Nope, no pretty project to share today. Hate to burst your bubbles. This is going to be one of those “deep” posts maybe, and speaking from my heart about blog stuff. I haven’t had a deep post in a long time, maybe ever? And I’m sure I’ll get off track and talk about a bunch of random things so forgive me.
Anyway, whenever you read blogs, don’t you like to really “know” the person who is writing the blog? Don’t you want to know more about their lives and families etc? Some bloggers are very private, and some have no problem sharing their names and information about their family. Me? I do like to share pictures of my family because that’s just me. I’m an open book and I want all of y’all to know more about me, my family, and where I come from.
But what’s the problem with that you ask? Whenever I do that, those posts get the least amount of comments and interest from you all. It’s kind of heartbreaking to open up myself like that to the internet world and not get the same response as a room reveal or new craft would receive. Yea I know this is a home decor blog–I get that. But it’s not like I post about myself or family stuff every week. It’s usually just on special occasions/holidays. And for the most part I do stay strictly in the home niche. But when bloggers stray from that every now and then, I happen to really enjoy it. And I assumed you would too?
And yes you all know I’m pregnant. And not much longer to go actually! And I thought that you all would be interested in a few pregnancy updates as well, but again to my disbelief, those few posts that I have done seem to get the least attention from y’all as well.
If I’m being totally honest here, I think I conditioned everyone when I started this blog that I’d have a pretty project every day. I had a lot of projects to share in the beginning because we were still decorating our house and a LOT needed to be done. And there is still stuff to do, but not pressing stuff, and it’s stuff that costs money. There’s only so many times you can spray paint an old frame ya know? Yes this blog is a business for me too, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend all the pennies I earn on buying something new for our house just so I have content to publish. I buy stuff for our home because I love it and because we are the ones living with it. You get what I’m saying here? Did I lose you?
Writing a blog takes a tremendous amount of time and effort, and also blood, sweat and tears. You’d probably be floored if I told you how many hours a week/day a blogger works on their blog, doing projects, editing pictures, social media interaction, responding to comments and emails etc. It’s a LOT. I’m not complaining at all because I have the best job in the world and a very supportive husband, but you have to realize a new project can’t be busted out daily unless I want to totally neglect my family, and that I do not want to do.
I don’t want you to think that just because a personal post doesn’t get 100 comments or more like some projects do, that I have a pity party. That’s not what I’m saying at all. Comments mean your readers are interacting with you because they like what you have to say. Maybe my family and pregnancy posts just don’t float your boat because you don’t feel connected to what I’m writing about? Yes, no, maybe so? Do you not like the personal stuff? Do you only visit my blog to see pretty pictures and projects? Aren’t you going to want to see pictures of the new baby when he/she arrives? Well I have news because you are going to see them regardless. :)
A quote that I came up with: “Bloggers are real people too–not just people with pretty homes.” I think that about sums up what I’m trying to say with this forever long post. :)
So, give it to me. Do you only care about the projects? Do you only visit blogs to be inspired by projects and see pretty home things? Do you get annoyed when you visit a home decor blog in general, not just mine, and it isn’t home related? (and I’m not talking about sponsored posts or giveaways–that’s a different post in its entirety). There’s no right or wrong answer here either. And I know this is a pinning world these days and not a commenting world like it once was. Just trying to figure out what it is about the personal posts vs. project posts.
And ps–NO, this post does not mean the projects are stopping or anything like that. I actually am working on a few very cool behind the scene things right now and can’t wait to share with y’all. Plus, if I get it together I may even be able to show you all my laundry room next week! And even if y’all tell me you hate seeing the personal posts, I’ll ultimately do what I feel is right anyway because well, it is my blog (said in a non-arrogant way). But I’d still like to know your thoughts. :)
“And she bared her soul, took a deep breath and hit publish.”
Also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and RSS.
I love your blog and have for a long time. I love the great ideas you have and some not so great (my opinion), but that’s what makes the world go around. I think it is wonderful if the bloggers want to share their personal lives with the world. We are all human….have great days….have bad days……and funny things happen. Keep up the GREAT blog and congrats on the new babe. I can’t wait to see pictures of the baby and hear all about it. — A faithful reader…….
Thanks so much Fran I appreciate it!!
Ok; here’s the thing….GUILTY. But on the other hand I NEVER post comments, ever. I do, in fact, LOVE to see pics about families. Especially the younger children. I have three sons who are grown and I miss the daily grind of babies on up. Not that I would want to start over. But through the blogs that I read, it makes me happy to see young families. Your blog and all the others I read keep me happy ESPECIALLY when there are pics of families. So I probably won’t post ever again but know that there is at least one person who wants to see more.
Aww Cheri thank you so much for commenting today! Don’t feel guilty for not commenting…that’s not what I was implying in my post. I just was asking why no one comments on the personal type of posts etc. But I DO appreciate you for reading! :)
I’m one of those silent blog stalkers I think they call us lurkers but that just sounds creepy to me lol. I read every word you post the good, the bad, the ugly & will probably only comment once in a blue moon. I usually don’t comment (ok ok ask a question) on blogs because it’s very rare that I get a response from the blogger. Not saying that you’ve ever done that since honestly I don’t remember but it happens. So to keep from clogging up your box & letting down my lil heart that I’ll never get an answer to my burning question, I usually just read & now pin what I like for inspiration. So all this just means that yes I like to really know the person who’s blog I’m reading & if they don’t want to share personal info that’s cool too since I’m a very private person too.
Hey Shell, it’s totally ok not to comment! You know what’s terrible? I just recently (like 2 months ago) realized that NONE of my readers were receiving my replies when I would reply back from my blog! And when I first started I responded to every single comment and I still try and do my best, but that was kind of heartbreaking to realize. I sure hope everyone didn’t think I was trying to ignore them. :( But anyway, I installed a new plugin and now it works thank goodness. But it’s like I lost almost 2 years of people not receiving my comments back. Poo.
And I promise you that you aren’t clogging up inboxes when you leave a comment on any other website. Bloggers loooooove comments and love to hear what people think. It’s just that affirmation we all need to keep on doing what we’re doing . :)
Thanks again!
Holy cow! How did you find out after that long that people weren’t getting your replies? I think it’s pretty standard to not get replies from bloggers actually, especially when they get a lot of comments….but for the rare ones like you who -do- respond, it must’ve been devastating that no one even knew. :(
I have never once posted a comment, on any of the MANY blogs I read so I hope you don’t mind me starting here!
I have been compelled to comment on a number of occasions, against many different kinds of posts on all kind of blogs, but have never actually put ‘pen to paper’ – I think more than anything I’m worried that I’ll come across like a blog stalker! (I’m really not : ) !!! ) I love reading your blog for many reasons. The pictures of your home and the projects you have completed are inspiring and are what initially caught my eye and led me to go back to the very beginning of your blog, through every post to the current day. The tales of your life with your family and your pregnancy, for me, only add to the enjoyment experienced from following you and your blog. All of my most favourite blogs seem to tread the same path – they tend to be based around a home blog but continually filter in tibits of their lives to fill in their story. I love feeling that I get to truly ‘know’ the person behind the blog. It makes all those posts about project successes and fails even more interesting when you feel you are sharing them with a friend.
I know there must be some people out there who only like certain blogs for their home posts only, but I hope you keep including posts about you and your family. I’ll make sure in future to comment on all those posts that inspire me to do so – whether they be about a new rug, a laundry room reveal or a pregnancy update. I for one can’t wait to see pictures and hear the story of your new addition! (And by that, I mean baby!!)
Hey Libby, thank you so much for commenting! Don’t be scared to comment on any blogs–bloggers love comments! :) If you leave a comment that does not mean you’re a stalker by any means. Anyway, I hope you start to do it more often and get to know you better! :)
Thanks again for your input I truly appreciate it.
First of all, I love the inspiration from your blog. I discovered blogs about a year ago, and I used to comment all the time; however, I’ve found that I’m spending way too much time on the computer. In order to have a life I’ve had to cut back on the number of blogs I read and comment on. I have found that I will pin something I love rather than comment on it. I’m just trying to balance blogging and life.
