Crossfit–it’s one of those things I never thought I’d do. I thought those people were nuts. And I thought everyone that does it gets seriously injured. There is a lot of bad stuff out there about it! But…my husband joined about a month ago and he loves it. Most of all he loved the people and the owners. They truly do care about you! And I will be honest with you all because that’s me, I was a little mad when he joined because crossfit isn’t cheap y’all. We already have a family membership to the YMCA, and I wanted him to use that like I did. But I can’t blame him for not. Why? Because when you are just starting out on your exercise journey, gyms are intimidating, and it’s easy to just flounder from machine to machine, not really honing in on what it is you are trying to accomplish.
Then one day I decided I wanted to just “try out a class.” It was the week that I went to Nashville for a few days in early February. And while in Nashville, I couldn’t lift my arms for 3 days. I had used muscles in my arms that I hadn’t used before, mostly from trying out a new technique. And I loved it!
See, I had been going to the YMCA and doing the TRX classes with my mom since last Fall. And I love them! And love the instructor. The classes are always different, but the one thing that was missing, was using heavy weight.
Call me crazy, but I love using and lifting heavy weight. It’s very empowering, and I do love to be sore the next day! Sure I might complain, but I know it’s working.
So 3 or 4 classes later, and I’m hooked on crossfit. I feel comfortable there, everyone is super nice and encouraging, and well, it’s just addicting in a very strange way. I can’t wait to do squats and deadlifts, and now even Power Cleans!
Oh let me tell you about my first experience with Power Cleans….I’m still learning all the crossfit lingo by the way.
The first time I did them, I could not for the life of me get it right. I really was in slow motion. And it’s a fast move! But you know what? The second time I did them, the movement just clicked, and I could do them! It was an amazing feeling!!
And now I can do it with 10lbs on the bar. #babysteps
I was even kind of proud of the battle wound I got the other day from crossfit. It looks like a hickey, but I assure you it’s not.
I don’t have a goal to be a body builder or super ripped. But I do have goals to be toned and lean. I think that can happen here.
Oh and let me tell you, this Ortho Sport massage oil from Young Living is wonderful!
I haven’t given up on the TRX classes at the Y, because that is something I also enjoy doing especially since my mom is in the class. But obviously I don’t want to keep 2 memberships either, so I will have to decide that at a later date. The Y offers many other benefits other than just exercise, especially since we homeschool, and it’s a great place for the kids to go and interact with other kids and have things they can get involved in too.
So that’s my very new to me crossfit journey so far. It really is addicting! I can’t wait to go back today!! Running 2 business from home, homeschooling (although Randy does the majority of that right now), along with everything else, you can imagine that it’s difficult for me to get out of the house most days. But it’s so worth it and my little hour of sanity.
In case you are local to me, we go to Veritas Strength and Conditioning. Highly highly recommend. Come workout with me! :)
Have any of you tried crossfit yet?
Crossfit is one of those I want to try really bad. I studied weight lifting In college and loved doing it. It however is not thw season of my life to try it out. I have 4 kids (ranging from 6 to 6 months) so babysitter while I work out is hard to come by. Eventually I will try it; but for now I cheer on all those trying it out!
I started a year ago doing cross fit. I was 60 lbs over weight and I cried like a baby after my first class. A year later and I’m coaching other newbies that our new to our gym. Everytime that I attempt a heavier weight that was out of the question a year ago, and I feel like wonder woman. I will never go back to a standard gym.
I’ve heard good things about Veritas. Many people from my church did the crossfit thing there. Keep up the good work!! Plus for you – – it’s just down the road! ;)
Hey Judy that’s awesome! Maybe I’ll see you there one day? ;)
That sounds like a lot of fun! I haven’t tried cross fit but I’m excited to give it a try. I’m sure it feels very empowering! Great job!
The Office Stylist
Your dedication to your goals in the gym is inspiring!
And P.S. We call that a Barbell Hickey. :)
I am there to get a tan, not a barbell hickey! :)