I’ve been reading a few posts on other blogs lately about linking back to the link parties, and what is considered acceptable and not. Apparently I have been doing it all wrong, or the lazy way.
Do you know what a link party is? I put a little hyperlink at the end of my posts that says “please click here to see the parties I will be linking to, and you can join the fun too.” When you click that, it takes you to my “It’s a Party Tab.” I have it set out which parties are going on 7 days a week, and that is where I link up my projects to (I still need to weed through it and delete some that aren’t happening any longer). It is a great way to get your blog out there and to show off what you have done lately to the blogs who host the party. And I can see in my stats that y’all are clicking it, and hopefully you are linking up too!
When I set up my blog site, I had seen others do it this way (creating a link tab), and I thought that was pretty brilliant, and clean. There are almost 100 parties listed on my page…there is no way I could list 100 buttons under each post. Then you would have to scroll down for ummm, forever to even leave me a comment. Not to mention the site would be slow, and not all of the buttons would even show up because people use different browsers and you run into issues with that.
If I were to just list all of the buttons for just Monday’s link up parties, then update my post and add Tuesday’s link party buttons and so on, then the others would get deleted and by the time the hostess gets around to reviewing all the link ups, their button would be gone because it’s a new day with new parties. Does this all make sense?
I know that hosting parties takes a tremendous amount of time and effort, and I am so thankful for all of them. I am really sorry to anyone that hosts that I regularly link up to for not having your button on my post. Maybe if I just linked up to 2 parties a day, it wouldn’t be a problem by adding the buttons. But since there are so many that I like to support, I thought this was the best way.
What are y’alls thoughts? Do you add every button when you link up? Any hostesses reading this? If so I love you!! :) I really don’t want to step on anyone’s toes by not adding their button. But I just don’t see how that’s possible to add them all!
I’ve been thinking of beginning a link up party so I can start featuring y’all, but I know it’s a LOT of work. If I do, I would make it easy I promise. :)
Let me know what y’all think.
I recently had a “makeover” and did the same thing (although I haven’t gotten it down to day of the week) and I read the same post about it not being acceptable. I have seen some posts that they always have a row of “mini” buttons at the end, but these are harder to read. I too don’t want to offend anyone…can’t wait to hear your feedback.
There’s a lot of great comments so far. Check them out! But I’m still confused as what the best route is. :)
I’ve passed up a lot of link parties because they want you to put their buttons up on your blog, and this business. Link parties are great it can just link up :)
Haha, thanks for your insight Tonia!
I host Table Top Tuesdays and the seasonal Cloche Parties and I am not sensitive about the buttons. I really do appreciate someone who is joining to at least list my Blog name in their post that they are linking up. I see many bloggers have a list at the end of their post with as many as 10 blogs that they are linking to and that doesn’t seem to be a problem with loading and it does give the person who is hosting recognition. It also allows others reading to go view the host blog to see what all is presented there. I’m not sensitive. Just my thoughts. Hugs, Marty
Thanks Marty. Your cloche parties are different because the entire post is dedicated to your party. At least that is how I did the last one. I understand what you are saying though. I guess I was trying to be too supportive of all the other parties by linking to them, so that is why I couldn’t really have 90+ buttons under a post. Thanks so much for your insight. :)
I’m so glad you’ve brought this up! I list all of mine in column on the right of my blog but I know I’m not doing them justice. It’s so difficult for me to keep track of what I entered where without having to edit the post 83 times a week… and posts with a bunch of buttons often look cluttered since they’re all different shapes and sizes. There has to be a better way to do it, right?? But what is it?
Ha, I’m still waiting for the perfect answer!
I generally just link to about 5 or less and I don’t always do the same ones every week. I just list the name of the hosts blog at the end of my post and link it back to their blog. I don’t add the buttons because it tends to look cluttered, but I do still want to direct people to them because of all of the effort they put into it.
That’s what I do. :)
Thanks for your input Nikki, that’s a good idea!
I don’t add the buttons at the end of my post, I just list the parties and link to them and that doesn’t slow down my site at all. I also try to not “overpost” one particular post {more than 7-8 parties}. I try to look at my stats and see where people are actually coming from and try to just post to the best ones. I hope that’s helpful. I love all of your great ideas!
