Oh, well, hello there friend! Yes, this is Emily you aren’t dreaming! Mercy…where do I even begin here?
It’s been too long since I have blogged, and goodness, that makes my heart break a little.
So let me fill you in.
I hate to give the lame “busy” excuse. So let me think of another…
We’ve just been doing life together. How’s that?
And when you are doing life with multiple people at the same time all day every day, things are bound to get cray-cray right?
I miss you though!!!
My husband and I both work from home which is awesome, and we both homeschool our kids. YES, the youngest started Kindergarten this year can you believe it?!!! I sure can’t.
So you would think I would have all this time in the world to decorate and do projects but honestly, it’s quite the opposite. (insert laughing/crying emoji) Just think about 3 prepared meals every.single.day. and alllll the snacks. That’s sort of my life right now.
Our days are filled with school, gymnastics, dog walking, dinner, bedtime, repeat.
OH YES, I said DOG!!!
We got a freaking dog y’all!!
If you follow me on Instagram you already know this. His name is Louis (pronounced Lou-ee) and he’s an F1b Goldendoodle. He is GORGEOUS and SUCH a good boy and it’s like I gave birth all over again in these first few months with him. When people say that getting a puppy is like having a newborn baby, they aren’t kidding.
But I couldn’t imagine life without him. Seriously, he’s an amazing now 1 year old who is smarter than humans I think. He has some VERY human-like characteristics it’s kind of scary. Like, he really loves hugs.
So what else?
OH! My blog got a much needed update and I love the simple clean design! Thanks babe! If you are reading from a reader, click on over and visit the site! I hope you love it.
Our small home business is going great, and Randy is busy as ever with his music gigs.
I DO plan on writing more because well, I’ve never been one that doesn’t have an opinion or something to share. :) And I am excited to get back into it!
Life is good and we are blessed and I have no complaints! Other than I missed you and hope you are doing well!!
So tell me…what have YOU been up to friend?!
I love the new site, friend! Gorgeous…just like you!
Aww thanks sweet friend!
Welcome back! The new site looks great!
Thank you Dawn!
Happy to still be a part of your site. everything looks great! Happy to have you back, and I know it will continue to be great thing coming from your side. Thanks and welcome back!!!