Hey Katie, I totally understand. It’s a lot to keep up with all of the blogs out there. I’m not looking for a comment on each post or anything so please don’t think that. I just was curious about what everyone likes, doesn’t like etc. What would everyone do without Pinterest huh? :)
Your’e on the list of blogs I have posted on my own blog as being one of my favs to read. But even having said that, I’m prob not going to comment as often as you like – I haven’t monetized my blog so I can’t spend hours at my desk. I write personal posts, mostly, and I do it so that I can print it someday for my family. For me it’s a true web log, and comments are just a little extra thing, not the goal. Mostly my interests are home decor and cooking, but I still read your posts about other things, too, and think it’s all very interesting. So just keep doing what your’e doing, if that’s what you love to do…
Hey Gina! Please don’t think I’m asking everyone to comment on every single post. That would be ludicrous and very selfish of me. I just wanted to know what people thought of the personal posts etc. Thanks so much for commenting and reading! :)
I’m a blogger and I am as guilty as most of the other commenters. I read your blog in my google reader every post you do but I rarely comment. Which is really strange because I have a blog and it breaks my heart when I feel like I’m the only one reading it!! I just wanted to say I “totally get” what you’re saying, I have a food blog and believe it or not I don’t cook crazy wonderful things every day and some weeks…hardly anything at all but you know LIFE happens and while I love my blog and the few readers I have….I’m not going to spend every day cooking and posting amazingly sinful decadent food!! So in the meantime you see my garden progress and the new craft projects I undertake and soon there will be a bridal shower with more than enough food recipes to cover me while I’m not cooking this summer. Keep on doing what you’re doing and just know that we’re still reading!!!
Hey Samma thank you so much for reading and commenting today–I really appreciate it!! I’m glad you get me. :) And hey, it’s ok to not comment…I just was curious about the personal posts mostly. :)
Emily, I totally know what you’re talking about. I’ve experienced the same thing on my blog. I’ve been feeling guilty lately because I can’t do projects for my home right now . . I’m too busy working and getting ready for my wedding. I know I’ve lost readers or at least they’ve gone somewhat silent, but I figure that I need to follow my heart and do what works for me. And in these last few weeks before the wedding, it just might mean talking about projects on the blog won’t happen.
Honestly, I’m overwhelmed by all the projects. . . I’m more likely to comment on personal posts these days. Like this one. :)
Oh Jane your wedding is going to be fabulous and yes that is much more important! :) I’m sure your readers are still there too and when you have something to say, they will be there. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment today. I really appreciate it.
I am still reading your blog Jane :) Mostly mine come through my google reader though, and I am not one to really comment… I tend to think you get lost in the crowds of faceless commenters (apparently I’m wrong!) Love the Borrowed Abode and love DecorChick too!
I do comment when i see something that strikes a cord with me (like now). For whatever reason, when it’s personal, I get all shy although I like the post as much or even more. That probably makes no sense, but I feel like I need to have a developed relationship with the blogger before I comment on personal posts.
So I don’t comment here very much even though I ready almost every post. Mostly I gave up commenting on big blogs because I felt more like a number than with the blogs that I know need my comments. That sounds like I’m critizing you, but I promise I dont mean it that way. I think it’s awesome that you have so many followers and comments and I know that you’ve worked very hard to get where you are. There’s no way you can respond to everyone. I just like to have a relationship with other bloggers and if I only comment but never get that back-and-forth over email, then it’s not much of a relationship?
That could be just me (probably is) but I wanted to be completely honest. Take it or leave it. Either way, I’ll be back tomorrow reading and maybe even commenting?
Hey Maury! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I understand what you are saying too. I never thought of it that way that you all would feel uncomfortable responding to a personal post since you don’t really “know” us. But a lot of people have said that today so that’s good to know! Don’t feel obligated to comment…EVER. :)
I like a nice mix of personal and projects…but to be honest I always skip any pregnancy post from anyone…i’m not a mom and am not ready to be s mom so those really don’t interest me but I totally get people blogging about out because its your life and that’s what’s going on with it right now! I write personal posts and i’m lucky if 5 people read them let alone comment but sometimes it just feels better knowing you put it out there for that one person who needed to read that today…thanks for sharing your life with us:)
Thank you for your input Rachael I appreciate it! I guess if 1 person is touched then it’s all worth it right? :) Thanks again!
Guilty! I follow your blog religiously and never comment (hangs head in shame). I love your posts, decor related or not, especially since I am pregnant with my first. I just love hearing about other pregnancies. Keep up the great work!
Hey Natalie don’t feel bad at all! I appreciate you leaving a comment today. :) And congrats on your baby!!
I do like occassional personal posts on a home decor blog, but mostly decorating posts. ;-) However, I am always very interested in pregnancy/baby related posts! I have two little ones, and hope to have at least one more, so baby and child related posts are something I enjoy reading as well.
Congratulations on the soon arrival of your new baby! :-)
Thank you Jessica I’m glad you don’t mind the pregnancy posts. :)
You have great projects, I appreciate you sharing about the personal things in life- do what you enjoy and what makes you happy:)
Thank you Maureen!!
The only times I ever seem to comment on blogs are on personal issues – they just get to me more. I LOVE all the pretty images, projects, etc, but the personal touch has more soul. And always remember that blogs started as an on-line personal diary – so you can say whatever you want on there (well, almost!). I think people may comment less on the personal posts because they don’t want to “invade” your personal space??? I love your blog, keep it going :)
I’m so surprised that so many of you have said that Kathryn! About invading our space etc. But I guess it makes sense. I guess I just consider all of you friends so never thought it that way! (and still don’t) :)
I too faithfully keep up with you Emily and love personal or decor posts equally. I love to get to know a blogger more through tidbits of their personal life. Having my own blog, I have noticed in the last 3-6 months that readers comment less but pin more. I guess I do the same. I do not comment anymore as much as I pin (with a comment) because I know from experience that bloggers see what is pinned of theirs.
I have found on my blog that most of my readers are fellow bloggers. I try to find the time to not only respond and interact with their comments but to visit their blogs regularly and comment on their blogs too. I realized it was a two-way street and I think I lost readers early on because I wasn’t doing this. Now that I do this faithfully these are the people that are now there and interact with my posts no matter what I’m posting about whether personal or project wise. I also try to not give any weight or gauge to the number of comments to a post. It’s hard to do but I really try and just let it go and do my thing and have fun.. You do a fantastic job Emily!
Hey Cyndy! I agree that people are pinning much more than commenting and that’s fine too. I don’t expect tons of comments or anything on each post. Just was curious what people thought or if they just downright hated the personal post stuff because I can see the amount of views a post gets etc.
You have great and loyal readers too and that’s amazing! You need to come back and visit Houston! :)
Well, I was interested, because I read the whole thing!
Funny… I am more inclined to make SURE and comment on this post even more then a big reveal.
You brought up some really good points.
I would feel a little hurt too, if when I shared “me” (the same ME who produces all the fluff & pretty?) I didn’t get much feedback. I can see how that might make you feel like “yeah-yeah… pump out something pretty” we don’t really care about you. Harsh, but I would feel the same way. Hurt.
I was just discussing with another blogger the “you can only spray paint something so many times” dilemma. At what point are you doing things, that you would not normally do, just for the blog? And then, do you loose all authenticity? I know I don’t want to make things that I would never use or normally make, just for a blog post. That is just wasteful, of my time and energy as well as taking away from my family time and budget.
I know for me personally, to write a meaningful response takes time. I am not fast! lol. I am having an increasingly difficult time keeping up with all the blogs I am trying to follow and not commenting as much as I want to!
At the end of the day, your blog, no blog, writes itself. There is a human behind the curtain. I enjoy the peeks behind the curtain. I like to know a little about the person behind the makeover.
And I expect baby pictures =)
I loved your comment Shannon! I AM human last time I checked and I’m glad you understand where I was coming from. :) Thanks again for commenting today I really appreciate you!!
I’ve noticed a drop in comments on all my posts lately, no matter what they are about. But like you, I see lots of comments on the posts that are amazing projects that usually take a lot of time/money. Sometimes it can be discouraging.
Personally, I love it when my favorite bloggers (like you) share part of their lives. It helps me feel more connected, and makes me love you even more! And I cannot wait to see your cute baby photos. There is no project in the world that is more beautiful and inspiring than a new baby straight from heaven!!