Thanks for your feedback Alisa. I guess I am guilty of “overposting,” just thought I was being supportive of all of the other parties, even though they aren’t the “big” ones.
I only participate in a few, but as a reader I would much rather have the link and button in the post. Sometimes I go to a blog and I’m not even sure the person has the correct link for the party because it’s not real obvious by the post. I think they’re trying to gear one post too many different parties. I often leave without even posting a comment in that case. I’d rather see people limit their post to one or two parties. To me it’s more meaningful that way. Sometimes it almost seems like a contest to see how many parties they can link up to with one post and I don’t think that’s the idea behind parties. And I know when I see all the parties that the poster is probably never going to have time to visit my blog. Another thing that is kind of bothersome is when someone links back to their blog and not the individual post. Then you have to scroll through other posts sometimes to find the right post for the party. I’m probably in a minority here, but that’s just my take on parties and links. :)
Hi Betty. I didn’t really see it as a contest, I just thought I was being supportive of all the blogs that are hosting parties. Thank you for your insight, lots to think about!
I only do a few link parties and I am not sure I am even doing them correctly. So you are not alone. I have the few buttons on my right side bar of the ones I go to and leave a link with on a regular basis, but then there are times I do not even find a blog I want to follow or read from the lists of participants, so I feel guilty leaving my own link…but on the other hand I have made some friends through the parties as well.
I think it is a toss up, and if anyone gets upset cause you are not doing it just right then I would just move on and , this , blogging is supposed to be enjoyable, or at least that is how I see it, and if it ceases to be that then I do not want to do it.
Yea Ruby you are right. I’ve got a lot of thinking to do! :)
{This might offend party hostess} You’re right, it is almost impossible to have every single party button on your blog, especially when you have a 100 or more; I have 25. I don’t think there is anything wrong with having a separate page. When I was a beginner blogger I loved party pages, because I didn’t even know what a party was, or what blogs had what parties on what day. I still reference other party pages. Also, I find it okay to link to more than one party, heck, even if you want to link to 15 parties a day, that is okay because you are being supportive; the party hosts should be happy that you are linking up week after week. I know it is a lot of work for the party hosts, but isn’t it all about having fun!? and linking up projects?! Not gripping because someone didn’t add the party button. Hostess need to realize that it is a lot of work for someone to link up to 15 parties a day or even just two parties a day, still takes time. I also find that I blog for personal satisfaction, show off my current projects, and to get ideas from others, and most importantly, to have fun and de-stress from my day. I think that if I come across a blogger who is griping about a party button not being on the actual post, I might have to stop linking up to their party. Of course, this is a give and take; bloggers love to have hostesses that host parties and hostesses love to have people link up. But it can’t perfect every time someone links up. Everyone has the right to set up their blog the way they want to and I don’t think anyone else should be picky about it. {{ Just my opinion. }}
Thanks Haley. I thought it was being supportive too if I linked up to all of them, but from the sounds of it, it’s annoying to people. And you’re right…it’s a lot of time and effort on both ends. But I definitely don’t want to offend anybody either. I need to clean up my party list anyway and update it. Some of the parties on there aren’t even going on anymore.
As a party host I understand the desire to have your party goers display your party button. You are helping funnel traffic to their blog and you’d love the same in return. I think over the last 4-6 months “link parties” have EXPLODED in bloggyland. There use to be just a few parties each day of the week and now you could find a dozen ( at least ) to link up to each day. It think that is part of what has created this blogging dilemma. I also participate is a bunch of parties each week and I completely agree on the loading speed and clutter it can create. I have a “Parties” menu bar button on my blog. Personally I have no problem if that is how a participant in my party choses to display my button. I think if someone is really interested in where you party… they will look. I guess it’s a personal preference. I’m curious to see how the whole party situation is in another 6 months.
Yea Maryann, and I’ve been linking to all of them since I began blogging. It is pretty exhausting. Maybe I will rethink things. I thought by linking to the newer parties and smaller parties I was doing them good.
