to get me some. We go through paper towels like candy! Will be using my Bounty to clean up after my 3 year old! :)
I would clean the outside of my windows. They need some help after our amazing storms this week.
I’m excited to use my bounty paper towels! I will have to try that product on my tile floors, they are pretty bad!
The military is moving us next month and I always like to do a little leaning of my own before we enter a new home! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I would love to use the Bounty in the “mud room” there is always something going awry in there, potatoes that get forgotten about, dog gets sick right there, and mud. Lots of MUD! I would also love a $250 gift card too…so many wonderful things to do with it!
Love Bounty! I use them every single day. And now you’ve inspired me to clean my grout, too.
I would love to win so I could do a deep clean of my bedroom. I haven’t touched the cracks between my wood parquet flooring in I don’t know how long.
I deep cleaned only about half our grout once.. we have so much tile downstairs I just got tired cleaning it. So, with that said, I would take the Bounty challenge and do my grout again – this time all of it.
If I’m lucky enough to win the $250, I’m going to clean my grout…and mop up the nastiness with Bounty!
I’ll have to say that I usually buy generic papertowels, but a couple of weeks ago I ran out of papertowels and my husband had a roll in his truck so he gave me those. I will have to say they were WAY better than the generic ones I’d been using! I need to clean (um…scrub) the nasy grimy top and sides of my refrigerator and I need tough papertowels to do that. I am short and I figure no one can see up there anyway! LOL It needs doing so bad that I’m just going to break down and do that. Would love to win!
I love Bounty paper towel! With 2 kids, we use our fair share! i do wish we had kitchen grout to clean, but sadly this home had carpet in the kitchen! A Home Depot GC would be a nice step toward our impending remodel :)
I am excited to use Bounty paper towels for a painting project (which you know can be messy) that I want to do.
Bounty paper towels are my favorite. Buying a new house and can’t think of a better housewarming gift than a Home Depot card and Bounty paper towels.
I am excited to use Bounty paper towels! Needed right now for some serious window washing :)
We only use Bounty at our house. With three kids, three dogs, two cats, six frogs, and a potbelly pig we have plenty of messes to clean up lol.
I love Bounty paper towels and would use them to clean up after my kiddos who are always making some kind of mess!
I would probably clean the grout in my kitchen, now that I know whats lurking in there!
I literally just scrubbed the bathtub for over an hour. We are preparing to move to a new rental and this gift card would help a tin!!
We are a Bounty lovin household already, so winning some would be awesome!!! We are in dire need of window cleaning as well as cleaning our guest bath grout so bring it. giggle. Thanks for sharing!!!
I am excited to use some Bounty paper towels and I’d like to use them to clean my counters, stove, kitchen cabinets…just about everything! I am very intrigued by the idea of cleaning my grout! I always assumed my grout was a dark gray, but perhaps it is not!! I think I am going to pick up some of the grout cleaner you used and try it out this week! If I win the contest, I would certainly use the Bounty paper towels for that as well!
I need to clean my grout, too. I’m not looking forward to it, but yours looks so nice that I’m inspired!
We just moved into a new house and it needs some TLC and Major cleaning! I have a ton of windows which someone should have told the people we purchased the home from that they let in amazing light if you just use some windex and paper towels ;) Would love to win the Bounty paper towels and the Home Depot giftcard.
I would looooove some bounty paper towels to clean up after the people who are always in and out of my house. We go through paper towels like crazy!
It’s been a long time since I have cleaned my grout. A loooooong time
i have three boys. (and a husband makes 4) ….. i need Bounty for *everything* :)
I use Bounty for everything, they are great for wiping my little white puppies paws off when she comes in from outdoors in the rain, or snow in the winter. I keep a roll by the door and she knows to stop on the rug next to the towels to get her paws dried before going all the way in the house!
I love bounty paper towels! I’m excited to use them for pretty much everything!! In my opinion they are the best paper towel!
Wow! Guess I should use the bounty paper towels and jump on the band wagon to clean my grout too ;)
So need to win some Bounty paper towels and a Home Depot gift card! With two rental Houses to clean this next week it would help to get the funky out and the clean in!
I actually cleaned my shower grout last night! I grouted the shower about 3 months ago so I am trying to stay on top of it. Yeah, that’s gonna happen….
