Remember that time when it was Easter and you actually remembered to charge your “good” camera battery, bring it, go to use it, and you forgot to bring the SD card for it? Yea, that happened on Sunday, so you will be getting some awesome iPhone photos instead. :) But as I look at these photos, it really makes me realize how quickly the girls are growing up. *tear*
This is us 3 at Easter at my Mom’s. My husband was still at church playing.
This was them both a few years ago.
It’s just wild to me. And breaks my heart a little.
Ellie did find the dollar egg this year. :)
And Emma posing as always. They are actually called “princess poses.”
I’m sure thankful I have many of their years documented on my blog. Thank you for letting me share our life. :)
Adorable family! And you guys just all look too cute! Love the dresses!
You all look so sweet, love the dresses. So wonderful to see such happy little ones enjoy the day.
I just wanted to ask about the roses against the wood fence are so healthy and beautiful and would like to know what kind they are? I wish I had some that would look that healthy.
Betsy, the roses are called knockout roses. They are very low maintenance, you just have to trim them back a couple of times a year. Also, they bloom almost year round here in Texas.
Ellie got SOOOO big, your girls are georgous!
I do not envy you when they get older,the boys are going to swarm your house. LOL
You are such a beautiful family.
Your girls are so lovely!