So after TDC (Thrifty Decor Chick, not Texas Department of Corrections) made my dollar store hurricanes, she posted that she found the flared hurricanes, that look just like the Williams-Sonoma ones! Hers are gorgeous on her new buffet table redo! I ran to the Dollar Store just like she said to do. I think I even went the very next day, but they didn’t have them yet, but yesterday my friends they did! Thank you for the heads up Thrifty, these are AWESOME!
Here is what they look like (I haven’t cleaned them all up yet, just wanted to show you the difference between the two)…
Awesome right? But wait…here it is up next to the original ones I made…
SHUT.UP! They are huge! Oh I just love them! I can’t wait to fix them all up. Candles will be MUCH easier in these. And these really would make great gifts. Fair warning friends and family. :)
So yes, follow Thrifty’s advice and RUN there before they are gone. Do you think they made these to resemble the Williams-Sonoma ones after all the blog hype? If so, those Dollar Store peeps are really smart!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Those are wonderful. I found some. Great for gifts too. Hugs, Marty
I keep checking our dollar store but they dont have them, I’ll keep looking. Love them!
Check the craftstores, like Michael’s or Hobby Lobby
Love them Emily! By nature I am NOT good at decorating, but you are making it quite easy to come up with ideas :)
I Totally just bought those yesterday to funny. With the candle sticks too! I love them! hAVE A GrEaT Day! jenn
Headed there right now!
I’d really like to do this with a vase I have. Do you know of a good place to get cheap sand? (I don’t live near the beach!)
Love it! I haven’t been to the Dollar Tree in awhile. I wonder if they would have them there.
Any home improvement store would have bags of sand, near the pea gravel, outdoor section. I just bought some this week to work on a project outdoors. It was around $5.00 for a heavy bag… just one thought for you. You could also check the craft stores.
Thanks, Jeralee! I’ll check into it! :)
I saw them this morning at my Dollar Tree, but will have to make another trip to get those. Was on a specific shopping trip this morning. Hope they are still there when I go back.
I LOVE THESE!!! I have to go and get some. Don’t you think they’ll look great for the Holidays?! Oh yeah!
Thanks for the inspiration!
These are really great. I made a pair last year before Christmas and glued the tall candles they also carry (the candles are in their own tall glass holder). They look awesome! I loved lighting them during Christmas. Keep checking at your local Dollar Trees, girls. They will get more in, I’m sure.
So weird, I was just at the Dollar Store today! Unfortunately I didn’t see those:( I’ll have to check back.
Hey there, just wanted you to know that after reading TDC’s post about them, my daughter and I started buying all the glass candlesticks we see at garage sales and thrift stores (which are never more than $1) and so now we have about a dozen of varying heights—some much taller than the dollar store ones—with the hurricanes from the dollar store on them they are fabulous, and makes a great display!!!!! THANKS for all of your inspiration!!!
Aw man! Makes me wish I lived near a dollar store. :)
LOVE these! I ran to the dollar store, but they didn’t have them. I am hoping they will soon! Thanks for you ideas!
Ohhhh I’ve got to go out and grab some of these! :) :) :)
LOVE the new dollar store hurricanes. After trying them out after your first tutorial, I am so tempted to go out and get some of the bigger vases! GORGEOUS! Your blog is so inspiring! Keep up the great work!
~Robin @keephomesimple
Hey girl! I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your blog. I am glad you have posted all of the neat things you are doing. I am an Art teacher now (go figure) and really enjoy getting ideas from you. I am glad to see you are doing well and would love to catch up sometime.
Just wanted to let you know I’m featuring your daughter’s birthday party post on Dollar Store Crafts on Wednesday. If you want, you can get a featured button here:
Thanks! Great work!
Awesome, thank you Heather!!
I finally found these this week! Hooray! I was stalking the Dollar Tree 5 days a week until they arrived!
Ok, I’m going BACK to the Dollar Tree tomorrow! There are just too many cute & creative ideas I’m reading about making with supplies from my fave store ;)
I LOVE your entry table & especially the birdcage lamp & hurricanes!
I’d like to invite you to link up this fall project & others you may have with my “Open Haunted House” Linky Party (every Friday from now until Halloween) on my blog, “Moo Moo’s & Tutus Party Designs.”
Here’s the link:
Oh ya.. thanks. I like…!!!
Visit me:
Wish they still had the flared lip! I’m thrilled, though, to have the directions to make the others! You’ve saved me hundreds of dollars on the centerpieces for my daughter’s wedding. I bought all the supplies for 8 tables for $64. Thanks so much! :-)
I just found this tutorial through a blog that linked up at Tip Junkie (she gave you credit of course). LOVE THIS!!! I am hoping my dollar store still has some of these, even though I think this post was over a year ago. Oh well crossing my fingers :)
I am very new to commenting on blogs and actually trying the DIY stuff. I found all of the materials and love how they all turned out. I recently moved and the lack of personalization in this house is overwhelming. I didn’t know where to start but I found it here on your site and started with these. Thanks.
I followed the link here from I Pick Up Pennies, DecorChick. These are so beautiful! I’m not really crafty but I think even I could swing these. Thanks for the tip.
I followed the link here from a board I’m a member of. Love this. Rushed out and got supplies to make two. It was so simply and easy to make them. Except where I decided to put them in my house, I decided that I needed at least 3 more but to be on the safe side, ran out and bought supplies to make 4 more. Great idea and definitely can’t beat the price. :)