Aww thank you Kara! I know everyone is pinning more these days and that’s fine too. But I’m glad to know you don’t mind the personal stuff either. :)
I struggle with the same things but I enjoy sharing about my little girl. It doesn’t always generate the most comments but I know there are some readers out there who generally care. As long as you are open and upfront with everyone there should be nothing to worry about. It is hard to come up with diy projects for every post and I agree with you, it shouldn’t be necessary or expected. Blogging shouldn’t be about showing off our homes but about sharing our lives. Thanks for being so open and honest.
Couldn’t have said it any better Krystle! Thank you!!
I just went through my google reader and eliminated almost 100 blogs. I decided to keep the ones that I loved reading the most – the ones that seemed most balanced to me. I ended up with only about 30 that I still read every time they post. You are one of those. While I don’t comment on blogs very often, know that you have many followers who start their day with you – diy post or not! As many others have said, I enjoy the personal posts. They help me keep my perspective – mom first, diy decorator second!
Well that was the sweetest thing ever! And I’m glad I made the “cut!” :) Thank you Jen.
We read… You share…. We enjoy….Keep it up!!!!!!
I read a ton of blogs and enjoy all the posts about family and projects. I mostly enjoy the family posts. It never crossed my mind to leave comments all the time. I rarely comment and I guess I should more. Even if it’s a short comment….a comment is a comment and lets the author know that someone is reading the blog. I still think it’s so neat and such a small world that I some how found your blog and then to find out that you grew up in my town and went to school with my son!!! Amazing!!
Keep up with the wonderful job you are doing on your Blog and keep the posts coming, especially with a precious baby on the way!!
Hey Kim, it’s ok if you don’t comment on each posts, or any post for that matter. But yes it does let the writer know someone is out there listening. :)
And I know–so crazy right??
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment today, I really appreciate it.
I read many blogs every day and I seldom comment. However, I LOVE to know more about the blogger. I find encouragement and inspiration on blogs. I love a touching family story…brings a smile to the face and, sometimes, a tear to the eye. I always hesitate to comment. I think, “She doesn’t know me or care what I think.” Your post may change my thinking.
Gwen don’t ever think that please!! I LOVE to know what everyone thinks and love the interaction. Hey, that’s why I have a blog after all! I’m a stay at home mom and my interaction with adults throughout the day is through this crazy blog!
Hope to get to know you better. :)
I almost never comment on any post I read, but I love the personal posts. I am sure it makes bloggers mad when they have “larkers” but that is just who I am.
No it doesn’t make me mad–I lurke all the time too and mostly read through a reader. I just was wondering why the personal type posts don’t generate much interaction but now I understand why! :)
I like to comment, but try to only do it when I have something “worth” saying, if that makes sense. I really love both personal and project posts, but I sometimes I find I have more to say about a project and just enjoy reading the personal ones.
I definitely love seeing the personal side of bloggers (and as a blogger myself struggle with knowing how much to put out there and wondering if people care, lol)! I follow bloggers because I love their decorating style (or recipes, humor, etc.), and when you can see more about them and get a peek into their lives it makes the projects more personal and helps develop a relationship with that person and we become more invested with that blog. And I always enjoy seeing pregnancy posts especially — we’re expecting our 6th in November, so I love seeing everyone else’s journey’s. =)
I say keep them both coming, and I can’t wait to see that baby! =)
~ Mara
Hey Mara how exciting about your baby!! Congratulations! And thank you so much for your input too, I really appreciate it. And appreciate you taking the time to comment today. :)
I think that’s pretty much the same for everyone. I have a friends-mainly journal that I attempt to keep relatively low-profile and it’s really frustrating when I post something completely silly and get a bunch of comments and activity, and then if I write out deep feelings and stuff I get nothing. It’s almost like there’s an inverse ratio of time spent to comments received. I think that’s why Facebook is so popular. People can’t write much, so people feel chatty. :)
I very rarely actually never comment on blog, though, so I can’t complain. I think it’s awkward because I, as a reader, know a lot about the blogger (relatively speaking) but they know absolutely nothing about me. ;)
Hey Kisha! Facebook is great for interacting too and I like to do it over there as well.
And I never thought about not knowing any of y’all. I just considered everyone friends from the beginning!
I love your last line, it takes a lot sometimes to hit publish and be honest. I just wrote a very honest post yesterday.
I for one love that you include personal stuff on your blog. I love your home decor posts too but one things i crave more from bloggers in a sense of real life. But, I might just be in the minority of your readers in that desire but I love reading about your “real” life too as well as your home decor/design.
I think over all commenting on blogs has gone way down for a variety of reasons.
Hey Andrea I’m glad you enjoy the real posts too–makes me feel better. I need to check out your post!
I think it’s just the time of year, getting ready for summer, oh, and Pinterest!
I’ve noticed as well that readers tend not to comment (or even click) on personal stories. I think if they’re scrapped for time they might skip over something that doesn’t 100% interest them. Also I think a lot of traffic can some from outside sources. People are more likely share a wreath tutorial than a soccer game blog post.
Yesterday I posted a 50 Things You Didn’t Know About Me post and was quite surprised by people’s reactions. People had NO CLUE who I really was! I’m a cussing tomboy who likes a good beer and people didn’t get that from my blog. Makes me think that maybe I should add more personal stuff. I just quit because I was getting no responses. Oh well, it’s my blog, right?
Oh, and on the pregnancy thing… I battle with infertility so I never tend to comment on pregger’s posts. Of course I’ll be all over your baby photos and nursery photos! I can’t wait to see them!!
haha you’re funny. (about the beer) And yes definitely a lot of traffic can come from outside sources, but I don’t care about the traffic especially on a personal post. I know that’s not going to get pinned when I write it. I just wondered why the comments are much less on those types of posts.
And I am so sorry you struggle with infertility. I am so awful I never even thought about those things when I do any pregnancy post, but definitely will from now on. Praying for a sweet baby for you.
I love your blog. I have commented on a few posts but read them all. You are inspiring and you make my day just a bit better when I get your posts. Its like having an internet friend. I get to see pics of great things you are doing, trips you are on, grandma when you visit her, very cool.
What you are doing is great.
I do have one blogger complaint and it is not about you. I have commented and even emailed a blogger or two for advise on a project and have received very impersonal responses. I felt a bit silly feeling like my “internet friend” wasn’t so friendly but it kinda hurt my feelings. Again this is not you but I am sure this experience has stopped me from commenting or contacting bloggers sometimes.
Keep up the good work, we are out here cheering you on!
I agree!
Oh Lea I am so sorry you had a bad experience!! I try to get back to everyone that emails me and give them advice or whatever they are asking. I’m sure some have slipped away too. But don’t let that discourage you. If you want to interact with a blogger, 99% of them want to do the same back I’m willing to bet.
And I am glad to have you as an internet friend!! :)
Personally, I am the type of blog reader that doesn’t comment much because I feel like my comment won’t be read anyway. I have commented on blogs in the past and get no response from the blog owner, so now I just am just a lurker. I totally understand how writing something daily or even a few times a week can be very time consuming (not to mention costly if it’s a new project you’ve completed.) I agree, you can only spray paint a frame so many times!
Hey Nicole, I just have to tell you that ALL bloggers read their comments. ALL of them! And no they probably don’t respond to all of them, but please know they were read and appreciated. I promise. :)
I do like getting to know the people in the blogs I read. It is funny because in a lot of ways you do feel like you really know these people. I don’t feel like you post too many personal things on your blog. There is a nice balance. Maybe people just don’t feel comfortable commenting. There is some reality to the fact that the reason most people read these types of blogs is that they are looking for inspiration, and for me to see that other people are just as crazy as I am constantly redecorating and doing projects. These bloggers are my people are my friends all think I am a crazy busy body…haha. You are great, don’t fret.
yes we are all friends!! :)
I actually like personal posts better than project posts (or at least just as much), but oddly I am probably more likely to comment on a project post than a personal post. I’m not sure why, but maybe there is just less to say about a personal post. I don’t normally even comment on blogs, but if a project is something that really catches my eye and inspires me, I leave a comment. I still really enjoy the personal posts on blogs and usually stop reading blogs that don’t have a personal component.
Good to know Krista, thanks for your input!
It’s rare that I leave a comment on blogs, so don’t take it personally. I actually have enjoyed reading about your pregnancy! I just had a baby 10 weeks ago so it’s been fun to see someone else going through it. By the way, you had some really cute maternity tops that I would have loved to have :)
Aww thanks for commenting then Melissa! I feel privileged. :) And congratulations on your new baby!!
