I have a hard time with this. A really hard time. It’s hard for me to look at our house with toys strung about and mechanical puppies to trip over and think “wow, that’s a beautiful mess.” Or how can I be happy when there are toilet rings in the commode and not get upset that I must be the only one that sees them and wants them GONE? How is that beautiful? Does that mean I’ve been too busy soaking up my children and loving on them therefore letting the housework fall behind? Probably not. #justkeepingitreal
But luckily I haven’t written a book like my friend The Nester has on all of the imperfections that happen in a home.
She has the gift of teaching everyone that imperfections are indeed beautiful. A sink full of dirty dishes means you likely have a happy and full family. But admittedly, that is not always the first thing that comes to my mind.
One of the things that has stood out so far to me in her book is this quote:
“The imperfections play an important role: they put people at ease.”
I just need to remember that the next time I am afraid to ask someone to come over because I am worried they think I never clean or that we live like heathens. Or have them think that I never go through the piles of mail that always lives on my office desk, which just so happens to be right by the front door.
But seriously, if you would have showed up unexpectedly at our house yesterday and saw our floors, I would have maybe passed out. I just need to be quiet now. Clearly I have a lot to learn from Nester. Who just so happens to be the first EVER home blog I stumbled across 5 years ago, (Tobacco Road anyone?), and then the rest is history.
She is such a sweet soul and I’m honored to call her a friend. I am just so thrilled she has HER OWN BOOK!!
Do you want a chance to win a copy? Well I am giving away THREE! Woohoo!
Just leave a comment on this post and tell me you are excited about the chance to read her book. If you struggle with imperfections too, I’d love to hear. And don’t forget, it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. #idhtbptbb
You can order her book at Amazon too.
I’ll announce winners next Friday, May 9. Have a lovely weekend friends, and happy reading!
This looks marvelous! I so struggle with that when I know people are coming over. We don’t have little ones so our house stays pretty picked up, but if I was in a rush in the morning and didn’t make the bed, or didn’t do my weekly cleaning yet, etc… Yea, that would be a good read and a reminder to chill. Funny how when I go over another’s house, I don’t care if it’s a mess; I’m there to see them, yet I don’t give myself the same allowance. Just silly, really.
There’s a lot of pressure in my neighborhood with mostly dual income families to sort of prove a sahms worth. Of all the neighborhoods I’ve lived in, the Joneses have never held more sway. Though we’ve always been highly independent in our thinking, it’s hard to keep our minds straight here. We struggle with it sometimes.
I’m so excited to read her book as I can relate to imperfections. And also know the the blogging world has them too! End of the day we are all imperfect people living in and imperfect world. Thanks to Jesus for giving us a hope and peace when this life is over!
I just found your blog yesterday and I’m LOVING it :) We are closing on our first home in two weeks and I am itchy like crazy to get started on some DIY! I struggle with doing “updates” to the house and just cleaning up everyday things…I feel like by the time I clean up the house I’m too wore out to do anything else! That said, cleaning just has to wait sometimes! Priorities!! :)
I love the Nester! I’ve been reading her blog for years, and I’d love a copy of her book!
I often asked myself how much of perfectionism is only my foolish PRIDE!
I am so excited to read this book! I think we all need a little help embracing the imperfections!
I could definitely use some new thinking in this area especially since my life is going to change very soon. It’s hard not to focus on things you want to change and the things that need done.
Ah I would love to read this book! I literally get anxiety when friends and family say they are coming to visit because I’m so worried about our home looking perfect. This would be a refreshing read and a great addition to my coffee table!
One of my favorite quotes is ‘In striving for perfection you can miss the good’. I’d love to read the book!
I have already picked up my copy and have started to read. It is a wonderful book. I read another book several years back called the Reluctant Entertainer. Boy did it open my eyes. I love the Nester, and I truly believe that her book will help many women (and men) learn to embrace imperfection. I just wish I’d learned to do it sooner.
I would love to win a copy of this book to help me with this issue…I get so overwhelmed sometimes by all of the stuff I need to fix or make or restore, etc.
Yes, I’m excited because I no longer even try to live in a model home. In fact, when I was looking for another home I found the ones that looked like model homes fun to look at, but intimidating at the same time. I knew no home of mine would ever look that way. I know staging a home to sell is really hot in real estate circles, but that doesn’t really help sell a home to me. I want my home to be lived in and enjoyed. I love having sentimental things. Yes, they don’t always match the decor. Everything here isn’t perfectly matched, but I love my home.
This sounds like a message that I really need to hear at this point in my life. Thanks for the chance to win!
I struggle with the same worries about my home – I am excited to read this book! Thank you!
Wow! This book is so refreshing. Not just for decorating but for life. I would love to have this book.
Sounds like a neat book! Would love to win one! I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom…and never get the home all cleaned up.
