Well, today is the start of something new. It’s hard to even know how to begin this post, because so much has happened in our lives the past several months, that I feel led to let you all in about it all.
Have you ever had a dream that seemed to be unachievable? Something that seemed so impossible that you just sweep that dream or desire under the rug and give up on it?
Today friends, I am here to tell you that dream you have can happen.
You see, today is my husband’s first day AT HOME. Not working a 9-5 job Monday-Friday. It has been his desire for many years now to find a way to be home more with his family and pursue other opportunities from home. He had a wonderful job the past almost 8 years for a great company that provided more than we could ever ask or think.
And 2 weeks ago, he resigned.
This wasn’t an overnight decision by any stretch. It is one that we’ve prayed long and hard about, and one that God put in motion months ago. Probably years. Since after all He is the one that knows what our futures hold.
It was a decision that we took the leap and trusted God on, and while scary, came such freedom. And joy.
You see, we are taught to work 9-5, because well, that’s just what you are supposed to do. You get a high school diploma, get a college degree, and get a job. We are somehow programmed to believe that’s where our value is. What our identity is in. But it’s not, if you are someone different on the inside, slowly dying away as each year passes, and as you grow another year older, not being able to gain that time back.
Although Randy was an excellent employee and was great at what he did (systems analyst, programmer etc), he is not a sit behind the desk man. He is a music man. A man that has probably more of a creative brain than I have, has his own ideas, and even a little ADD. :)
So how were we able to bring him home?
I set out almost 5 years ago now when I started this blog to inspire you all to create a beautiful home on a budget. And now years later, I still do the same, but I also want to educate you about natural health and well being. It’s turned into a passion of mine. Maybe one that might even annoy some of you because it’s not all about decorating. But you know what? That’s ok. So between the 2 business ventures that I had no idea when I started would become businesses, that is how we were able to. Words can’t express how truly grateful we both are. It’s not an easy street though. It’s work. It’s a lot of hours. It is something where working for yourself and a lot of determination has paid off exponentially.
We don’t have any debt except our home and 1 car, which we are working on. Other than that we don’t live beyond our means, and we don’t finance or pay anything with credit cards. Because we don’t have any credit cards, by choice. If we need to save up for something, we will, and buy it with cash. I learned from many dumb decisions when I was a teenager and in my 20’s how evil credit cards are. If you are not responsible. And I wasn’t back then. Thank the Lord for deliverance! :)
I read Ashley’s post several months back about how she told her husband he could walk away. That post resonated so much with us, as we were feeling many of the same feelings as they were. It’s truly such an inspiring read.
You know what was most scary to me about him resigning? It wasn’t so much about the salary we’d lose. It was the benefits. We had great benefits. But as I pondered more, as we talked about it more, we came to the conclusion you can’t live just for benefits. Because that’s not living. It’s not the only reason for staying at a job. Some may disagree, but you do have other options.
When you have a dream and a special talent, and you are doing the total opposite of that as in Randy’s case, it makes it a little more clear when you type it all out as to what happens when you have a job, just to have a job.
It doesn’t require you to step out of your comfort zone.
It doesn’t require you to trust in God He will provide all of your needs.
It doesn’t require you to stretch your faith.
It doesn’t require you to pursue YOUR dreams because you are pursuing another persons dream.
Did you catch that last one? That one really brings it home to me. If you retire at a job and at the end of so many years all you receive is an honorary pin, what happiness is in that? Are you really fulfilled? Have you really lived life to the fullest, doing the things you want to do?
I know people will say (and have said), their thoughts on the whole benefits and insurance thing. Rest assured, I am not stupid, and we have all of that covered. I even have family members who don’t agree and that’s ok. That just means we are doing something right.
We are so excited about this new journey. This new day. One that will allow me to be more creative at home and free up some time for more projects and to work on our businesses, and one that will allow him to help teach our kids and educate them by helping me with the homeschooling. It will also allow him to pursue what he’s so great at, and that’s music. And some other business opportunities that’s come his way.
Last Fall, Randy took a year off from playing at our church. He’s been there 18+ years. That freed him up on the weekends which we were thankful for. But this Fall, the church asked him to come back. And it was right at that time we were seriously considering and thinking of how he would ever be able to leave his day job. I can’t tell you how much of a blessing it is that everything has just fallen into place.
We know it’s all by God’s design. It’s far too perfect of a scenario not to be His plan.
And that is what we can rest in.
And because my husband won’t give himself any credit, I am going to today. This is him playing his saxophone his first weekend back at the church this year. It brings me to tears every time I hear him play, because a) he is so great at it, and b) I know this is his dream. His passion. His purpose.
Isn’t he amazing? I sure think so. :)
And one more quote I’m going to leave you with by John C. Maxwell:
The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.
If I die tomorrow, I will die happy. I’ve been living my dream of being a stay at home mom and teaching my kids, writing my blog, and sharing and educating about essential oils. And now, I am happy my husband can start living his dream, beginning today. It’s his turn. We have no fear.
What is your dream?