Thank you for hosting your POPP party each week. :)
I have to say that I agree with Bonnie. I don’t like to see the same things featured in every single party. I only link my posts to between 5-7 parties and I do put the buttons on my post. I would like to figure out how to put them in a table, rather than one stacked on top of another.
It is tiresome to visit a party and see the exact same thing every time. I do spend time at each party visiting many of the links and leaving comments on the ones I really like. I think it is only fair to those who are putting in the time and effort to host a link party, to post their button, or at least their name with a link back to them.
I’m sorry Deborah. I am guilty of linking up the same post to all of the parties going on for that week. A new week comes a new project. So, I may start downsizing my link parties I participate in. We’ll see.
Wow! That is alot of parties you link to each week Emily. I would never have time for that. You are amazing! I think you are doing it just right since you link to so many. Great job!
Your blog is wonderful!
~Melissa :)
Haha thanks Melissa. :) It is a lot, but maybe I will shorten my list down from the feedback I’ve received here. :)
Hey, Emily, I’ll weigh in on this since I’m in the 2nd year of hosting my Thrifty Treasures party. Some are right the comments above, the blog parties have just exploded. It didn’t used to be like this at all, but there are SO many parties out there now, that it’s gotten a little out of control.
I’m not so strict on my party at all & hardly ever delete anyone, but I do think there is common courtesy for people joining a party. I don’t care if my button is shared, but I would like to have a link back to my party in the post. I have deleted for that, but usually I do not. I think everyone who hosts a party would feel that way if people just linked up & ran, never linking back from their blogs too. That’s just the courteous thing to do in blogland.
My pet peeve is someone joining a ton of parties with one post that is not necessarily relevant to all of them. I’ve had people join my party showing a makeover of a room, that really has nothing to do with finding treasures at a yardsale. They may not even have any of that in the post. So, that’s what bothers me. Keep your post relevant to the parties you are joining & don’t try to join every single party that is out there. There will be plenty of opportunities to showcase your project in a relevant way without just shot-gunning them to all the parties that are available that day or week.
I don’t have a problem with a page of buttons or having party buttons listed somewhere on a blog, when you’re participating in a lot of parties. I just don’t have time every week to get stressed out about who is linking back or not. But, like I said, I just wish everyone would slow down a little and not try to link up that ONE post to every single party out there. I don’t think everyone wants to see the same links everywhere they go. Let’s have some variety. You’re not going to miss out by not linking up to everything. There are still plenty of opportunities to do so and have lots of people visit your blog.
Does that make sense? Hope I explained myself well, those are just some of my thoughts about linky parties.
Yes Rhoda, I understand. I know there are many parties going on, and that is why I hesitate to even start another one. Just thought it could be another site for people to start getting featured at, and let’s face it, that is what excites people.
I thought I was doing the party hostesses a good thing by linking up, and linking back the way I do. Like I said, people do click my party page daily, and I assume that is so they know what is happening that day and can join in as well.
I do link up my projects to all of the parties during the week. And from the sounds of it, that is annoying. So I will probably be weeding down my party list in the future, but again, when a new party asks me to link up, I thought I was doing them good. They want the word out about their party and so I thought by adding them and linking up was a good thing and helpful.
But anyway, thank you for your insight. Sounds like blogging has really changed a lot since you began.
I’m still fairly new to the blogging world and this makes me feel pretty uneducated. I’ve enjoyed being able to share my blog posts through link parties and it has taken awhile to catch on to the rules of the game. This discussion on link parties has taught me a lot.