I’m excited to use the Bounty paper towels for our windows and the floors! Just seeing the after photo of yours gives me hope that ours can be restored!!! :) I’m a little scared to say how long it’s been since we REALLY cleaned our grout!!! DON’T JUDGE!! :-)
$250 wouldd go a long way at my house!
Yeah Bounty, is there any other towel?
I cleaned my grout about 2 years ago. I also sealed it at the time in hopes that it would at least help with the gunky buildup. Thanks for the giveaway!
Bounty paper towels are the best! I use them to clean up after 3 cats and 2 humans!
I too use Bounty Paper Towels. I think I will be cleaning windows and grout on the floor. In our last rental unit. I cleaned all the Floor tile grout after we moved in. They claimed that they had cleaned it before we moved in, But I dont think that was the case. It was so gross. It took me two days to clean the entire downstairs (about 1100 sft.). It sure did look good when we moved out… :)
Grout, windows and worst of all the tracks in my sliding glass doors! Thanks for for wonderful giveaway!
I’d love to use Bounty paper towels to clean the bathroom.
We moved into an older home last fall which has a natural stone entryway. I’m pretty sure it has never been REALLY cleaned, so that’s what I’d like to try to do as a Bounty challenge.
I would love to win the Bounty and would use it to clean the drip rail in my shower.
I have never cleaned my grout my but 68 year old father gets down on his hands and knees and cleans his grout with Magic Erasers almost weekly.
I am definitely going to try the Bounty grout trick! With four messy kids under the age of 8 those paper towels would get lots of use around here! :-)
I am excited to use some Bounty paper towels and I use them to mop up behind my sink,
I can’t stand any grime back there!
Need to use my steamer to clean my windows, and my sliders… Lots of water to clean up!
Wow! That is amazing! I struggled with grout at my last house, it never felt clean! This stuff looks awesome!
I’ve halfway cleaned-ish my grout when cleaning the kitchen floor, but nothing like that! And it’s a really light sand color, so of course it is currently charcoal gray. Yikes.
I should clean my floors! I like to use them to dry dishes. ;)
I have 2 boys, so we use a lot of Bounty towels around here. The last time we cleaned the grout was when we moved in….two years ago.
I use Bounty paper towels all the time! Would be super excited to sue some more to clean up the mess of my next weekend warrior project that I construct with the 250$ I win (hint hint).
I need to clean the grout in my shower. Ewww. I saw on another site that you can use a bleach pen to “draw” on the grout and then wait 10 minutes and wipe it up. The Bounty towels would be perfect. Another tidbit, once you have your grout perfect, use grout sealer. Extends the time needed between cleaning.
I have to do this ASAP.
I use Bounty to clean up after my fur babies. I did clean my tile a couple of months ago, but I am sure it needs it again.
Oh MY!! all the projects I could do with a $250.00 Home Depot gift card!!!!!
We just moved into a new rental house and the tile grout is killing me. I so need to do this, but the entire house is tile. I guess just the size of the job has deterred me.
I could certainly use some Bounty about now. We just bought another house, lovely home, but it’s been sitting for a year so there is lots to clean! Love you blog and ideas by the way!
I need to get some Bounty paper towels & clean up the shelves in my garage!!! Can you say dusty, dirty & cob webby!!!! YUCK
Bounty is the only paper towel that can handle the way I intend to clean
I didn’t know that my grout was supposed to be a different color until the guys from Stanley Steamer told me. I haven’t lived in my house for ten years, but it is 10 years old and I am sure my the grout has never been cleaned.
I love bounty towels! It has been a long time since I have cleaned the grout!
I would use bounty paper towels to clean our kitchen cabinets. Everything is coming out, cleaning shelves and putting down pretty shelf liner. Should have done it before we moved in a couple years ago, but no more waiting. This is the year. (Not sure I have ever REALLY cleaned the grout…maybe after the shelves….)
I need this for my ugly counter tops that are tile and floor too. It’s all the same tile. We bought the house 3 years ago and I have not cleaned the grout since then. We dislike the kitchen so much . But this my put a spark but in our kitchen inspiration.
