Ok, so let me just tell you a little back story about essential oils and what I thought about them originally…
Did I ever think I “needed” essential oils?
Answer: No.
Did I ever think I needed to ditch chemical cleaners in our home?
Answer: No.
Did I ever think essential oils could take the place of everything else we used on a regular basis?
Answer: No.
Did I ever think I could do without my scented candles or plug-in wall fresheners?
Answer: No.
Did I ever think I could live without a super foamy toothpaste?
Answer: No.
Did I ever think the supplements I was taking from the drugstore needed to be replaced?
Answer: No.
Did I ever think I would be that person to go crunchy?
Answer: HECK no.
Yep, those are all of my answers. I never in a million years thought I would be into oils or a chemical free-lifestyle. I mean, because BLEACH cleans everything right??!
Ummm, well yea, sure it does if you want to expose your skin and your family to the worst chemicals and toxins ever!
But did you know there are more safe and natural alternatives??
It’s true.
I didn’t think I would ever be that person to ditch everything and go crunchy. Like, EVER. But once you become familiar with the products you are actually using, you will do everything in your power TO make the switch!
It is scary stuff out there friends. If you’ve never googled some of the ingredients on the products you are currently using, DO IT. I’m not making this stuff up!
In November of this year, it will be THREE years since I have joined Young Living, and have embraced this whole new lifestyle.
And let me tell you something…
There is NO way in a million years I would EVER go back to what we were doing and using.
I can barely walk into a department store now without sneezing or coughing because of the artificial fragrances everywhere. I can’t even walk through the laundry detergent aisle at the grocery store anymore without doing the same. Those added fragrances are toxic to your health! (google it!) I can’t even walk into a friend’s home who might still be using Scentsy (luckily most friends use diffusers now!) or burning scented candles because it totally gives me a headache.
Do y’all think those reactions are normal?
They aren’t. That sort of thing shouldn’t happen.
I haven’t even worn perfume in like almost 3 years now and I was a HUGE perfume junkie! But now it makes me ill!
I have our diffuser running nonstop in our home, and not one time has anyone asked me to turn it off because it’s bothering them. And I’ve had people in here that have severe allergies!
So y’all, do yourself a favor and commit to making the switch. I can say you won’t regret it, and you’ll never look back!
PLUS, we have the BEST support group in town and we have a lot of FUN!! Giveaways, private classes, education, opportunity, friendships….it’s so so awesome.
And you need to be a part of it! I can even help you get you your premium kit for free once you join!
I want you to experience the wellness, purpose, and ABUNDANCE that we have experienced. I still can’t believe this is our life somedays. But it’s something I’ll never take for granted, and something I will always strive for…for others to experience this as well.
I mean, how many people can get to say they honestly LOVE what they do, day in, and day out? My guess is that would be a very small percentage. You have the power to change. You have the power to be bold. You have the power to be different! Don’t let that inferior mindset get in your way.
We are living proof! And thousands of others. And it’s incredible y’all.
I love you all and thank you for letting me share my heart and passion here. We have a mission to help people make better choices, and to help others live abundantly. It brings me great joy to help others do that every single day!!
So if you’re ready to make a change, click here. You can also visit my essential oils page for more info as well. I can’t wait to help you on this oily journey!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask! I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)

I have fibromyalgia, and ever since I got sick I have become extremely sensitive to scents and chemicals. Our family has also made the switch to natural products like essential oils out of necessity. I completely agree – just about everything I WAS using – shampoo, laundry detergent, hand soap, perfume — was highly irritating at the least, and generally toxic! Thanks for posting this information.
I completely agree that we should use essential oils because they help us cleaner and more comfortable. You will feel confident if you have a special fragrance in your body. I will note your products and will oders somethings. Thanks for your sharing .
Essential oils can be used in so many different ways.
Recently I made a DIY car vent air freshener. I used to have one with a bottle with liquid inside that you clip on the vent, but it ate up the plastic panel.
You do not need much to make a car freshener, just cotton wicks, a clip and a few drops of your favourite essential oil.
Have in mind that cinnamon is not recommended to use as it lowers the blood pressure.