Good Karen, I’m glad. It’s a lot of information to digest from the comments. :)
Great topic, Emily. I’ve thought about the link parties a lot, and I too wonder if I’m linking back correctly or not. I can’t imagine all the time and work a host puts into their parties … and for that I’m SO grateful. But as a party-goer, I agree with some of the other commenters that it’s just way too hard to add a link button to every post. Although I understand why the hosts want people to post a button back. All that being said — I completely agree with Rhoda — it’s even more annoying when people link irrelevant posts to a party that has a specific topic. I’m definitely going to be back here to read all the comments that come later — I’m so curious about what everyone else says about this. :)
From the sounds of it, it sounds people are annoyed by seeing the same project linked at all of the parties. And I do that. But that is what gets you out there, and gets others to know about the party too ya know? And especially if you receive a feature, then you would link back to them which is good for the party hostess. Decisions, decisions. :)
I think that the host or the poster should consider why they are hosting or joining in. All of us like to get a pat on the back for a job well done. I think a link back to the host in whatever way you choose is the polite thing to do. If people are going to get uptight about it, I’d rather not participate. This is supposed to be fun! :)
Yea, it’s supposed to fun and I thought it was a good thing by participating in all of them, which in return gets traffic in and out of their site.
I haven’t read all your comments, but I’ll just add my 2 cents really quick.
I have a list on my side bar. If someone doesn’t like it, fine, I won’t link to them anymore.
I get emails CONSTANTLY asking me to PLEASE add their link to my link party list. I also track my click thrus from that list, and there are many many people clicking those links each week.
Personally, I don’t care if people link up to me when they join my weekly party. I get tons of extra hits each Thursday because of 2 reasons. 1) people are flocking to my blog to post their links, and 2) many many more people are flocking to my blog to look at all those newly linked crafts!
I don’t need people to feel obligated to link back to be b/c even without their links I get a ton of extra traffic.
Also, I think blogs have a greater chance of getting clicked on when they are in my side bar as opposed to a random post because blog hoppers can see that list no matter what post of mine they are reading. My side bar is always there with all those blogs listed. Personally, I think it’s quite nice of me to have all those links posted and all that free exposure for all the blogs to host link parties.
Maybe I’m too cold, but if a blog doesn’t like the way I link up, then fine, I won’t link to them anymore. There are hundreds of link parties online, so if they want to be a pita about it, I’ll just link elsewhere.
Yeah Allison! I don’t think you are being cold. As a blog party participant (including yours), I am so happy to hear that you feel that way.
I’m new to blogging, so i’ve just been learning about these link parties. I’ve posted to one or two each week, but no more.
As a new blogger, it’s more important for me to find my voice and my niche first, rather than generate traffic right now. Once I feel I have found my blogging groove, I will pick a couple of sites that I feel are sympatico with my blog and participate in those link parties.
It’s all about give and take, so if you’re going to link up, you have to know what the host expects going in and being willing to reciprocate with a link back on the post (a link, not necessarily a big honkin’ button!). I also think that bloggers, and new bloggers need to be discerning and limit the number of places they link up or at least make sure that the post really fits subject matter of the link party.
I think there is a flurry of new blogs and everyone seems to want to generate traffic instantly to sell ads…but I think to be successful the time and thought needs to go into the blog posts and finding the ‘right’ link parties, rather than finding and linking up to every party.
It sounds like I may be the only one here… but I host two linkies a week and I don’t find it hard in the least bit. All I have to do it open a second tab, get the link info (that is pre-listed for me every week since I have a template), and cpoy paste it into my post. The next day I visit those who linked up to say thank you and comment on their post. I’m not sure where that gets difficult, unless I’m doing it wrong.
My linky parties are pretty simple, link up. I don’t require anything. If a hostess wants me to title my post a specific way, or answer questions each week (when those questions aren’t the focus of the meme) then I just find somewhere else to post. That is their prerogative, but it’s just not for me. When I started blogging I was doing memes for nearly all my posts… it turned my blog into one big free ad for all these other blogs and took “me” out of my writing. Now I title my own works and then simply add their button at the bottom(or a link if I am linking that post to more than 5 parties like my crafts usually are) without gearing my entire post toward them.
As a link party hostess, I love seeing my button on their page, but I don’t mind them having a link up tab that they direct their readers to. I totally understand them linking up to lots of parties each week. In my mind, my linky party is a way to traffic my readers to their site, not really the other way around. My crafting blog, for example, has a link page because I was entering in 3-4 parties a day.
Thank you for reading my mind. Apparently I’ve been doing this “wrong”, too. (But I’m on the fence that it is wrong.)