I didn’t know cleaning the grout could be so simple. I’ve been avoiding it for awhile. It may be tme to pick up some Bounty towels and get to work.
I could sure use the $250 Home Depot giveaway! I inherited a little home, and it needs a lot of work! Hope it’s not too late to enter!
It has only been about a month but luckily it’s a chocolate brown grout and hides dirt. Still grosses me out every time I clean it though!
Ok I agree gross!!! But now you know it’s clean right?
I love bounty!! Thanks for the giveaway, would love to win this :-)
I use Bounty Paper towels for everything!!
My family burns through paper towels!! We use them to dry our hands, clean up spills, clean the mirrors and windows, for quick clean up plates, cutting board, you name it!
Baseboards, windows, mirrors, front porch furniture, back porch railings…I could easily go to town using Bounty paper towels.
I’m a bounty lover as well! I just recently tried their new duratowels and i’m hooked! we’ve lived in our house not quite a year, and I’ve known since moving in that the grout in the kitchen needed to be cleaned. it’s on my to do list. :) I NEED that home depot gift card so we can finally finish screening in part of our back deck. Please….
Just bought a 1950s house. I know what you’re thinking. Mid-century charm, right! O NO. I’m gonna need a an ice scraper to removed the LAYERS of accumulated hair spray on the vinyl bathroom walls (!) and I’m sure some bounty paper towels would help. Maybe I could just use them to make a blindfold for myself so I don’t have to face the tackiness (literally), or into handy disposable coasters because I’m gonna need a cool beverage or two for this job!
Yikes! The last time I cleaned my grout (hall, all 3 bathrooms) was over a year ago. *bow my head in shame*
Building new house. I am working on the interior now. I clean up every day after ALL of us, the plumber, the furnace guy, the electrician and us. Always running for a roll! I could always use a few more
We moved into our house a year ago and I haven’t cleaned the grout yet (bad dog!).
I would love some Bounty towels to clean up with. I am currently out of paper towels! I have been reading thru your blog all morning, it is currently 3:00 a.m. here in Missouri. The bathroom really needs cleaning. The tile is gross and the grout really needs help. I didn’t know they sold ZEP products at Home Depot. I used to use their products when I cleaned apts. after people moved out…talk about using a lot of Bounty paper towels! Windows are my current project. I just replaced the ugly old ( so old the white liners were grey, shredded from age and the heavy other curtains were so faded and opened and closed with those pull strings ) curtains with “new to me curtains” that I got for 10 dollars off swap and shop. The sliding glass doors hadn’t been cleaned since I moved in at Christmas. Lots of Bounty towels in that project. Still have some touch up to do. They have decals on them that have been there since probably 20 years! I need one of those razor blade scrappers that I’m sure Home Depot has! I still have the living room sliding glass doors as well as two other long windows. Lots of Bounty towels to clean all those. With a Home Depot gift card I could get some Zep products to clean the tile in the shower and the remaining windows. Bounty paper towels will come in so handy for these projects. Also I noticed the chandelier you painted. I could even get some paint for the brass one hanging in my dinning room. Can you paint it without taking it down? This Condo didn’t come clean or painted when I rented it. So it would go a long way to make this Condo a home I am proud to live in. It needs a lot of work. Oh I could get some grey paint and paint the bedroom and bathroom. This place needs so much TLC! I love your blog and thanks for the opportunity to win. I’ve enjoyed spending my morning reading all about your blog! Your kitchen floors turned out great!
I love to use my bounty paper towel for my puppy! He tends to have accidents because he is a puppy and it is the ONLY paper towel that I don’t have to use 5 sheets for! Bounty is great, my puppy an my floor thanks you! As for when I last cleaned my grout… DO I have to say?! I’ve wiped them down but never scrubbed like that! I want to now!!!
I use bounty for everything cleaning related! Would love it AND the gift card would come in very handy for some room makeovers! :) Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I’d use them on everything! I love paper towels. My grout has probably never been cleaned. Gross!
Appreciate it regarding share………. I really hope inside long term it’ll be truly great for you……
Nice post. I used to be checking continuously this blog and I am impressed!
Very helpful info particularly the closing part :) I maintain such information much.
I used to be seeking this particular info for a very long
time. Thank you and best of luck.