Be sure and also read my dear friend Myra’s post today where she has shared a similar story about her and her husband. It gives me such joy to read other testimonies where the chains have been broken. And just so you know, no, our husbands did not plan this together, although they are friends too. ;)
Wow! He is amazingly talented. Beautiful post : )
Thanks so much Shell!
Congratulations on having the freedom to make such an awesome decision for your family!
Thank you Christina!
God is good
He is. :)
HOORAY!!! God is amazing how he weaves our story – we could NOT EVEN manage to dream what HE can do!! WOO HOO!!
So true Susan…He is pretty amazing!
Congratulations to you and especially your husband! Stepping out in faith is all that is ever asked. Jesus will take care of the rest….He always does.
Prayers all his and yours dreams come true.
Thank you so much Debbie!
Amen! Thank you!!
Decorchick, thank you for believing in me and making it happen. Having y’all in my life showed me that maybe dreams change, I was willing to accept that if it is true. In reality, you are the most important thing to me and I was willing to sacrifice my own dreams for you and the kids. I am blessed that the dream is true and that it is OUR dream.
Here’s to new beginnings,
Cheers! Love you!!
Very Breath taking
Thank you!
That is so wonderful! I hope I can write a similar post one day :)
YES Dawn!!!
God is good….and what a blessing that so many people will be moved and touched by his unbelievable talent!
Yes Paula thank you!
Oh Emily, I Love This! My Husband Is Quitting His Job At The End Of The Year To Pursue His Dream And We Are So Excited At The Thot Of Having Him Home So Much More! It Has Taken Some Major Sacrifices But We Have Learned That When You Follow God’s Plan He Makes It All Possible. ‘your Post Was So Encouraging, Thank You For That! I Wish You The Best In All That God Has For You.
Grace I am SO happy for y’all!! How exciting. Praying for you guys and your new “normal.” :)
beautiful, just beautiful
Thank you Valarie!
How awesome!! Congrats to your family! And from one sax player to another, that was beautiful!
Oh Andrea thank you!! I love that you play!
So happy for you and your family! Pursuing your dream can be very scary. I’ve been an off and on cake decorator for many years. I pretty much had convinced myself that I was too old now to do it full time, that the economy was too bad, that people in this area wouldn’t pay what I charged (which is much less than others). Finally, I’ve decided to go for it and pursue wedding design also. The worst thing ever (I think) is to leave this world with your music still in you. Thank you for sharing this it is very reassuring! Merry Christmas!
Thank you Sandra. Good for you for sticking with it and pursing another avenue also. Praying for much success for you!!
GOD is so good! Your husband has been blessed with a beautiful talent and I’m glad he is using it for God’s Glory. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. I have seen people not leave their jobs because of benefits and passed away without enjoying life family & seeing their dreams come to pass.
Jill thank you SO much. Your comment makes me sad because I know many people do too. I don’t discredit having benefits by any means. They are important and a blessing to have (many don’t even have them). But they are not what should make up a life or dictate how we should live our lives. Thank you for commenting!
I usually never respond on blogs unless something utterly moves me! This was amazing! Tell your husband he has made the right decision!!!
Oh Leigh thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Made my day!
All I can say is wow, you are an amazing family. Your husband plays so beautifully, I was truly touched by his playing. You know you have inspired me to do many things out of my comfort zone. But as you said believe in God and will find your path.
Here’s hoping that you have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful new year.
Hi, Emily – What a BLESSING from the Lord! If we just get out of HIS way, He can provide so much for us. Congratulations! I stepped away from full-time employment in 2001 – that 9-5 thang just wasn’t my thang. ;) I feel so passionately (like you) that it doesn’t have to be that way. This post just really resonated with me and I wanted you to know how happy I am for your family! Merry Christmas! Betsy :)
So happy for you guys! I completely understand not wanting to sit behind a desk all day! I did it for 8 years and was miserable! Best of luck to you guys in this new adventure!
Good for you! He plays beautifully!
WOW…. That was phenomenal!!!
Congratulations. God is so Good! I would recommend that you look into Samaritan Ministries. We have been very pleased with them. They are not an insurance company. But it seems to work for Christ like minded people.
God bless you both,
Carmen Heussner
WOW!!!!! Amazing
Congrats to you and your family. You guys deserve it!
Good call on the no credit cards by the way, I have been thinking of ditching them myself.
Take Care,
As I write this, tears falling on my keyboard, I am absolutely overwhelmed, not only by your husband’s beautiful music, but with the way God has worked in your lives to bring you to this point. I needed to hear your story today, to be reminded that there is a plan and a purpose for all of us. While I’ve visited your blog many times for the beautiful decor and DIY advice, I never dreamed it would be a place I’d also find encouragement and hope. So thank you for sharing your lovely story. Please let your husband know that his music is a gift and I sit here listening, I have chills. Wishing you all a very happy 2015 with many more blessings to come.
Hi! Just played your husband’s beautiful video for my son, who is just starting to play the saxophone! He was amazed, as was I! Just wonderful!
Wondering if he has ever considered giving private lessons???,