I like the baby and home decor posts, i just had a baby 11 weeks ago too. BUT I never comment usually because I’m in READER and you can’t post comments in there without opening a new window….etc….but I’m not a big commenter. BUT just wanted to let you know we love you!
Well thank you Cat!! And thank you for popping over from your reader to leave a comment. I read in reader all the time too so I totally understand. Congrats on your baby!!
Every single word you wrote up there is awesome, and honest, and I think anyone who blogs has felt that way. Even though we’ve chosen to do it, it IS a lot of work to create the project, do the project, write the post, edit the pics, and get it up – every. single. week (or more often!). I`m guilty of being a `non-frequent` commenter – on the `huge`blogs, i feel like there`s so many comments that mine won`t matter, or the author doesn`t ever respond (so, why bother)….but i`m still inspired there and i keep reading their posts. i like the personal posts and i like the decor projects – i subscribe to and read blogs where i like the blogger. Keep doing what`s authentic for you, there`s lots of love for you in Blogland!
Thanks so much Tracy you’re so sweet. I have to tell you though that every blogger reads (and loves) every single comment. Even if they have 300 already, they still read that 301! :) It’s hard to comment on other blogs and respond to reader comments, especially when you run your own blog. I get it. :)
I agree with what you are saying. Especially the part about feeling like you have to get content out every day. I haven’t had a new post on my blog in months. I am going through a time of just being content with my home the way it is.
As far as reading the personal posts, it depends on the mood I’m in. I recently found out that I am pregnant with my second child so I really enjoy your pregnancy updates!
Man, babies everywhere! Congrats to you too. I hope you are feeling ok and not sick in the 1st trimester. I didn’t post for like 2 months in the 1st tri I was SO sick. Ugh.
I don’t think you should stop posting about your life. I love seeing the behind-scene-happenings of bloggers. It’s nice to know that it’s real people with a real interest and not just money makers. I think blogging became so popular because of the personalities behind them but so many of them are becoming big business that you lose the personality. Continue to let us see who you are and you will be rewarded.
I’m excited about seeing the baby as well, so don’t stop sharing.
Ok April will do. Thank you!!
I enjoy it all. I have never commented, but do love to see the personal size of bloggers too.
thanks for commenting Lisa, I appreciate it!
I love reading your blog and I do so whenever you have a new post. So project or personal related I love it all. I have my own fairly new blog and it has gotten a lot of hits and some of my posts have received several hundred hits (thanks to Pinterest) but zero comments! And I’m like what they heck! But I suppose with that many hits people like it?
Anyway, enough about me. Love your blog and I’m looking forward to lots of cute baby photos!
Hey Lisa, yes, Pinterest has definitely taken over, especially on the project posts. I guess we should just be flattered people are pinning! :)
I’ve found you really don’t post things very often anymore so I just don’t tend to visit your blog much. Nothing personal. Anyway, I like to see the home projects because after all, that is why I visit your blog. Not that I don’t care about your family, etc. but I don’t know you just found your blog so it would be weird for me to comment on your kids, family, etc. I HATE give aways. In my opinion that is the problem with House of Smiths because she seems to be promoting products all the time. Again, just my opinion and not meaning anything negative by anything :)
Sorry but I have to defend Shelley (House of Smith’s) for a second. She actually hasn’t had a giveaway in a long time…like only 2 in the last 5 months. That’s a long time in blogland. If she talks about a product or something she loves, that doesn’t mean it’s a sponsored post or anything. It’s just because she genuinely loves the product. I got to hang out with Shelley quite a bit at the SNAP conference and she is just as sweet, caring, real, and funny as she is on her blog.
But thank you for your input. :)
Hey! I love your blog and I love to get inspired when I read your posts. I also love to look at pictures! Sometimes when I don’t have a lot of time to catch up on all the blogs I follow I can’t read an entire post and I just scan the pictures. I could really care less whether or not I see pictures of a huge room makeover or a small little project. But when I see a post on a “house” blog that has pictures of stinking cute kids playing in the backyard or a family vacation I always stop to read it. I am a very private person in general and in a world where people are afraid to share anything personal about themselves for fear of internet crazies, I am very grateful and feel privileged when I get to learn more about these awesome women I follow. It makes me feel more like a close friend then a random blog follower. So I say, keep the real life posts coming, I really enjoy them. And of course we all want to see that baby when he/she arrives because who doesn’t love a sweet little babe?
PS: Thank you for all you do to liven up our homes and our lives! YOU FREAKING ROCK!
Hey April, you’re so sweet thank you!! I’ll keep them coming. :) I feel like I really know a blogger too when they post about themselves, and it seems like we are real life friends! :)
So sorry you have felt ignored, I really enjoy your blog, and I’m very interested in hearing about your pregnancy. Keep up the good work!
Haha, I don’t know about ignored…Just more like what they hey, don’t you want to see my kid?? ;)
Emily, I’ve been a bit MIA lately…we are one week from graduation, yikes! But, I did want to weigh in on this one. I love anything you post. I say that because I feel like through our blogs we have become friends. Friends talk about everything and anything, don’t they? I started my little ole blog two years ago, I have 145 followers (today, could change in a minute), I have only posted a little over 200 posts. I post when I have time, when I have completed a project I think others will enjoy, when I have news to share (such as our daughter’s graduation). Some will read it, some won’t. I have said long ago, I never got into this to have X followers, or to make money, or to make people want their house to look like mine…you get the point. It was an outlet (one that will most likely grow next fall as I will be a new empty nester with more time), a way to make new friends (and I’ve made a ton), and to get ideas from other inspirational bloggers (regardless of topic). I know given the traffic counter that a lot of people READ my blog, but do not follow nor comment…that is OKAY. All this to say…do what you love, be who you are, share what YOU want to share.
I love this Dr. Seuss quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
Thanks Lauren! I know you are busy with the kiddos no worries! I appreciate you being a long time reader and friend of mine through this crazy internet world. :)
Love the quote!
Aw, Emily! I read your blog on a daily basis just because I like you and enjoy you as a person. Like another commenter said, I usually only write a comment when I feel like it’s worth saying or worth your reading, but I always enjoy each post whether it’s about life or projects. And besides, it’s your blog and you can write what you want to!
Amen sista, amen. Seriously though thank you, I appreciate you!!
I agree with a lot of things people have said. I don’t often comment because I don’t necessarily have anything to add to the conversation. I don’t want to clog inboxes. I am interested in personal stories. I just posted a comment the other day how many blogs have lost me because they seem to be ads for one company or another. They have lost their affordability in the projects they do. And so on. I personally, don’t dig maternity style photos. It just isn’t my thing. But it is your blog and you can post whatever you want (said with a huge smile). I like to hear how things are going and what other things you’re up to.
Thanks for filling me in Marin, I appreciate it! You don’t have many more maternity photos to see so don’t you worry. :)
LOL. I want you to know that I read through that post and checked out the photos. Heehee. I look forward to any posts. I am going to comment more on often from now on whether I have something interesting to say or not. :) Hope you have a lovely weekend!
So, I almost never comment on blogs, simply because I barely have time to get in reading them (much less keeping up with my own!), but I do LOVE reading the personal stuff! I love to know who is behind my favorite blogs! I especially love reading YOUR personal stuff since we are only a week or so apart pregnant!
I do comment a lot on the blogs I also follow on FB- yours being one of them! It’s so much easier there for me to comment, especially since I follow blogs on Google Reader on my phone and have to click through several times to get to comment on an actual post! Just happened to be on computer right now and it’s a lot easier to comment on here! With an almost 2 yr old and new baby on the way, most of my blog reading time is spent in a rocking chair on my phone or laying in my bed before going to sleep!
So sorry you’ve been discouraged about this! Don’t be! Keep it up!
Hey Stacey thanks so much! And yes FB is great for interacting too and much faster. Thank you for reading and can’t wait to see your little one!
The blogs I am drawn to and read with regularity (lets face it, who has time to read blogs when you have a blog!)…are those where I feel connected to the blogger. If I wanted pure content and editorial standpoint, I’d read magazines. I read blogs for the personal connections. But I also try to remember that my blog is supposed to be fun, and I do it for me…not for the traffic or comments or new followers. If I let myself get pulled down that road, I’ll only be disappointed.
