Purpose. That’s my word of the year this year. I don’t do resolutions as you all know, but what I do try and stick with is something that inspires me, such as a word. Something I can always remember, instead of feeling guilty for eating ice cream if my new years resolution was to lose 20 pounds. See, words of the year are much more appropriate and don’t bring on the guilt. ;)
Why did I choose purpose?
That’s easy.
Because I want everything I do to have a purpose. Whether it be decor in our home, helping others, serving, sharing more about what essential oils can do, mothering, being a wife…I want to do them all purposefully.
What I don’t want to do is create some “out there” craft just because I have to or to try and be the blogger with the most outlandish project just to earn new visitors. The reality is, we don’t have room to store anything else. And because I just don’t want to do that! That’s not doing something with purpose. Unless of course you are creating something on purpose to gain attraction. The Lord knows we have all seen enough duct tape projects right? ;)
I want to do things to our home this year that are well thought out, will bring value, things that WE love, and things that again of course, have a purpose.
Crappy crafts or spray painting some wood just for the sake of spray painting, is not on my 2015 to-do list. I’m already feeling a purge coming on…
I am not the blogger that will have the best creative ideas. There are WAY more people that are much more creative than me. I have no shame in admitting that. But what I will say and admit, is that I am here to just do what I love. To hopefully inspire you to do things in your home that you love too. Not to be better than anyone else. Just to do the things you do with purpose.
Have you thought about what word of the year you want this year? It’s not too late to think of one. A word is something you can commit to, and remember, not feel guilty over. :)
Hope your new year has started off great so far!!
I love the message behind this post. It’s so easy to get caught up in the more more more mentality, especially when involved in the blogging/vlogging world. I’d like to live with more purpose behind my decisions as well.
Love it! My word is contentment. It is so easy for me to get caught up into thinking I have to buy everything for my kids that I see others buying. And as homeschoolers, to take them on all the field trips that i see others go on. Amazingly enough, my kids have been my greatest teachers! They are so content with so little.
My word this year is purge. Purge my life of excess. Whether it is things, time stealers or toxic people. I want next year to have contentment as my word of choice and hopefully this will get me there.
Great post. My word is Vulnerable. I need put myself out there, be more confident in my abilities and take some risk. It’s time to be open to opportunity and stop working do much. Happy New Year! Cheers
^ that’s “stop worrying so much”
My word this year is intentional. I want to be intentional in all I do. My mom has stage 4 cancer and I don’t know how much longer she will be here on earth, so I really want to be intentional when I spend time with her. I also want to be intentional when listening to and helping friends and others. I want to be intentional during my bible study and quiet time. I also want to be intentional in my craft projects, only choosing the ones that I’m most excited about doing and that will make the most difference in my home. I don’t need my time to be cluttered this year with busyness. I figure the more intentional I am with how I chose to spend my day, the more intentional I can be with the things that matter most. Thanks for your post and challenging us to ask ourselves what our word of the year will be!
Really love these kinda articles.
Happy New Year Emily. Looking forward to reading your posts in 2015!
Great word, and awesome picture to go with it, like your purpose will be what drives you. I love it! I had been praying one day after making my first few blog posts and remember saying to Him that I’d never really set goals for myself before and that getting my blog off the ground is my first ever goal. The very next day they talked about choosing your one word to focus on and I knew right then I knew what my word was for 2015