Your thoughts totally made me tear up. I live in a house overrun with boys…3 littles and 1 big. They just don’t “get” pretty. Or even clean. And it frustrates me to no end. To the point where I just give up and stop picking up, cooking, or even doing much laundry other than my own. I’m all for having people over, no matter what it looks like. My husband not so much. He hates the clutter our boys generate, but for some reason, cannot see (or feel!) sticky floors, dusty shelves, and dirty dishes. And while I adore DIY – I’m not all that fond of DI All Y.
I saw Nester’s posts about the book, and I keep almost buying it…it’s one of those things that would be just for me, and for some reason, that feels like more of an indulgence than any other book I’ve bought, or selfish evening pedicure just to get away. Between working full time, the boys’ commitments, planning for VBS this summer, and running the church nursery, I think I need some fresh perspective.
I’d love a copy of her book! It’ll hopefully help with my fear of imperfections. You definitely aren’t the only one who struggles with them. :)
I’d love to win. I’ve found perfection (or the strive to be perfect) to be such a stress added so I do my best to avoid it these days and just live life.
I am SO excited to read this book ! Especially since I feel it was written for me… :) I have a 5yo, a 45 yo (yes, my hubby who can be worse than my 5 yo in clutter and messes!), 2 dogs (13 yo and 6 mos Pitbulls !), a cat, work full time, have an hour commute each way and my 5yo’s social weekend life leaves me NO much spare time for cleaning, organizing, DIY’ing…. there used to be a time when I would sit there and ENVY all the clean and organized houses I would visit – or even see in the “blog world”. And then make up all kinds of excuses for our insanely messy house. But slowly I am learning that “this is life”, and life happens. So when my 5yo asks me to sit with her and color for 10 mins, I gladly put the dishes aside and jump on that chance. How much longer will I have these “10 mins moments” with her ? Yes, it still bothers me to no extent – BUT – I am slowly working on this… Hoping the book can give me more hints on how to Let it Go……… :)
love her blog. i’m so excited about her book. hope to win!
I’ve been reading the summaries about this book and am convinced I really need the message!
I would love to read this book!
What a great book, I think it is such a hard thing to learn. I’m sure I could read it 100 times and I still wouldn’t live it. Send it my way, I need it.
Her book looks like exactly what I need. I am always worried about what others are thinking. I really need to learn that if my family is comfortable, my friends will babe too.
I would love to have a copy of this book!
I would love to win this book. I need this book. *all smiles. I have enjoyed reading the comments up above. So many people feel the same as I do. So refreshing. Thanks for keep it real ladies. So happy for the three that win it.
I would love a copy of Mrs. Smith’s book. She is the reason I actually read my first blog after seeing her home in one of the DIY magazines. She even responded to my email about a paint color question I had. I am a blogger myself now, although very green, and I subscribe to many awesome blogs from her referrals. She is super sweet and kind. Thank you for the book giveaway opportunity!
I love reading about other’s imperfections because it sets me at ease ‘cuz I have plenty of ’em and looking through this book and perusing the photos would be pure joy and a chance to know that my home is A-Okay. Thank You.
This is right up my alley. Would love to read this book!
It never fails for me, my house could be clean for two weeks, then the day I have things here and there for whatever reason, someone comes. Then I could wilt! I really need to read this book.
Yay! A book that will speak to me on my own level that sounds amazing. I am a single parent, and have two teenage children. So it is a rare occasion that my house would ever been a spotless shining beautiful page out of a magazine like I would love for it to be. I am always in a hurry and on the go and so are my children. I would love to be able to read your book and hopefully get some amazing tips on howi to make things easier on myself and family in our busy day to day lives. Thanks for always posting “real” comments that make sense as I read them! You are a joy to read!! I would love to have a book!!
This little “nester” would love to win a copy of The Nesting Place book! My home is definitely not perfect but maybe the beauty of homes and people are not so different. It isn’t necessarily outward perfection but warmth and comfort and ease that is their beauty.
I have 3 sons and I struggle with this ALL the time! I would love this book.
I am excited to read this book because…..it reminds me through my imperfections God loves me anyway. I am learning to not only be greatful for what I have….but to love myself. I am learning how to really see and embrace the beautiful imperfections in myself but all around me. I want this book so much but I simply can’t afford it right now and it would bless me more than I can express!
To add to my last comment….I love interior decorating, it is my passion, and I’ve struggled thinking things had to be perfect if only I could afford the best….this book is what I’ve been waiting for.
I am far too old to learn that lesson. My daughter however, takes care of two daughters,two house hounds as well as two cats! And her busy husband. She works full time. She is simply amazing. She has been dealing with vertigo for several years now. She also has extremely bad hives that drive her to tears. They can’t find a cause! Crazy! Yet she soldiers on without complaint. Both of these afflictions can be totally debilitating at times. She has so much energy otherwise and does so much for her family. If this book could bring a smile to her beautiful face I would be grateful…
I would love this book. My kids have flown the nest and it says pretty nice now… But those of you with kids have a harder time.