I am super new to blogging. I only just started to read them this year and started my own blog in May. And my newbie little link party (while it is a very specific theme) probably adds to the party chaos.
I saw so many other blogs using the link page route that I thought it was acceptable. It makes SO much sense and kept my blog neat. Unless my project was appropriate for a unique theme party, I would just list the weekly party on my link page.
Do the “buttons” within the post really bring in more traffic? Maybe? I rarely click on them. But I actually DO go and read those link party pages on other people’s blogs (yours is very comprehensive). Since I am so new at this, I wanted to see what parties were out there. I found a bunch of great parties that way.
There are several parties that I always enjoy attending. The host is very welcoming and has a great recap or story at the party intro etc. Something about those bloggers (their sweet attitude, their editorial choices, their writing etc) stands out in my mind. I find myself going back to those blogs to see what’s going on in-between parties. And isn’t that the ultimate goal of a good party? To share ideas and keep readers coming back? (and have fun doing it?)
I will be curious to see how the link party scene unfolds. A little party competition is a good thing. Competition breeds excellence (IMHO). I feel that good content is good content: period.
Now you’ve got me thinking about how I participate in parties. Do I add in links/buttons? Add to my sidebar? (but I detest clutter) Or do I simply avoid the parties with a bunch of rules/barriers to participate? Hmmm. Lots to think about, thank you for this post!
BTW- I see a GREAT opportunity here for a clever html/web designer. There is a HUGE need here. Wouldn’t it be great if there was some kind of code or web host (like LinkyTools or LinkWithin) that allowed you to easily add the parties you participate in to the bottom of a post? Please, someone smarter than me figure this out!
Honestly, I’m just overwhelmed by the whole “link this, link there” all the links in the link party confuse me a little! I just need to sit down and figure it all out : )
Here are my thoughts. There are WAY too many parties out there. I understand people wanting to have traffic directed to their site, but I just think there are way too many. Having said that, I host 3 link parties. I hesitated for MONTHS before starting them. Due to the nature of my blog, I was getting a ton of submittals and felt bad that I couldn’t feature all of them. I was also getting many requests to post about people’s giveaways on their blogs. SO I started my parties to help people get more traffic and so I didn’t feel guilt. I am not picky about people posting my buttons or how they post them. I would love for my blog to skyrocket in traffic, but realistically, it is not going to happen from a party. If people post a button or a link to my blog, great. If they don’t, it is not a big deal to me. I don’t delete a link due to not linking. I do delete if it is an etsy shop or just something someone is trying to sell. That’s not fair to the work I do or fair for the people who pay to advertise. I think about discontinuing my parties weekly because they are so much work. And frankly, I can see how many views each post is getting and often feel bad that more people don’t click on links. When I post to parties, I put the parties I am linking to at the bottom of the link for the day and change them the next day. There are just too many buttons and links to show them all at once.
I think it just kind of depends on what you are trying to get out of blogging. Is it important to you to have TONS of traffic coming your way and lots of followers? Are you trying to make money? Or is it just for fun and if people read you, great, if not – no big deal?
I have had a private blog for over 3 years now and write in great detail about my family and life. I only have 20 or so readers that is comprised of family and friends. People who I know and have seen in person.
I started my public blog as a way to talk about and showcase some of my projects and share them with friends and other people that I did not want reading my private blog. Then I got inspired by all of these incredibly talented women out there and it started evolving into something else. It is too much to keep up with at times. So I have taken a step back and just focus on hitting a bunch of my favorites parties and websites throughout the week or day.
It does get a bit annoying seeing some parties that have the same link from one person on multiple parties..
The plus side to the link parties, is the ideas and creativeness and motivation that it gives you, to get out there and get some of your projects completed.
You could also cycle through which parties you are going to participate in that week, if you are getting overwhelmed. The point is to have fun. If you aren’t having fun and it is eating up your entire day by reading and linking back, then why bother?