Good point Cassie thanks! Just to be clear though–this post wasn’t about not receiving comments in general. Just about low interest in the personal posts when I do post them so I wanted to see what was up. :)
I check in on your blog several times weekly (you’re in the top 4 I do that with!) and enjoy reading your entries regardless of project or personal. However, I don’t leave comments unless I feel I truly have something worthwhile, humorous or helpful to share. If I have the same opinion/suggestion/idea as many others that have left comments, I don’t add mine. I’ll continue to look forward to your posts!
Thanks Guerrina! I can’t believe I’m in the top 4–woohoo!! :)
I liked this post because you spoke from your heart, you want to connect! That’s really the whole point of blogging isn’t it? Other wise, we can just look at BHG sites and other decor pictures all day, or watch TV.
I try not to worry about comments, although I admit, I do feel like I’m not interesting enough, when I don’t get any! You probably did spoil your followers with so many fabulous projects! Your blog is wonderful! I don’t have any projects or a fancy home, but I still seek inspiration and like to share what I’m up to!
Enjoy getting ready for your new baby! This is such a very special time for you, and those sweet baby days go by too fast! God bless your little family!
P.S. Your quote resonates with me! Look how many views and comments you got on this one!!!!
Be blessed, Linda @ Grandmalay’s Daydreams
Thanks Linda how sweet! I guess I’ll just have to recondition everyone eh? :)
I didn’t read the other comments, so forgive me if this has already been written…. I have noticed the same thing on my blog but I have come to the conclusion that the more personal post don’t get amplified on pinterest and link parties like the project post do. Therefore less traffic=less comments.
Most of my favorite blogs share bits and pieces of their everyday life and I like that. Keep doing what you’re doing!
I read your blog every day and enjoy it. Personal, project, whatever!
I don’t leave many comments unless maybe someone asks for a specific opinion. And oftentimes not even then because they generally aren’t really interested in an opinion but simply want to a positive confirmation on what they’ve done.
I also sometimes wonder if the blogger even READS the comments. I realize that you can’t REPLY to every single comment, the time involved would be enormous, but put yourself in the commenter’s shoes. That person takes time to read your blog and leave a comment and it’s just kind of thrown out there in space.
So just write about whatever you feel like sharing!
I am interested in the pregnancy but maybe that’s because I am pregnant…If I wasn’t I probably wouldn’t be interested in reading about it all the time. I think you can talk about your personal life along with projects even in the same post.
I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy all of your posts, personal or otherwise. I am typically a silent reader who doesn’t comment often (if at all). This is due in part to the fact that I’ve been trying to spend less time at my computer and I often read my blogs on my iPad through Flipboard which isn’t quite as convenient to leaving comments. I am hoping to see photos of your little one and look forward to more posts from you in the future, personal or decorating. I, too, enjoy the “getting to know you” part of reading others’ blogs as well as sharing a little piece of me with my followers (at a much lesser number than yours;) Best wishes to you and keep up the good work!
I don’t mind the occasional personal post. In fact, I agree it is important to understand who the blogger behind the projects really is. However, the key is *occasional*… since if I wanted to read a mommy blog, there are plenty out there. (Just being honest here!) Your readership comes from a certain niche and you don’t want to stray too far from that. But you also have to be you.. DON’T CHANGE WHO YOU ARE FOR SOMEONE ELSE!
I feel like I have trouble balancing this problem too, because I am interested in so much more than just straight DIY but those are the types of posts people seem to cling to and drive traffic. I just remind myself, that isn’t all about traffic. It is bigger than that. I have to do what makes me happy and if I want to spend a week on a sewing project, or trying new recipes or whatever.. then I am going to post about it. It is what I enjoy. That is who I am. If we all blogged solely based on the traffic numbers we eventually would have to sell out and become someone we aren’t.
I don’t think we need to take it personally that others don’t comment at the same rate on some topics as others. It has nothing to do with US.. it has to do with THEM.
Post on Mama! Post on..
I personally enjoy reading about other blogger’s lives. Maybe not so much as a really long post about their summer vacation, but definitely a glimpse into their daily lives. I know all bloggers love comments and I’m trying to be better about it. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
I love the posts about your family, those are actually my favorite ones. I love that you shared your baby journey, your Hawaii pictures, Eastertime, Mother’s Day, etc. Please keep up the amazing job! Thanks for giving so much of yourself to help make our homes special for our families, those blessings will come back to you!
My favorite blogs in general are the ones who share a bit about their personal lives. Makes the blogger more real! Your posts are great…all of them!!
Great post! I think it’s wonderful if a blogger shares about themselves in a more personal way…makes one feel like you really “know” the person.
I don’t comment much on the “big” blogs as it feels it’s never acknowledged. I’ve asked a few questions of some of the most popular and do not receive a response or it is very vague and refers me to a website. These are not in my schedule for reading anymore.
Honestly, I don’t know how a lot of bloggers do it…a post every single day, projects out the ying yang, photos, meals and they have kids. Blows my mind! ;-) Life is so important to enjoy…not sit in front of a computer all the time. Don’t worry, I’m speaking to myself here too. LOL
There’s just so much I can do…I am retired, I live in an apt, no kids at home and no big bucks to always be shopping and decorating. I’m sure that’s why a lot of the folks don’t comment. I do have some treasured friends and I always look forward to connecting with them.
You just do what you want, ok? :-)
Ditto on almost all the posts! If there are a lot of responses I don’t usually comment. Someone has already said what I am thinking. Also I get several blogs a day, and sometimes I pick up a new one that catches my eye. No, I can’t timewise, comment on each one, (also I get mine thru email so then I have to go to your site to be able to post a comment).
That being said, your blog is the FIRST one I started following, I cant remember what caught my eye, but it must have been very clever. I sent it to my friend, then me and my friend Belinda just fell in love with your style, your family, your news, , all of it. I do occasionally comment, but just be assured I still follow you even if I dont.And I know you are excited about your baby…good for you! This is a busy time for you, and will be after the baby is here, so I wont expect major projects from you, nor be disappointed by the lack of. However …I love your projects…so maybe write about what you would LIKE to do if time and money were no preblem. That is what many of us do when we tune in to your and other’s blogs!
So what is a lurker? What is a stalker? I don’t understand all these blog terms. What does blog mean anyway? Hubs just shakes his head, and I pretend I know and just tell him never mind, he wouldn’t understand.
Here’s to you and your fam.
Hi Emily, I like you blog just the way it is, so just keep doing what you are doing, it’s why I keep coming back.
It seems you have a theme with your comments left on this post and I totally agree with the theme. I am a newer subscriber but I have loved your blog for quite some time and visited it regularly. I love your blog and I don’t tend to care for bloggers who don’t share some of their personal lives with readers. If you want to simply see how to projects, there are books for that and you can google and find a simple set of instructions but a blog is so much better than that. :) Thank you for all of your hard work!
I enjoy the personal posts, but for some reason don’t comment as often on them. Not sure why, but maybe it’s just because they are personal and don’t want to come across as a stalker if I take too much interest in your personal life? Keep doing what’s right for you. I have to keep telling myself that for my little blog cuz I don’t get much feedback regardless of what I’m posting! :)
I have to admit, I hardly ever comment. I do love almost everything you do, and I pin what I love. And I love to hear about your personal life. Can’t wait to see the new baby!!! Maybe people don’t comment on the personal stuff because they don’t know you for real, know what I mean? I know for me, I would feel weird acting like I know you when we’ve never met, but that’s just me. I may not comment again, but know that we are here, and we do care about you as a person :)
I personally like it when “themed” blogs, such as a home decor blog, have posts that stray away from the main concept. It’s nice to know the people are human, and have every day lives that don’t just revolve around projects. I think it makes them more relatable. I, for one, can’t wait for pictures of the new baby!
I love your home design stuff and I think it would be unrealistic for us as readers to expect to see home design posts everyday. I totally think it is ok for you to get personal. I find it interesting reading about other moms who love design, just as I do.
yo…where’s the pretty project? gosh…now I am leaving and heading to a different blog. Just kidding, just kidding! I love to hear personal stuff, fun quirky family stuff. I guess I comment more on projects because I know the hard work that goes into them…and I want to acknowledge that. Not that making a baby isn’t hard work :). But…hmmm, I hope you get that.
