Hi everyone, it’s Sunday again so that means it’s time for the weekly roundup and time for me to pass around a few blog awards! :)
Thank you to the following blogs for featuring me this past week! So exciting!
Woot woot!!
Now for the awards…
I received the Versatile Blogger Award from T-Bird at Nestled in Rosenberg. Thank you T-Bird I love you!! T-Bird is my Sister-in-Law people! We live right by each other and she’s such a blessing, and has a great blog!
Before I can officially accept this award I have to list 7 things about me that you all may not know.
1. I am a makeup junkie (specifically Bare Minerals).
2. I think Cream of Mushroom soup makes everything taste better.
3. I like the way skunk smells. Totally serious.
4. I also like the way perm smells. What is wrong with me??
5. I was a paralegal for 8 years right out of high school. Then I was able to quit and stay at home!
6. I LOVE playing tennis. I played in jr. high and high school. I hope to get back out on the court one day.
7. I am terrified of roaches. I know I’ve said this before in a post, but I just had to make it known again. TERRIFIED!
So there you have it! Seven fun facts you may or may not have known about me. :)
Now I get to pass this award on to some other fabulous blogs. If you haven’t been to their site go and check them out!
Impatiently Praying for Patience
And another award I received was the Beautiful Blogger Award from Alisa at The Sweet Life.
Thanks so much Alisa! What an honor I really appreciate it and love your blog!!
I am going to pass this award on to Nancy at Nancy’s Tidbits. I love reading her blog and the great ideas she has, and she is just a kind-hearted person. :)
So there you have it ladies! Congratulations on your awards and now you get to pass them on to other fellow bloggers!
OMG! Thanks for mentioning me ! I am so honored! Oh and CONGRATS on reward! Ok Now I am just giddy!
Thanks Ruby, and you’re very welcome! xxoo
Yea, I don’t typically do the award thing mainly because so many others don’t and it’s hard for me to pass them along. But how could I not accept that very sweet and kind award from you?!?! Thank you! I appreciate it so much!
Thanks so much for the sweet award. I will try to think of seven things people would want to know about me while I finish an outdoor bench makeover project this afternoon. You’re such a sweetheart!
You are very welcome Susie! Can’t wait to see your bench! :)
Thank you for a great start to my day! How exciting.
Good, I’m glad! :)
I thought I was the only one in the world who liked skunk smell. My family things I am off my rocker. Now at least I know I have company!
Hahaha, oh good, because I thought I was the only one too!
I love YOUUUU! I’m going to check out your award recipients blogs-I’m sure I will like them too! :)
Emily you have me laughing so hard at your cute answers. First about the smells and then the roaches. OMG! Me too! I am terrified as well. I think that is why I clean so much. Ewwww…just the thought of a roach makes me sick. I’m origionally from Florida and of course they are the size of small cars AND they fly. Ugh.
Thank you for the precious award! You are very kind to have thought of me for it. I really appreciate it my friend.
Have a wonderful night. ~Melissa :)
HAHA, the size of small cars. Yep, that about sums it up. I guess that’s the size of them in our heads. They fly here too…ughh!!
You are certainly welcome. It was my pleasure!!
Thank you very much Emily! I really appreciate you thinking of me for this sweet award. You are very kind.
I laughed out loud at your funny answers about the smells. I hear you about roaches. OMGoodness! Me too! I am terrified of them as well…Ugh.
Awww — well thank you! That is just too sweet of you! I loved reading your random facts (although the skunk smell thing was a little weird!!) — I was a paralegal right out of HS for 5 years too — funny!
congrats on your new awards! that’s so exciting! you definitely deserve it.
Emily, Thank you so much for the award! I saw this late the other night and then forgot all about thanking so. So embarrassed! I am honored. You’re answers were so funny. But skunk? Really? We should call you Pepe Le Peu! Oh gosh, does anyone remember Pepe, or am I that old?? I’m right with you on the roaches thing. And I live in FL where they fly! Palmetto bugs really, but still!
Suzanne had also send it to me so here are my answers if you care to take a look. http://goingalittlecoastal.blogspot.com/2010/05/id-like-to-thank-academy.html
Anita no worries!! Yes, I know I am weird.
Great, I’ll go take a looksy at your answers! :)