Hey everyone, sorry to beat a dead horse about this whole Google Friend Connect thing, but ever since the widget stopped working on my site last week (because I have a WordPress blog), I noticed about 1000 people now are missing from my feeds in just a matter of a few days. Just vanished into internet air!
So I don’t know if everyone is still receiving my emails or if I’m showing up in your reader still. I hope so? But Alililly brought this to my attention, that in Google reader there used to be a spot called “Blogs I follow” and it’s not there anymore. Now it’s just called “Subscriptions.” And when you followed a blog through Google Friend Connect, it would go under the blogs you follow list. And since it’s not there now, where did all of those blogs you followed go? Now, I think you actually have to subscribe?
I am still not sure what this whole thing means since Google was so not forthright about any of it, but if you aren’t seeing my blog anymore, you can always add it under your subscriptions list in Google Reader, or subscribe to my feed here.
Thanks everyone for your support!! I hope you are still seeing me. :)
I am still getting your posts. I am getting it in Google Reader. You fall on the top half which is under heading Subscriptions. …but you’ve always been there. The bottom have is under the title Blogs I follow. I don’t really know how or why I have blogs in both sections.
Ok thank you for letting me know Becky!
I also quietly follow you through Google Reader; still receiving your postings.
I moved you from ‘blogs i follow’ to ‘subscriptions’ when i knew that i might lose you. so i still get your posts. keep them coming!
Thank you!!
I am following you through Bloglovin now. But I still get some other non-blogger blog posts in Google reader though… ? I don’t get it…
I don’t get it either Jenny :(
I always thought I ‘followed’ through google reader but maybe I’m subscribed? Nothing changed for me, all the blogs I keep up with are still there & being updated. I didn’t really thing there was a difference between subscribing & following until I see all these posts about losing followers. I haven’t missed any updates & I haven’t made any changes.
I noticed that any blog that I manually added on Blogger is still showing up in my feed. Does that make sense? I didn’t lose any of my WordPress blogs I guess because I added them without Google Connect. Who knows……..lol!
You are LOUD and CLEAR in my Google Reader! Have a wonderful weekend!! :)
Yep – still showing up in my Google Reader! Haven’t missed you at all – love that!
Im still getting all your great emails from the google reader :)
I love your posts and I get them in my inbox…where I spend way to much time…Hope you see all your people soon…Lori
I’m still getting your posts but I follow through email only. I so appreciate bloggers that have that option.
I subscribe to your blog but I went down to the section where it says “Blogs I’m Following” and above the posts it says-The blogs you follow in Blogger have been added as subscriptions in Google Reader. You can manage the blogs you follow using the Blogger dashboard. Learn more
Oh good, hopefully that’s the same for everyone. Mine doesn’t say that in reader for some reason. Hmmm.
Mine had the same msg as Sandra G’s. :)
Hi! I have you coming in my email..never did that googly thing…love your blog and your posts. Best to you! Any one lost out there will miss you and will find you, ya betcha!
I’m still here.
I still get your posts via email. :-)
I’m still here!! Still receiving your posts via E-mail.
I am still receiving your posts through Google Reader. I know when I added the RSS feed I am receiving double posts so I am not sure what is happening.
I just saw I received the posts at 3:47 and 4:56, I don’t know which one came through rss.
I’m so glad you’re getting the word out. I have another blog friend that still has the Blog’s You Follow list and others that don’t. It’s so strange. I knew I had that list and its gone now. Tonight while awaiting the highly anticipated Tatortots and Jello party I went to my Google reader to see when it posted only to find out it wasnt there. She was in my Blog’s You Follow list! I want actually subscribed!! Which is crazy. So now I really gotta get in there and make sure I’m subscribed. I haven’t figured out Blog Lovin just yet but I do know I get an email each day from them with new posts from the blog’s I follow. That is awesome! You don’t have to go look in your reader to see what’s posted instead you get a nifty email with all of them right there for ya!! That rocks!
i use bloglovin and have not lost any post’s that i have gotten for 3 yrs.
Just found your site and look forward to perusing it! I have a top loader washing without the agitator and LOVE it. I can put really big things in it (blankets) and they fit! I have not wanted the front loaders because you have to bend over – I love top loading and my dryer is a top loader too. Unfortunately, my dryer doesn’t work like it should so I’ve been looking for another top loading dryer and they’re hard to find. As I get older :( I really don’t want to be bending over in a washer or dryer so top loaders are for me!
I got this link through my regular Google reader so you’re still there lol.
I don’t get the whole thing anyways!
When I find a blog I really like I always take the safe route and subscribe via e-mail!
I subscribe via Google Reader and you are still in my feed.
I follow you thru RSS Feed on my iGoogle page and you’re still there.
Google sent out an email a few weeks ago regarding the end of Google Friend Connect. It gave directions on how to proceed. If I find the email I will pass it along.
Found the email. I apologize, the email was not from Google it was from another blog informing me that Friend Connect was ending and if I wanted to continue reading their posts I must subscribe. It says GFC ended as of March 1.
I still see you! & you still show up in my reader under blogs I’m following, but I’m also subscribed to your blog so you show up in another folder where I have you grouped also.
I’m still getting and thoroughly enjoying them as well .