Anyway, that is my .02
I’m kinda new to the this side of the blogging world. I’ve had my personal one for a couple years, but my “creativity” blog is still only a couple months old. I have no idea what the proper etiquette is! I personally think that a separate link up page should be perfectly acceptable. Like I said, I’ve only been doing this type of blogging for a couple months, and I already participate in several link up parties. Putting a button for every party I participate in, on every post I do, would become downright messy!!! I also don’t like reading blogs where there is an over abundance of buttons. I find them very distracting. Kinda like going to Vegas and seeing the multitudes of billboards and flashing lights. A little too overstimulating, if you ask me….
I read in a recent post by hostess, that she doesn’t think anyone looked at the separate page for the buttons, but I contest that idea. Those link up pages are how I found all the great parties that I currently take part in.
I don’t know if that is correct etiquette, or if my ramblings help at all. But there you have it. Keep up the good work! I love reading your blog and look forward to other great posts!
~Clarissa @ A Little Stone House
I think it is only fair to display the party link below the post you are linking. It’s no trouble at all, so I can’t understand why I hear people complaining about it. Maybe they just haven’t thought it through.
Just copy all the Monday party links below your link post for Monday. On Tuesday, delete Monday’s links and enter Tuesdays. In addition, I have a generic statement which reads, “Here are all the parties I love to visit and link my project. I list the individual parties on the day of the party. Thank you, ladies for hosting.” Then link that day’s parties — what’s the big deal? Having hosted parties in the past, and it does require a lot of time and effort — particularly if you comment on each linker’s post, is very time-consuming, and it’s bothersome when I hear people complain that it takes too much time.
If you link to a party, then be generous enough to send a thank you through displaying the link and commenting on her party. Besides, if you don’t show the party to which you have linked, less people will see your project — so why wouldn’t you?
I’ve been wondering about this too. I don’t like to add the buttons because they make things look too clutter (not good for the nature of my site!)
I also only link to 1 or 2 parties a day so I always add the name of the website I’m linking to at the end of each post.
I feel a little bad that I don’t add their button, but I figure as long as I have the link back to their post, I’m alright!
I read a couple of similar posts this week and happy you brought it up. I do the SAME thing with “click here or the link parties button tab in the sidebar for more.” Not because I’m “lazy” but for all the reasons you mentioned. When I was a brand new blogger, I found link parties by clicking similar pages on others’ blogs not in the posts. I usually include 1 or 2 buttons or text links in the post with the little “click here…” comment. My suggestion: Make smaller buttons. I plan to host a very niche link party in the future (SO many out there already), too and my button for that will look just like a small text link but in my “signature” font…like 25 pixels (or less) x 125 so that it is more post friendly even though it will not be a requirement to put it in the actual post…just somewhere in the blog.
hey emily,
at first i listed every party i was joining in the post. then i would join another party, and have to update the post. pretty soon, the list i was linking too was longer than my original post. i mean, are people reading that any more than they would be reading my “party page” which is linked in my sidebar? i thought that was the preferred method because it was so much cleaner, and allowed me to edit the sidebar to include the newest parties. perhaps i’ll only link to a handful and put them back at the bottom of my post…is that the solution, going back to what i did before? why does this have to be so complicated?
WOW-quite a topic here.
Being new to the land of bloging, I thought the purpose of a link party was to bring your ideas to the readers of the blog you were linky to. As i saw it, bloging was about inspiration, ideas and whatever drives you-whether it be crafts, design, sewing, food-it seemed to be to be about inspiration and sharing.
Now I wonder when I was linking up to a couple of parties two times a week, if I was doing it right? I just popped an image of their button at the bottom of my post added their url and left it at that…I assumed whomever had the time to click the link to those parties would.
My blog is mostly for my design business but I do love to share “eye candy” so that is why I started to contribute to the parties out in blog land-was that wrong??
Love the inspiration from your blog!