Hi there! I just recently started following your blog. I found you through Pinterest (no surprise there I am sure). Personally, I LIKE knowing about the blogger and her family. I love the personal tidbits, like how they met, differences in tastes, how old the kids are etc. A blog without personal interaction to me is just not as interesting. I like to feel connected even if I never meet the person. When I lost my husband to brain cancer two years ago, my world changed forever and I became isolated. The internet and all the blogs it offers have been a life saver for me, from grief support to decorating blogs. You do a wonderful job and I am always happy to read anything you post. Congrats on the new baby too! A new life is always something to celebrate and cherish. Thanks for all you do!
Another guilty lurker here. let me just say, thank you for being so open with us! I love reading your blog and yes I love hearing the personal stuff! This actually answers a few questions of mine. I’ve wondered how you manage to always have new projects to share! I love doing a few projects here and there but figured I would just never measure up to you :) Best wishes with the new baby. And yes, I dying to see pics!
A blog without a face on it is not very fun to read. I like to know the person behind the blog… it makes the projects more personal, and in fact, I tend to gravitate towards blogs where the people are similar to me. I don’t generally comment on blogs at all, but not because I’m not interested… I have a busy three-year-old and a new little girl, so I often don’t have the hands I need to type, nor the time to comment on everything. But I love all your posts and I’m excited for your new addition. Keep up the good work!
I’m not one who comments very much on the blogs I read, but today I felt compelled to. I read blogs every day and I love reading about the bloggers’ loves and families. I also really enjoy reading about the reality of their lives-not just the good and pretty. I just don’t want to be taken for a freaky stalker-type, so I don’t leave a comment on them. I am so glad to read this post and know that bloggers really want me to respond in a personal way. From now on, I promise to do better. I appreciate you and all the other bloggers sharing your time, ideas and lives with the rest of us. Thanks for being real!
Emily, I totally get where you’re coming from. I’m a newer reader to your blog and have commented a couple time here (you commented back once!) and a few times on FB. I don’t know what it is about more personal posts. I enjoy reading them. And actually wrote, what I thought, was a very good heartfelt post to my stepdaughter’s mom on Mother’s Day. It was about our relationship and how over the years we became friends. I think it’s a very inspiring story and I think I got 2 or 3 comments on it. I don’t blog for comments, but it was a little disappointing. Anyway, I say keep the personal posts too! I definitely can’t wait for ones featuring a new baby!! = )
~ Catie
PS. If you’re at all interested, here’s the link to my Mother’s Day post.
I read your blog faithfully, but I never post on any blogs. I see lots of comments and feel maybe mine is just saying some of the same things already said. I hate to waste your time reading similar comments over and over. I know you have a family and life off line too! : ) But I do enjoy all your posts, home decor and personal. Actually the personal ones make you feel more like a friend and I want to keep up with you and your posts. I hope you see I’m out here, enjoying your blog, and will certainly try to make a habit of posting sometime. Can’t wait to see the pics when the new baby arrives!
Nope, totally love the posts where you share personal stuff about you and your family. I feel the same way about other bloggers too….most of my favorite bloggers have a very healthy mixture of home decor + life stories. I want to know the blogger behind the house, and I think most people feel the same way. I totally know what you mean though! I can get tons of comments after a room reveal but after a story about my family or something personal, I often get 2. It makes me feel a weeee bit insecure, but if I examine my own behavior, I realize I always love those personal posts by others, but rarely comment unless I’m just REALLY moved! So, here it is….ya moved me! Keep up the awesome work! :)
Virginia @ LiveLoveDIY
I too am guilty of silently lurking. My apologies. Most of the time the other folks put my exact feelings as their responses so I guess I figure it doesn’t need repeating. About the personal stuff?? I am thrilled for you that your baby will be coming soon. Truly nothing in the world like having that whole experience. However, I wouldn’t know (and I’m sure I’m not alone) as I was never blessed enough to have children myself. Sometimes reading about your joy, stabs me right in the heart. My apologies for that, I know it’s me and not you…just saying…please continue to do what you’ve always done…your blog IS one of my very favorites! Waiting to see what’s down the road with you…even the personal stuff!
I think personal posts are just harder to comment on unless I feel like you are one of my close “blog buddies”. I’m a tiny little blogger but when I post personal stuff, I usually throw a random question at the end to hopefully start some response…or it’s crickets.
I’m more of a reader than commenter, but I wanted you to know that I love your blog… especially the personal posts. That’s how we get to know you better! That said, I do have to admit that, until recently, I’ve been skipping over the pregnancy posts… they were just too hard for me to read due to a recent miscarraige. I’m genuinely happy for you that everything is going well, and I can’t wait to see baby pictures in a few weeks!!
Getting comments is tough, and I am guilty of not stopping by very often. Your post today spoke to me though and I just had come over! So… hi! My name is Michaela, it’s nice to meet you and I promise to get over my introvertedness and stop by more often! =)
Hi, This is the first time I am writing a comment to any blogger. I must receive about one hundred emails a day from different people around the county and I love reading about each of your lives. I learn so much from all of you and how much time it takes you to write and edit all of your projects. I am sorry that I have not told anybody how much I love reading about there lives and children. I was so happy to hear about the baby and how you get through the day. I have four children and a new grandson almost six months old. I learned alot from this post glad you said what was on your mind, and now I will be happy to write back to you about personal things. Thanks Linda
Ah, I feel badly for being a lurker! Look. We could all live on Martha and BHG. But blogs are just as awesome, if not more, BECAUSE they’re personal. Be real. Be yourself. That’s why we keep coming back. Ps-prayers for a peaceful delivery!!!
I cant believe a huge blogger like you still think this way. is this because of the hormone? :p
i don’t know about others, but i do like personal life too. I mean, i’m not as good as you in blogging, but i blog because i like it. and i do love to see others personal story without them have to post a project posting or a recipe or else. just to see them having their great weekend with family in the backyard, but wrote it in an interesting way, i will definitely read it! :D
and i can’t wait to see your baby pictureeesss!
cheers xoxo
Keep posting, they’ll keep reading. I follow some bloggers – don’t necessarily post on all of them. Your content is amazing – even the pregnancy posts! That’s what keeps us coming back! You become a part of our daily lives – although unfortunately, we don’t always tell you that.
Keep it coming – we’re there with you all the way! You are AMAZING!!!
I don’t comment much, but I do enjoy your blog. I also like to know about the person behind the blog and their families. I guess I like a good mix. :)
I was debating whether to comment (ironic, huh?) but I scanned through a few of the other comments, and no one really said what I would say, so I thought I would go ahead and respond.
I subscribe to (as of right now) 194 blogs. A few are by in-real-life friends and family, or on a few other topics that interest me – most of these I read in their entirety, every time. But the majority of those 194 are home decor/craft blogs, and those I just skim. When I have a few free minutes to do so, I hit the little Next button on my browser, and if the post that comes up is something that I want to read more about, I do. If not, I move on.
I’m also don’t comment regularly, depending on my mood and how much time I have. If I see something that really inspires me, I try to leave a little note. I’m trying to be better at commenting if I’m also pinning something.
So, in answer to your question, I read (skim) for inspiration and ideas, so I tend to skip over the personal posts. They don’t bother me (it’s your blog, write about what you want!), I just don’t really read them. Many people read and write blogs for the community aspect. I get that, I think it’s wonderful – I’m just not one of those people.
I should also probably mention that while I’m a blogger, it’s really just because I like to write about the stuff I’m doing and the stuff that matters to me. I’m pretty sure that the only people who read it are friends and family, and I rarely get comments – and I am really okay with that. I’m not looking to make it into a business or to generate income. Others are, and that’s okay – I’m just not.
In the end, I think what matters most is that your blog is a reflection of you, whatever pieces of you that you choose to share. We all need to do what works for us, based upon our interests, our time, the season of life that we’re in, etc. – whether that determines what we write or what we read.