I, too, have always struggled with imperfection, so I would welcome the chance to read someone else’s perspective on it. I think I would love this book! Raising four (wonderful) sons with my husband in a VERY tiny house while teaching full-time and being involved in lots of things was very challenging…as in our home was ALWAYS ‘imperfect!’ Now that they are all grown, it’s a little easier, but I don’t think ‘perfect’ is on the horizon for me–which I now realize is okay! We are still very busy, in different ways now, but life is wonderful and I am thankful! I am slowly learning to “cut myself some slack,” and this book sounds like just what I need! Fingers crossed to win one! :)
I would love to win the nester’s book!!!
I have been waiting for this book, so excited to get my hands on it! Coming from someone who is having a garage sale this weekend and struggling to keep our home in line at the same time with 3 small children, I am trying to make this (#idhtbptbb) my mantra! :) Thanks so much for the opportunity!
I would love the chance to read her book!
I”ve been following her blog and yours for quite some time. Would love to win the book and I know it would provide lots of inspiration.
I am a Virgo and I struggle with this ALL THE TIME! I keep reminding myself that “this too shall pass”. I would love to have something to pick up and remind me during these trying times! Thank you!
Yes I read her blog way back then and remember Tobacco Road! I would love to win the book!!
I really need this book, when somebody tells me they are coming over I madly run through house picking up, throwing things in closets, drawers, under the bed, anywhere to “hide the mess”, then I say to them as they enter the house “I’m so sorry I haven’t cleaned in awhile cause I’ve been…sick, busy, had surgery, etc” (as I have my fingers crossed behind my back and asking forgiveness for my little/big lie). I am a mad crazy Happy mess who loves to crochet, sew, play with my cat’s, take care of my husband and play with the grandkids! Who fly’s by the seat of my pants and knows there will always be time to clean tomorrow!
I’m super excited to read her book! Our house is far from perfect, but it’s definitely beautiful to me. :)
I just read through the whole sample on amazon , and I would love to read this book!! I try to only accumulate and display things that are meaningful to me and that I love, but I’m definitely one who has not been comfortable having people over to my house unless things are just right! I know I could take away a lot from this book.
I struggle too and don’t have little ones at home. I would love to win the book!
I love the Nester’s blog and would really enjoy having a copy of her book.
Friends, Family, Strangers….I Love to invite people into my home..with that comes a balance between
what to let shine and what to let just be…..!! This book sounds inviting and a book to keep on a side table
in a guest bedroom for them to read as well.
Love to be one of the three!!
I had someone stop by the house today and the minute she left I thought “this house is a mess!!!” And had to run around and clean it in case anyone else stopped be. I’d love to read this book and embrace the imperfection.
I continue reading that your living room furniture should not all be against the walls. Well, I have rearranged my LR so many times in an effort to find that “conversation area” and I failed each time.Also, when you walk in my front door you are literally standing in my LR another NO-NO. How can I make it appear like a small foyer?I am very frustrated for I will be selling my house this summer and have a list of “ISSUES” I do not know what to do with. Thanks
Its not only about embracing the imperfections, its also about facing the fear to decorate for me.. We have many imperfections in our house and I would love to see how to work through them. Hopefully, it will give me the confidence to take the leap and actually hang something on my walls.
I have struggled all my life with having to have everything perfect. I think I’m a bit better now but still have a long way to go. I never truly feel comfortable unless I know everything is done and in it’s place…life should not be lived this way.
I would love to read Myquillyn Smith’s book, The Nester, and learn to be at peace.
Thank you, Emily, for the opportunity to receive a copy.
I CANNOT wait to read this book! I’m a perfectionist who really needs this reminder – especially with baby #3 on the way. There’s no such thing as perfect in my house…
Oh man, I so needed this advice. We’re in the midst of a renovation that has gone on for nearly a year, and even though our house is functional, it really impairs our ability to enjoy it. But we have and are going to have a great home, and we need to remind ourselves to relax and enjoy the process more!
Love The Nester!! I am so much – not a perfectionist, but embarrassed at times to have others see our home. I have to get over it and get on with it!!
Wow, it would be great to own her book. I have been following her blog for some time now and am definately a fan.
Would love to win this book! I’m constantly battling the feeling to have everything perfect.
This sounds like something I need to read!
Her story is so similar to mine! I would live to win a copy of this book!
I’d love to win this. Our entire house is an imperfection- but that’s okay because it’s ours. We purchased a historic house that hasn’t been properly cared for. Every year it gets better and I love it a little more.
I would love to find a balance of the lived in yet still semi tidy look
Oh boy…This has been my continual challenge for the past 10 years. Just enjoy my family and ignore the mess! If I can that, miracles can happen! I could do with this read!