Awesome topic! WOW I can’t believe how many you where linking too….that is in turn though how you get so much traffic and how your blog is in the top 30….so if you want to keep it that way (if that matters to you) then you can continue and perhaps link they way the hostesses want it. I do not use the buttons all that much myself. I have two linkie parties and all I ask is that my link is on the post…however, I would not mind if it was done your way as well…as long as I was amongst the list COOL:) Great topic. Debbie
I guess Miss Crabby Pants caused quiet a stir. LOL
I created Get Your Craft On to help promote others and to build my blog as a way of finding new readers. I think it’s only fair to link to the hostess linky party in your post. My stats show very few visits from the “I link to these parties” pages. Side buttons are great as well as a text link. I think if linking becomes a chore, then perhaps limiting or rotating the parties a blogger participates in should be considered. It’s got to be a win win for most link party hostess, or it’s just not worth it. It’s not meant to be a convenience for anyone. Equal work on both parts. I send a ton of traffic to my featured bloggers and many to my link party participants……it’s not about being selfish, just fair.
this is how I do it too. I thought it was alot easier and made more sense to do it this way too. I have a page where I list all of my parties and then have a link at the end of my post that links to that page. I’ve even done a post about that page as well to let everyone that I had the page. Am I rambling now? Anyhow, I think as long as you are giving Link Love it shouldn’t really matter.
BTW – I featured u last Friday on Bloggy Friends Weekly Roundup. I LOVE YOUR PANTRY!!!
Hey Bette, sorry, what is your blog address? It wasn’t listed when you signed in…thanks!
I was wrong… it was another post from this week. Here’s the link… http://frugalmomx3.blogspot.com/2010/08/pantry-is-calling.html
In two weeks (when all 3 kids are in school) i’m tackling my pantry!
Well, since I am brand new to this blogging thing, I am zero help in answering your questions. In fact, I’m only going to compound the matter by asking you more. How do you get invited to these parties? Are there invites? Sounds like fun :) Anyway, thanks! Love your blog!
Hey…I am new to your blog and actually added your button to my sidebar. I love going to all sorts of blogs and as far as parties…I enjoy viewing them but like there are so many I don’t like seeing the same posters….Rhonda is so right with her post…I have been blogging a little over two years and I just enjoy it when it starts being a job then I step back. I don’t blog everyday and I don’t do a lot of parties. I really wonder how someone has the time to visit all these blogs in a day…like I said when it becomes a job it is not any fun. I think many bloggers who first start love going to all these places but after a while it does get to be to much. I really have been involved in one or two parties and only that party….I don’t join in a bunch of different ones at once. I don’t care about all the activity on my blog…it’s a way for me to meet new people and I have met some wonderful ladies here. Whatever you deicide I am sure I will still come to your blog with or wothout a party…your blog is interesting to me and that is the most important thing to me.
As a reader, I prefer a “blog party page” or a list in the sidebar. I rarely click through to blog parties in a post. To me it’s clutter that I just skim. If there was only one party linked up and the post was written more about the party, sort of featuring it, then I’m more likely to go visit.
I have a folder of bookmarks just for parties. I retitle them to include the day of the week. I also bookmark the “blog party page” lists. Those are handy. That’s usually how I visit parties.
As a hostess, sure it’d be nice to be linked right there in the post, but I’d rather be linked to on a “blog party page” or in the sidebar. That way I’m there all the time. At a certain point, if you’re entering the same party week after week, it makes more sense to say ‘these are the parties I typically join, check ’em out.’
I don’t think there’s a right way or a wrong way to go about this. Let’s face it, in the history of time, blog parties are pretty young and the etiquette probably isn’t even in Emily Post’s book yet. My only pet peeve is going to multiple parties throughout the week and seeing the same people posting the same projects (or multiple projects for each party!) While I don’t think there’s anything wrong with showing off your one project at multiple parties, because you never know which parties people are visiting, it just gets old to me if I have time to visit all those parties in one week. :) By the last party I’m thinking ‘gimme some variety!’
I am in the same predicament as you. I would link up to a few pretty large link parties and then people hosting their own parties would leave me comments saying I should join theirs too. So I did, because they asked, and because I love reading blogs and want to support and read as many as I can, but then I would end up joining lots of parties, and perhaps this is not cool? There are too many rules in blogland. I just want to read and share and spread the word on cool ideas.
I am just starting into the ‘Blog Land’ of crafting, and love the link parties that everyone has.
I have put a site together that I think everyone will enjoy using.
You can add all your link parties here.
They are organized by day, making it easy to find a link party any day of the week.
If you have any feedback, that would be great.
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