Megan from Honey We’re Home is having a sweeeet giveaway to all of her followers! $50 to Target! Who doesn’t love Target?! (The link to enter is at the bottom of this post)
She is a great friend of mine (in real life, not just from the internet) and she recently started up her own home decor blog. She and her husband built the most beautiful home I have ever seen!! She has incredible taste and style. I’ve been wanting to show off a few pictures of her new home anyway, so now is a great opportunity!
Her new kitchen…
Yes friends, that is Carrera Marble, white subway tile, dark wood floors…ahhhh. I’m salivating. She has a farmhouse sink too! She hasn’t received the new hood yet for the range, but I know it will be fabulous! I think it looks great with nothing even there! Ha!
And here is her closet…
SHUT UP!! Are you kidding me?? I don’t think I’d ever come out of there!
These pictures were taken before they actually moved in, so I can’t wait to see everything all decorated and beautified. Not that it even needs anything though.
Megan made it very simple to enter the giveaway. If you already follow her, you are entered. If you don’t follow her and would like to enter, click HERE. Trust me, you will definitely want to follow this gal! While you are visiting, take a peek at the rest of her home and look at some of the projects she has done. She has more pictures of her kitchen posted up too. Definitely check out her gorgeous staircase and her cute little boy! :)
Thank you friends!
And I’m hoping to have the pantry carousel post ready by Wednesday. :)
Emily, I’m honored to be mentioned on your fabulous blog. Thanks so much for your kind words! You are too sweet:) Your readers are awesome and are already swinging by to say hello, I’m so excited to “meet” them! The winner of the gift card will be announced on Friday:) Good luck to everyone!
I can’t wait to “meet” Megan! I’m heading over there now….bringing coffee and donuts!!! *winks*
I am SO IN LOVE with blogging I’ve decided to do features!! There is just too much awesome out there NOT to share it! I loved those hurricane glasses you did for Emma’s bday that I added them to my list of first features!! :)
Wow, that closet!
Hi Emily! I stalked Megan at HWH until until we became email/blogger buddies…love her blog…and love that she told me about you! You have a GREAT blog! I love your writing style, and of course your projects.
I’m your newest follower — and am wasting all kinds of time reading through your archives!
xoxo, cassie