Also…I’m pretty sure this is the longest comment I’ve ever left. So there’s that. :-)
personally, i enjoy reading about family activities, stuff (including preg), but i’m not a *regular* commenter …. i hope you keep posting about your family, not just your *pretty things* … darlene
Although I’m rather new to your blog ; actually to all blogs, I’ve come to enjoy yours. Actually yours is on my top 5 that I really read and truly relish! I love to take in every post, but I will admit I am a house decorating/project/tour enthusiast. ;-)
So I’m not the only one, huh? I read your blog everyday and I love all the posts, but I don’t leave comments that often, cause’….well….I don’t know! The truth is that as a blogger myself, time comes at a premium. I work full time (there now), at night, run a household, take care of my elderly mom, blog, and attend school functions…just a few of my activities! So as much as I love hearing about what is going on and what has been created I mostly comment projects from link parties. I KNOW…I never even really thought about it until your post, and I’m going to do a few things different. Sometimes we just do what we do and forget about the important stuff…ya know? Like I didn’t really stop to consider that a BIG blog would care about comments as much as my little blog does…how silly! Thanks for the reminder, Lori
I’m new to your blog, in fact just found it a couple of weeks ago. I love your creativity and the thoughts that you share. I am an artist and each piece I make has some of my heart in it so it’s hard sometimes to hear people make disparaging remarks about it, or just pass it by without comment. I’ve thought of doing a blog but wasn’t sure if I wanted to hear everything people might say. After reading your thoughts, I can say it helps to have you share “YOU” along with the mantel updates and lamps, etc. Keep on being who you are and sharing that with the world.
I really like your honesty! I am a new reader of your blog and loved all of your pregnant pictures. Actually I am new to the blog world in general. But I have to say I so enjoy the pictures of families. It makes you feel like you’re reading about a “real” live family. I look forward to reading more about you, your family and adventures in decorating.
(This is my first time commenting on any blog…How’d I do?)
AGREED!!! That is why I haven’t posted anything on my blog for months. We have moved to a not pretty apartment to save money so we can eventually adopt and therefore I do not feel much inspiration to make pretty things, plus I just feel like this is a time to completely focus on my family. I have alot of stories I would love to share but don’t think anyone really cares to hear stories, just see pretty painted furniture. Anyways, i guess I am just saying I understand how you feel!
Awww, girl, you’re just cute as a bug’s ear. I enjoyed the post of your trip to see your grandmother. I don’t normally comment on any posts, but I can see you need a bit of encouragement. You are a lovely pregnant woman. I thoroughly enjoy your projects. Your house is darling. And your growing family obviously loves you very much. So does Jesus!
Now, that being said, if anyone has any harsh words to share with you, just let me know where they live and I’ll go beat them up!! :)
PS — You have the most beautiful eyes!!
I appreciate your openness. Blogs are not one sided nor are they single layered. A wide variety of content is what (in my opinion) its all about. I have been debating to continue with my blog because I don’t think people really care what I post, and have minimal projects to share, due to lack of time. What I have come to realize is that I use my blog as a creative outlet for me and if I happen to touch someone else or inspire someone else then I have accomplished my goal. What I am trying to say, is share what is in your heart, what inspires you at the moment because you never know who needs to read it, be inspired by it, or for the person who wants to take a break from their own life.
I didn’t read through all the comments (because there’s a lot!), but I wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your post! Especially the part of how much work goes into blogging, and people don’t realize… I didn’t realize that when I started mine, and frankly I can’t put the effort in to “keep up” with the rest of blogland! I love crafting, decorating, cooking and blogging, but it’s often hard to do it all AND keep somewhat of a normal life (especially since it’s just a hobby for me). I recently started following your blog, so I didn’t know you were having a baby! (CONGRATS!) And I like reading posts about people’s personal lives, but sometimes I can’t really relate and I feel silly writing “Congrats” for the billionth time… Silly excuse, but I never considered that it could be portrayed as disinterest.
Anyhow, thanks for your heartfelt post! Posts like this show me that bloggers are real people and not just people with beautiful homes!
I have your blog set up in my Google Reader and usually just go down the list, picking and choosing the ones that seem appealing to me. There are so many good ones out there that I rarely actually post comments, or read everything when a blogger posts something. I pick and choose what I am in the mood for at the time when I actually have time to indulge in reading. I really enjoyed your post about your trip (Alabama?) and totally identified with your comment about eating carrots and still not being a skinny pregnant woman….even my pastor commented how big I was with my 2nd (and last baby). UGH!!!! Anyway, just wanted to encourage you that this is your blog and you can do what you want. You will have those who love everything and some who don’t care for it, or are just too busy to comment. If you do what you love with your blog, it will be evident to your readers that you are being sincere….may not appeal to everyone, but you are being true to yourself and you can’t argue with that logic. :D
As a side note, I will be replicating the molding design you have on your wall (under your mantle shelf) in my dining room and on my bar. I got so excited when I saw that in one of your mantle pictures!! Thanks for the inspiration.
What everyone else said above me. Love seeing your projects AND your family posts and photos. You are an inspiration to us out here! I, like a lot of other readers follow a huge number of blogs and it is extremely hard for us to comment on everything we would like to. We check in and check out. When something really hits home with me or I really love the post, I will usually comment, but again, remember, I personally follow a lot of blogs. Please please know that you are loved out here … and sometimes no comments are better than “hate” comments. Keep up the good work and don’t get discouraged. We are out here ‘lurking’ and loving everything you share with us (projects AND family)!!!!
I also have just recently started following your Blog….when I want inspiration I do come see what you have been up too. I always seem to get inspired, then never get the time to do a project…BUT thats the fun of seeing what others are getting done….I always like to have a “I want to do list” and many of your projects have been on it!
I have been married for 30 years and have 3 children and just 4 months ago became a Grandma!! I love hearing about your growing family…Please keep up your fun posts and just know you have many friends out there watching and getting a smile from you and your family. Sometimes its fun just to get a daily dose and some girlie time from and your Blog seems to fit the bill for me!! I may just pop in and say hi and comment every once in a while …..just so you know we appreciate your time and we are still out here reading and watching. Keep inspiring and having fun with your family. :)
This is such a heartfelt post. Although, I only read the first few responses I will give a few of my own thoughts. Back in January, I posted a survey as to what my readers like, what they perhaps wanted to see more of, less of, etc. It saddened me to see the less of were my personal posts of my family times. I will tell you I did not stop and I still post about me and my family when something fun arises. One thing I have noticed in the past year, generally speaking, comments are down all the way around. I think more and more are reading in google reader which does not give you the option of commenting from there. Personally, I like family posts thrown in the mix. Yes, we are real people, with real families, and have feelings we love to share. I am glad to hear you will still share, and really from what I see, you have a great following, and people are reading them!~ Best of luck to you on the future baby coming soon!
To be honest I love reading all the blogs out there especially yours! But some of the bloggers who take things way too personal or complain about the most ridculous stuff (like husband is no longer able to work from home and help out with the kids).. I get it it’s a fine line that bloggers have to walk because you want to share your life, but then when you do people have negative things to say. So on some blogs I honestly skip over the personal stories (on yours though I don’t) because I think some people just missed the boat on sincerity and how their words might affect others. However, there are those bloggers who are very conscious of that and that I appreciate. The majority of the time I reading blogs through my Iphone which is a little more difficult to comment through.
I don’t think you have to crank out a project everyday or everyweek.. I always enjoy the progress shots/posts. This is YOUR blog, I understand it’s a financial generator for you, but in the end do whats best for you.. All of us silent lurkers will continue to read faithfully!
Readers are fickle and can be unreliable. My husband and I spent every minute planning our son’s Harry Potter Party and my blogging, although I still posted daily, had me neglecting a lot of sites I visit and comment on. Disappointingly, during that time my page views went down to half. I can’t let it get me down. There is so much work when it comes to blogging but with the summer coming, I want to spend no more than 1 hour per day blogging, and that includes visiting other sites. I’m to a point where I just don’t care if you stop by or not, I can’t sweat it because I make next to nada moola for doing it.
I’m a mom of three teenagers, going through menopause and a surprise divorce. I skip right over the happy pregnancy/family stuff because it’s all just too painful for me at this point in my life. Blog readers are real people, too, and I just wanna escape sometimes, ya know? I do wish you and your family the very best and much health and happiness.
I am just discovering blogs and pins…haven’t totally figured it all out, how to subscribe and all that. But that said I do enjoy reading blogs, personal or project doesn’t matter. I have a lot of respect for all of you bloggers out there with small kids doing what you do. Wish this was around when my kids were little. I would have enjoyed doing some of the things I’ve seen with them…oh well, life goes on. The point is keep on doing what you’re doing there’s some out there that love to participate even vicariously!!!
I enjoy reading your blog no matter whats on it! I usually do not leave any comments though. I am only blog looking. But your blog is one that I look at daily. Thank you for the ideas that you do share with us all from your home. I have two grown children so I fully understand the family blogging. After all that is what life is all about. Just where would we be without family? Good luck with the new addition to your family!
Wow…and on that note… I do enjoy your blog and have made a comment or two with you…I’m one of those who swoops in at odd times to check in with your blog , but infrequently leaves a message. BUt that doesn’t mean I am not interested. I guess I didn’t realize that as “friends” I should make myself known every now and then. I’m sorry.. Even on my worst busy days, your blog is one of the few ones I do check in on. Share away my “friend” !
Can I just put my vote in? I just LOVE it when bloggers share their hearts, their families, and their pregnacy/baby pictures! I like to know the person behind the projects…and I find great encouragement in discovering when a fellow blogger shares the same feelings, frustrations, challenges, etc…that I do. Thank you for all the beautiful work you do and share with us…
Emily, I love seeing your cute pregnant self and cannot wait to see pics of the new baby- wait a minute, I cannot wait to hold him/her in my arms! I’m guilty of reading and not commenting consistently too- you taught me how to read in the reader (remember at Blissdom when I was all, “what’s that?”) and sometimes I just do that. Cassie took the words out of my mouth when she said, “if I just want to read editorial content, I’ll look at a magazine.” Totally agree with that one.
I am a long time LURKER here. I love your blog – both the home decor “niche” posts AND the “slice of life” posts! I like hearing about your family and their activities as well as hearing details about your pregnancy!
Keep it All just like it has been – if it AIN’T BROKE DON’T FIX IT!!!!
I’m guilty of not posting to blogs, yet I love all your idea’s and would like to say congrat’s too your new life with your baby…and I mean new life that you will enjoy! I now will take the time too leave a comment and hope you have the time in the future to share personal photo of your baby and new projects….”Good Luck” Ms Bev
Hi,Emily! It breaks my heart to think you feel people aren’t as interested in the personal stuff you share! I have enjoyed your blog for at least a year now; it is one of my top 4 or 5 blogs I visit! However, I am also guilty of not commenting. I guess I never really thought about it, but that really is the only way for a blogger to get feedback, isn’t it? Anyhoo, I enjoy your blog all around, the decor and the family posts equally. I can tell you are madly in love with your hubs and I think that is fab! I can’t wait to see your new baby! Your daughter is adorable! Hope to see nursery pics!
Hi there!
I’m another one that rarely comments on blogs but loves reading about the decorating parts and the family parts. I clicked over about every day during the small hiatus you took when you first posted about the new pregnancy to see if you were back and feeling better.
So glad to see that you are and so much time has passed that the new little one is almost here.
So today i’m catching on reading up and decided to comment. :)
I also noticed i’m a little late which is no surprise to me. But! I love your blog!
Jake’s a Girl
I know JUST how you feel! It kinda hurts too, like who we are just isn’t as important as our crafty what-have-yous. I try, TRY to always comment. I can’t remember who it was but I think the post was on Kim’s blog TCB and she mentioned that, maybe it was Brittnay with PHG that said something like a blog comment is kinda like a high five. And that’s stuck with me. I think about that and I always try to say something. Ya know what I have seen from time to time that is really sad and sorry, when a blog who hosts a link party leaves a note in their link party post about a family member being sick, dying, or has passed away, a pet died, someone or even themselves are in the hospital. So you go to leave a comment and you see a bunch of comments before yours that say “thanks for the party” or “have an awesome day, thanks for hosting” or “you have such great parties” Ya know, those generic copy and paste comments. Can you image what that must feel like being the host of that party. It’s like a slap in your face. “Not only am I only here to link up and my own gain but I don’t even read what you post!” So sad.
I had to come tell you! Like I mentioned before I’m catching up on emails and I just saw Wendy with The Shabby Nest’s mother’s day post. I left the FIFTH comment! What? Crazy right?
OK – So I’m just now getting a chance to respond (even though I wanted to respond right away!), which should tell you that I’m just like Cheri and never comment on anything. Not because I don’t want to, but I barely have time to keep up with everything :( In any event I do love your decor (love a mantel without an actual fireplace! I want to create my own!) and love pics of your little one! In fact my fav post of your little one is at a strawberry patch or berry patch (can’t remember now), but it has been in the back of my mind since to find one near me in CA just so I can scrapbook my girls there! That is how much your posts inspired me – I’ll create a day of it just to have some great shots & family memories :)
So…keep up the good work! You are loved from afar!
As so many have stated, I too read all your posts, but through google reader. Sometimes it is time constraints, I follow a couple of blogs and they write so frequently. Leaving me little time to posts as much as I would like. So please keep your personal posts coming.
Hi! I subscribe to your blog and many others. I am a little behind in reading right now and just getting to this post today. I don’t comment on any blogs that I read. But I had to comment today because I have a very strong opinion on this subject. I don’t know if making money with your blog is directly related to how many comments you get so I cannot comment from that position. If it does, then none of what I am about to say really matters. I have a little blog of my own. It is for readers that attend crafting classes that I teach in my area. Not too many are crazy blog readers and they don’t even know how to post a comment, and it can be a little confusing at first. Their time is busy and figuring it out isn’t a priority for them. I do get and email or two every post with some kind of feed back on the post, and I will tell you it makes me smile when I have a comment from a total stranger, but I can’t let comments or lack of drive my desire to blog. Like art I find blogging another way to express my creativity. My advice to you (money aside) write about what you love…family, crafts, dogs, home decor – your passion for what you are writing will come through and will attract readers with similar passions. Comments on a blog are fleeting…check your stats and you can tell if you are being read. As long as one person connects with your story, I think it was worth the post – comments or not.
I personally prefer personal posts… I want to get to know the ladies behind the proverbial curtains… my favorite bloggers are ones who are candidly open about themselves and share their family and personal lives with me, alongside their crafty or decor or other types of content. And I tend to respond more to those posts than I do to the tutorials and such… but that’s just me! :) Thanks for sharing your heart, and God Bless! :)
I find myself to be the opposite, I love ready home decor/craft/cooking blogs, but I love it more when they post about who THEY are as well as the family. It’s like becoming friends with that person, you would hang out with someone in real life that shared only non-personal things, right? I wanna be around and read about REAL people with their REAL lives, not just what they want us to think/see! Keep up the great work and blog, I sure do love it!! Cant wait to see the baby too!!
I am catching up on all my blog reading after being away for a couple weeks and I just read this. I LOVE that you share your life. I agree that your projects or items for your house should be about YOU and not content. I get so frustrated when I see people constantly posting new items, new outfits, new new new. Because that isn’t reality. Especially now. I would love to see more about how you reuse, repurpose, move stuff you have, take stuff away. The tweaks are the part I am often inspired by. :)
Anyway, all that to say, don’t change a thing. LOL! I don’t yet have time to post consistently on my own blog (or even to create consistent content) but sometimes I think that is a lucky thing because I know that the schedule and the ideas get overwhelming.
Love your blog!
I first stumbled onto your blog a couple of weeks ago. I saw your “hurricane” on Pinterest & immediately bookmarked your page. My first reaction to your site was that it was probably like the other home decor sites/blogs I have seen. Some projects here and there and then some posts about the bloggers life.
I honestly was refreshed to see that you have SO MUCH content. Home photos, craft ideas, seasonal decoration, DIY, etc. But, I also saw that you posted about your own life and kept everything personal to your personality. After all, it IS, indeed, your blog!
Even though I initially was drawn here through a project, I sat down for a couple hours one day and went through a lot of your different posts. After reading so many, for me, I wanted to know more about you – what you looked like, more photos of your family, more photos of the house – to understand even further the type of person who does spend their time writing down this material for others to see.
Ultimately, in the case of your blog I really don’t mind at all learning more about you! However, if I were to stumble onto another blog and I am looking for inspiration, I may pass by those posts. But, I have respect and would expect a blogger to have a few or a dozen personal posts. I think it helps to relate so much better to the individual writing the posts.
By the way, congratulations on the new coming baby! Also, today, I DID go to the dollar store and made my first hurricane! <3
I am actually way more interested in the personal logs than the ones who just seem to do things just to have something to blog about. Or the logs that sermon more like a business.
One blight I follow drives me a little crazy because the gal NEVER responds to comments. Even when she throws a question out there and invites comments. It’s weird and makes me wonder why.
Can’t wait to meet the baby!
I constantly emailed this webpage post page to all my friends, as if like
to read it then my links will too.